Golden Bell and Temple Seal Used by High Priest Found Near the Holy Temple Mount
February 12, 2013
The Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful Movement: "This Is Another Message From the G-d of Israel to His People Israel: 'Build My Holy Temple Now With No Delay!'"
For almost two thousand years the Land of Israel waited for the return of her Israelite sons and daughters to the Promised Land. Buried safely beneath the ground, the G-d of Israel protected the exciting biblical past of His people Israel — to be rediscovered by His Israeli children precisely during this prophetic redemptive end-time era so that they can restore the historical biblical chain and reconnect it with the link that was cut by the enemies of Israel when they destroyed the Kingdom of Israel nearly two millennium ago.
The intention of the God of Israel — through this godly plan which is happening now during the prophetic time of redemption that Israel is currently experiencing — is for the ancient links to be connected to the new links that the God and People of Israel are presently constructing in the Land of Israel. Every day yet another biblical archaeological find is discovered throughout the Land of Israel. The most exciting discoveries are the archaeological biblical finds that are connected to the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and specifically to the sacred temple worship performed by the Hebrew priests inside the Holy Temple, in addition to the biblical artifacts being found in the City of David that lies just south of the Holy Temple Mount.
Many of these biblical archaeological discoveries were found by the Israeli archaeologists after the redemptive Six Days War and especially in the last few years and each day there are more and more unearthed. All of these, I feel deep in my heart, are clear messages from the G-d of Israel to His People Israel to rebuild His Holy Temple with no delay on the Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem, on the place that He pointed to King David to build His Holy House, and to renew the days of Israel as in the biblical times and to continue a prophetic chain as was prophesied by the G-d of Israel in His end-time prophesies.
A Golden Bell of the High Priest Discovered in the City of David
One of the most exciting and very important finds was the recent discovery of a small golden bell that hung on the High Priest's beautiful robe which he wore when he entered into the Holy of Holies inside the Holy Temple of the G-d of Israel. Golden bells were not part of the garments of regular temple priests. They were reserved only for the garments of the High Priest. According to the Word of the G-d of Israel, the bells were hung on the hem of the High Priest's robe and they would ring when the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies:
"... a golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell and a pomegranate, upon the hem of the robe round about. And it shall be upon Aaron when he comes to minister: and its sound shall be heard when he goes in to the holy place before the L-rd, and when he comes out, that he die not." Exodus 28:34-35
Only the High Priest had permission from G-d to enter the Holy of Holies once a year on Yom Kippur, the holy day of atonement. The task of the bells on the High Priest's robe was to convey the message to the G-d of Israel that only the High Priest was entering into the Holy of Holies and not any other priest, so that the High Priest would not die. It was forbidden for any other priest or individual to enter the Holy of Holies, where the Shekina of G-d dwelt, or else he would die. When the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur, he prayed for the peace of the People of Israel and the entire world. It was a very exciting and special time in the life of the people of Israel. When the High Priest departed from the Holy of Holies after his prayers, still alive, the message was that the G-d of Israel, Who is a G-d of mercy, forgave the sins of His People Israel. At this exciting moment all the Israelites who took part in this godly event on the Holy Temple Mount became joyful and sang songs of thanksgiving to their beloved G-d.
Another message from the G-d of Israel to build now His Holy Temple
Second Temple Era Seal Used by the High Priest
A Second Temple Era seal, also used by the High Priest in the worship in the Holy Temple on the Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem, was also recently discovered near the Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The seal is the size of the new Israeli shekel coin and bears the inscription "pure to the G-d of Israel". The seal was discovered near the southwestern corner of the Holy Temple Mount by archaeologists Eli Shukron and Professor Ronnie Reich of the University of Haifa, who oversaw the excavation. They dated the seal to the first century bce. The archaeologists stated, "This is the first time an object of this kind has been found. Together with the Golden Bell of the High Priest and other holy discoveries from the Temple that have been found, it is direct archaeological evidence of Jewish activity in the Holy Temple on the Holy Temple Mount in Jerusalem during the Second Temple Era." They added, "Products for service in the Holy Temple, like oil, wine and grains, that were brought to the Holy Temple had to be checked by the High Priest to confirm that they were kosher for the holy service inside the Temple. When the High Priest determined the items to be kosher, he stamped them with the seal as a verification that they could be used in the Holy Temple." In addition to the seal, other artifacts have been discovered dating to the Second Temple Period and others dating to the period of the Maccabees — such as oil lamps, cooking pots made of clay, a jug containing oils and perfumes, as well as coins of the Maccabean kings such as Alexander Yannai and Jochanan Hyrcanus.
Israeli Minister of Culture Limor Livnat said, "This is a real stamp of approval to our rights on the Holy Temple Mount, Jerusalem, and the Land of Israel." The Minister of Education, Gideon Saar, said, "Important excavations like this could not be dug without the sovereignty of Israel. It demonstrates our deep bond to the Holy Temple Mount, Jerusalem, and the Land of Israel. Everything uncovered here strengthens us".