Rome Vs America
June 21, 2015
Table: Parallels between ancient Rome and modern America
Read entire article HERE
Factors that contributed to the fall of Rome |
Similar factors that exist in America today |
Antagonism between the Senate and the Emperor | Antagonism between the President andCongress, as well as between our two major Parties |
Economic factors included:
Economic factors include:
Decline in morals – especially in the rich upper class. | Decline in morals – especially within the entertainment and sports industries. |
Political corruption was rampant | Political corruption is rampant |
Constant Wars | Constant Wars |
High unemployment within the working class, resulting in increasing dependency on government | Rising unemployment within the working class, resulting in increasing dependency on government programs. |
High cost of the “Dole” which was government supplied bread and entertainment for the non-working poor. | High cost of government dole, including food stamps, Medicaid, extended unemployment insurance and other government entitlement programs. |
Unrestricted trade agreements with foreign nations, resulting in Roman citizens not being able to compete with foreign trade. | Free trade agreements that have resulted in loss of American jobs, since Americans cannot compete with foreign low wages. |
Class warfare between the rich and the poor. | Government inspired class warfare between the rich and the poor. |
Increased government subsidies enabled citizens to live comfortably without working. | Increased government entitlements allow citizens to live comfortably without working. |
The mob and the cost of games – the roman government provided circuses for the unemployed. | Government now supplies cell phones and many perks for those living below the poverty line. |
Decline in ethics and values – the decline in Roman ethics and values is well-known and needs no further explanation | America has experienced a decline in ethics and values that cannot be argued and needs no further explanation. |
Decline in morals led to the destruction of families. It was not common to have two parent households. | Decline in morals is leading to the destruction of families. It is now common to have single parent households. |
Barbarian Invasion | For America, this can be considered to be Islamic terrorists. |
Expansion of government – Ralph Martin Novak, author of “Christianity and the Roman Empire,” stated:“…whereas at the start of the third century A.D. the Roman emperors employed only about 300 to 350 full-time individuals in administering the Empire, by 300 A.D. this number had grown to some 30,000 or 35,000 people.” | Expansion of government. It has been said that today you will work for the government one way or another. |
High taxes were instituted to fund growing government and its programs. | High taxes are being instituted to fund growing government and its programs. |
Government ceased being the servant of the people and became its nanny. | The Nanny State is increasing exponentially. |
Practices of infanticide were justified and legal. | Abortion is justified and legal. |
Gladiator games, chariot races, and forms of violence were considered entertaining. | Violent games of all kinds are considered entertaining. |
Paganism and religious tolerance ruled – except for Christianity. | Religious tolerance rules – except for Christianity. |
Decline of the military and reduced incentives to join, including lack of respectable leadership. | Attempts to disrespect and underfund the military have thankfully been unsuccessful. |
Citizenship granted to foreigners | Amnesty and disregard for immigration laws. |
Romans became globalists instead of nationalists. | Americans are encouraged to become globalists, abandoning patriotism. |
Decline in education, which had previously been conducted privately within homes. Prosperous Roman families began to hire Greeks to teach their children. The Greeks taught humanistic and godless philosophies. | Decline in education by government-run schools. Our government-run schools teach secular humanism and evolution, which portends that supernatural creation did not occur. |