Official Portrait of President Ronald Reagan (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
In October 2008, I wrote this article on how important it was for Obama and his communistic ways be defeated.... After 4 years, we have seen this warning become real......
By Bob Barney
In yet another move yesterday, the FED moved to directly make loans to
large corporations. Little guys need not apply. Some seventy-five
percent of all employed Americans works for the little guy, but only
large corporations get any help from good Ole Uncle Sam! America, are
you going to awaken? Do you not see what your future holds if this
continual move towards totalitarianism continues? We are in the darkest
hour of our existence as a nation! No, we are not on the verge of losing
our homeland, like, we were in 1812, or our nation is not embroiled in a
Civil War, as we were in 1863, but we are on the verge of becoming
prisoners of our own government with our national malaise and welfare
mentality. I have been calling all Americans to stand up for years now.
Big business is just as evil as big government and the two in collusion
equals FASCISM! Did you read that? Fascism! That's what we are moving
to. On one hand, we have this almost surrealistic Obama movement which
is much closer to the Nazi's in Germany than anything ever seen before
and on the other hand, John McCain who is probably the weakest, and
least able candidate to have run since Jimmy Carter! However, John
McCain and Sarah Palin is our only hope! At least they are not total
socialist and communist itching to destroy America and turn us into a
European vessel state. That is what an Obama led nation will do!
I have included some quotes that can say far better than I what our fate
is going to be, unless we wake up and take this country back! We must
reject every sitting House member that voted for the bailout. I don't
care what party they belong to. We must reject the Obama ticket and let
McCain know that we will not tolerate any more erosion of personal
rights, liberties and wealth. We must break up all monopolistic big
business entities into smaller groups and must give American businesses
most favored company status over foreign companies. We want Toyota in
America, but we want it to be an American company, 51 owned by
Americans! Let them spin off a subsidiary, something they do in other
countries in order to be there.
Friends, this is a pivotal time for America. We are not just talking
about who is elected President of the USA, we are talking about who we
select to lead this nation going forward. Hopefully, by God's grace,
John McCain will be that man and maybe Palin can return us to our glory
days like we had with Ronald Reagan. However, it is important that you
take back your government. Stop aliens from voting, stop the nonsense of
ACORN and all like organizations and FIRE those who want to see us
enslaved. I have warned that the Bible predicts that this will
eventually happen to America, but it doesn't need to happen yet. We need
to wake up.
In 1972, David Rockefeller(a Director of the Federal Reserve Bank and
director of Chase Bank), who with Zbigniew Brzezinski, wanted to "bring
the best brains in the world to bear on problems of the future."
Speaking at Chase Manhattan International Financial Forums in London,
Brussels, Montreal, and Paris, he proposed the creation of an
International Commission of Peace and Prosperity (which would later
become the Trilateral Commission). At the 1972 meeting, the idea was
widely accepted, but elsewhere, it got a cool reception. According to
Rockefeller, the organization could "be of help to government by
providing measured judgment."
Zbigniew Brzezinski, a professor at Columbia University, and a
Rockefeller adviser, who was a specialist on international affairs, left
his post to organize the group with Henry Owen(a Foreign Policy Studies
Director with the Brookings Institution), George S. Franklin, Robert
Bowie (of the Foreign Policy Association and Director of the Harvard
Center for International Affairs), Gerard Smith (Salt I negotiator ,
Rockefeller in-law , and 1st North American Chairman ) , Marshall
Hornblower, William Scranton (former Governor of Pennsylvania), Edwin
Reischauer(a professor at Harvard), and Max Kohnstamn. Brzezinski was
the author of the book Between Two Ages, which was published in 1970, in
which he called for a new international monetary system, and is
considered to be the "Bible" of the Trilateralists. On page 72, he said:
"Marxism is simultaneously a victory of the external, active man over
the inner, passive man and a victory of reason over belief." He calls
for "deliberate management of the American future (pg. 260)", a
"community of nations (pg. 296)" and a "world government (pg. 308)". He
became the first Director(1973-76), drafted its Charter, and became its
driving force.
Funding for the group came from David Rockefeller, the Charles F. Kettering Foundation, and the Ford Foundation. (quotes from
Journalist Bill Moyers said "David Rockefeller is the most conspicuous
representative today of the ruling class, a multinational fraternity of
men who shape the global economy and manage the flow of its
capital...Private citizen David Rockefeller is accorded privileges of a
head of state...He is untouched by customs or passport offices and
hardly pauses for traffic lights."
In 1973, David Rockefeller met with 27 heads of state, including
representatives from the Soviet Union and China; Furthermore, in 1974,
had a meeting with Pope Paul VI, who afterward called for the nations to
form a world government. Sen. Barry Goldwater wrote that the Commission
was "intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the
commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political
government of the United States. Goldwater wrote in his book With No
Apologies: "What the Trilaterals truly intend is the creation of a
worldwide economic power superior to the political government of the
nation-states involved. As managers and creators of the system they will
rule the world....In my view, the Trilateral Commission represents a
skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four
centers of power: political, monetary, intellectual, and
ecclesiastical." On the left, the U.S. Labor Party alleges that the
Commission was created by multinational companies in order to dominate
American foreign policy. Upon analysis, their economic plans leaned
toward the controlling of energy sources, food production, and the
international monetary system, so was there any reason to doubt that
there were ulterior motives to their agenda. (quotes from You need to read all of this article!
It wasn't Just Barry Goldwater who predicted economic disaster for
America if these industrialist powers over government did not get
curtailed, Ronald Reagan said much of the same. In 1964, Reagan said, "
No nation in history has ever survived a tax burden that reached a third
of its national income..... A government can't control the economy
without controlling people. In addition, they know when a government
sets out to do that, it must use force and coercion to achieve its
purpose. They also knew, those Founding Fathers, that outside of its
legitimate functions, government does nothing as well or as economically
as the private sector of the economy."
He went on to say some 44 years ago that "Private property moralities
are so diluted that public interest is almost anything that a few
government planners decide it should be. In a program that takes for the
needy and gives to the greedy" Does this sound like 2008? I think so.
I agree with Reagan when he said, "No government ever voluntarily
reduces itself in size. Government programs, once launched, never
disappear. Actually, a government bureau is the nearest thing to eternal
life we'll ever see on this Earth. " Reagan also said in 1980 "The
people have not created this disaster in our economy; the federal
government has. It has overspent, overestimated, and over-regulated. "
This is just as true today!
Ronald Reagan, like what I have been writing about knew that our country
needed a special relationship with God and that only God's blessings
could pull us through tuff times. "We who are privileged to be Americans
have had a rendezvous with destiny since the moment in 1630 when John
Winthrop, standing on the deck of the tiny Arbella off the coast of
Massachusetts, told the little band of Pilgrims, "We shall be a city
upon a hill. The eyes of all people are upon us so that if we shall deal
falsely with our God in this work we have undertaken and so cause Him
to withdraw His present help from us, we shall be made a story and a
byword throughout the world."
Please take the time and Read Ronald Reagan's words. They ring true today! Click Here!
America, if we wake up, we can stop what is certainly going to be our fate. Wake Up!