Roosevelt's secret railway under the Waldorf Astoria:
February 27, 2015
Siding used by the President to sneak into New York hotel to hide his paralysis from the public is found

It may seem a rusted and decaying curiosity - but Track 61 (top and bottom right) was once used by Franklin D Roosevelt (seen left on a private train) as a private access route to the Astoria's presidential suite, concealing his disability. Roosevelt, whose administration actively concealed the fact that he couldn't walk or strand unaided (the left photograph shows him gripping the train railings), was able to pull up under the hotel, and be driven into an elevator straight to his rooms. The siding is rumored to be kept active as a viable escape route for any visiting President.
These rusted and decaying railway tracks may seem like any of the thousands of feet of disused track that snake under midtown Manhattan.
But this discreet siding, Grand Central Terminal's 'Track 61' - was once a vital tool in the arsenal of wartime President Franklin D Roosevelt - and could yet spring into action again.
Hidden underneath the opulent Waldorf Astoria hotel, the secluded platform was one of many ways Roosevelt, stricken by polio and paralyzed from the waist down since 1921, would hide his affliction. Read more: