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The EU- the next Superpower?

The writer of this article says: "Don’t laugh! I realize that even a year ago, that statement would have seemed absurd."  Maybe she should have been reading the Plain Truth. We have predicted this since inception, and many before us, especially the ARMSTRONG'S has predicted this since the 40's!

Can the E.U. become the world’s policeman?

By Anne Applebaum,January 23, 2013

“A decade of war is now ending,” President Obama declared Monday. Maybe that’s true in America, but it isn’t true anywhere else. Extremists are still plotting acts of terror. Authoritarian and autocratic regimes are still using violence to preserve their power. The United States can step back from international conflicts, but that won’t make them disappear.

Fortunately, there is another power that shares our economic and political values, that possesses sophisticated military technology and is also very interested in stopping the progress of fanatical movements, especially in North Africa and the Middle East. That power is Europe.

Don’t laugh! I realize that even a year ago, that statement would have seemed absurd. I certainly couldn’t have written it in the immediate aftermath of the 2011 Libya operation, during which France, Britain and a dozen other nations were barely able to sustain a brief war, involving no ground troops, against a poorly armed and unpopular regime. Unverified reports at the time alleged that the French ran out of bombs and were dropping lumps of concrete. Without the intelligence and coordination provided by American warships and airplanes and the CIA, the French planes wouldn’t even have known where to drop them.

Read the story here>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
