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Knowing the Times: A Fresh Look at Biblical Concepts


Are We in the Last Days (Prelim 1985)01This article offers a fresh look at biblical concepts of time, to the intent that we might know more about the impending "day of the Lord" that comes as a thief on unbelievers. Here are several concepts.

1.The Signature of God by Grant Jeffrey

2. The Bible teaches that a thousand years are like a day, 2Peter 3:8.

3. In Bible times, they could work their land, trim their trees and harvest their crops for six years, but they were to rest the land and themselves on the seventh year. Leviticus 25. And after seven cycles of seven, in the 49th year, they were to blow the trumpet to announce the jubilee year.

4. The 50th year was also the first of the next sequence so that jubilees were 49 years apart. The is seen in the famous Messianic prophecy of Daniel 9:24--"Seventy weeks [of years] are determined... " is computed as 70 x 7 or 490 years, so that it's not an exact 500. In 1,000 years, like Peter's text above, 20 jubilees would span 980 years, leaving 20 years left over, but where do they fit?
5. Based on a New Scientist article, the European edition of TIME Magazine published this factoid: "May 5, 2000:

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