Palestinians proposed giving Temple Mount to the Pope
January 25, 2011
The PA In Ramallah told the US it is willing to give the Old City of Jerusalem to a proposed joint committee to administer the Temple Mount.

The Pope is longing to set up his throne on the Temple Mount, and gains support from Islam. These wicked men are in agreement.
Wikileaks have done it again. Displayed double standards, and the true motives of the “peace makers” in the Middle East.
The battle is not for justice and democracy. The battle is for the control of Mount Zion, the very site of the two Jewish temples in Jerusalem. The man who soon will sit there will be worshiped as God, the Father Jesus addressed as the “Holy Father“. But the man on the Temple Mount, will be a fake, and a very powerful deceiver. Millions will worship this man of lawlessness.
This is what the Israeli Daily Haaretz write on the latest catch of “secret documents”.
The documents also reveal that the Palestinian negotiators, in an effort to move forward on the hyper-sensitive issue of the holy sites in the Old City of Jerusalem, proposed a joint committee to administer the Temple Mount.
The offers were made in 2008, in the wake of the Annapolis conference, and were privately hailed by chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat as giving Israel “the biggest Yerushalayim [the Hebrew name for Jerusalem] in history.”
The PA In Ramallah is on the pay role of the US and the Papacy. They are not interested in grabbing land in East Jerusalem, for any other purpose than bringing the head of the One World religion back to his former throne in East Jerusalem. The Bishop of Rome ruled in Jerusalem from 1090 A.D to 1291. A.D.
Palestinian negotiators secretly agreed to concede almost all Jewish areas of East Jerusalem to Israel, the Guardian newspaper and Al-Jazeera TV reported on Saturday.
As many as 1,600 Palestinian documents on peace talks with Israel, obtained by Al Jazeera TV and given to the Guardian, covering more than a decade of exchanges, provide a unique look into the breakdown of the peace process.
The biggest leak of confidential documents in the history of the conflict has revealed that Palestinian negotiators secretly agreed to accept Israel’s annexation of all but one of the neighborhoods, Har Homa, built in East Jerusalem.
Source: Israeli Daily Haaretz.