"United States of Europe" When?
February 15, 2013
Since the 1950s, I have been proclaiming that America will one day be stunned by the emergence of a new power bloc in Europe; that America and the Soviet Union would not go to war; that a reunited Germany would be pivotal to a future United States of Europe! Now, suddenly, the walls come tumbling down in Europe; governments topple in but days; the global news media begins frantically writing about the reunification of Germany; and from the White House to London, urgent meetings behind the scenes discuss the destabilization of Europe, the power vacuum in East Germany, the nightmarish economic, sociological and political problems for which no immediate solutions are evident. And everyone was so SURPRISED! But for me, and those of us in this work, the only surprising part was how quickly so many events in Europe occurred. That Europe is in ferment; that governments are toppling; that the two Germanys may soon be reunited, IS NOT SURPRISING AT ALL TO THOSE WHO SUPPORT TWENTIETH CENTURY WATCH magazine and the work on television. Here's why!
by Garner Ted Armstrong [printer-friendly] [pdf format]