Dozens of Cops and Firefighters flocked to Autistic Boy's Birthday party after his heartbroken mom revealed NONE of his classmates turned up
February 22, 2015
Fireman and Cops to the Rescue
-nice to know some are still what they should be!

Ashlee Buratti, of St. Cloud, Florida, wrote on Facebook of her son's devastation that none of his 16 classmates had come to his party, which led to strangers, policemen and firemen to rally together to celebrate Glenn sixth birthday. Glenn was showered with gifts and had the chance to tour fire trucks, squad cars and a SWAT vehicle. The family has been overjoyed with the support they've received from the community. Read More: Heartwarming moment dozens of cops and firefighters flocked to autistic boy's birthday party after his heartbroken mom revealed NONE of his classmates turned up