Fragment from world's oldest Bible found hidden in Egyptian monastery
Obamacare Speech in a Nutshell

Tea Party Express roars to D.C.

When the "tea party" movement kicked off in April to protest record federal spending bills, trillion-dollar deficits and higher tax burdens, its members were fiercely independent and opposed any suggestion that they bond with a larger umbrella group, preferring to work within their local communities.

But that go-it-alone approach is changing as a result of the war over health care, and the Tea Party Express tour is leading the way.

The Tea Party Express - a caravan of buses, speakers and entertainers who have been holding protest rallies in cities and towns across the country - is heading to Washington, where on Saturday, up to 50,000 demonstrators are expected to march on the Capitol in a full-scale political offensive to persuade lawmakers to reject the health care overhaul bills that are pending in the House and Senate.  MORE>>>>>>
