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End-times expert exposes 'trumpets' in the sky

Not the End here....


Mysterious sounds have been reported around the world, and many witnesses are likening them to the trumpet blasts described in the biblical book of Revelation.

WND reported on the phenomenon that has been puzzling people in Britain, Ukraine, the U.S., Germany and Belarus.

The reports have prompted new speculation about the end times.

But several authors who have addressed that subject in their books say a good dose of caution is appropriate, concluding the sounds may be a spiritual warning rather than a literal announcement of the end of days.

Pastor, talk-show host and author Carl Gallups, who used the symbol of the trumpets of Revelation as the basis for his exploration of the end times in “Final Warning: Understanding the Trumpet Days of Revelation,” says believers should be wary of hoaxes.

“Of course, some would expect an author who has written a book about the ‘trumpet days’ of Revelation to be absolutely giddy about the reported phenomenon of mysterious trumpet sounds coming from the sky at various locations around the world. However, the opposite is true,” he said.

