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A President only for Black People: 'I'm running for Senate to deal with serious issues blacks face here'

Obama's half-brother sells revealing handwritten letter from 1995 in which president-to-be reveals political ambitions

President Obama's half-brother has sold a handwritten letter the president sent him 20 years ago - revealing he planned to venture into politics to tackle 'some serious issues blacks face here'.

It is the third personal note Malik Abongo 'Roy' Obama has auctioned in recent years.

But this, dated 23 July 1995, is perhaps the most revealing about the president-to-be's political ambitions.

'Some colleagues of mine here have talked me into running for the Illinois State Senate (like being an MP for a province),' Obama, then a 33-year-old lawyer in Chicago, wrote to his paternal brother in Kenya.

'I have agreed, since I have an interest in politics to deal with some serious issues blacks face here.'

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This is the letter President Obama wrote to his half-brother in Kenya revealing why he was running for Senate
 This is the letter President Obama wrote to his half-brother in Kenya revealing why he was running for Senate
Close: The jovial note to Malik Abongo 'Roy' Obama (left) jokes about Malik's love life
Close: The jovial note to Malik Abongo 'Roy' Obama (left) jokes about Malik's love life

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3141971/I-m-running-Senate-deal-issues-blacks-face-Obama-s-half-brother-sells-revealing-handwritten-letter-1995-president-reveals-true-political-ambitions.html#ixzz3eMUBXHAh 
