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September 11 attacks: How 9/11 will be remembered around the world

September 11, 2018 marks the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the United States.

The day will be commemorated with solemn ceremonies and memorials not only in the cities and towns directly impacted by the tragedy, but throughout much of the United States, and even globally.

Here’s a look at some of the upcoming 9/11 events planned as well as information about what happened on September 11, 2001, how many people died in the attacks, who the hijackers were and more.

September 11, 2018 marks the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on the United States

9/11 events 

The names of the nearly 3,000 victims will once again be read at the National September 11 Memorial in Lower Manhattan as it has done every year since the site opened on the 10th anniversary of the tragedy.

The ceremony pauses at six moments, starting at 8.46am: twice to mark the times that each plane hit the towers, twice to mark when each tower fell, and to mark the moments of the attacks on the Pentagon and on Flight 93. Families of the victims will read their names in between these moments.  

A memorial service will also be held at the historic St. Paul’s Chapel just across the street from the World Trade Center. 

Additionally, residents of the Rockaways neighborhood in Queens will hold a memorial service at Tribute Park while other memorial ceremonies will also be held in the Bayside and Glendale neighborhoods in Queens and Bay Ridge and Coney Island in Brooklyn.

A film screening and panel discussion will also be held in Brooklyn Heights while the New York Blood Center will also host 95 blood drives across the city.

Finally, the iconic Tribute in Light will again take place on the anniversary, projecting two beams of light skyward in Downtown Manhattan, resembling the former Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.

In Washington, D.C., many memorials will also be held.

A memorial service will be held at the Pentagon just across the Potomac River in Arlington, Virginia while an interfaith 9/11 Unity Walk will also take place on September 16. A moment of silence will also be held at Arlington National Cemetery on the morning of the attack. Additionally, a wreath laying ceremony will take place at Courthouse Plaza in Arlington.

In Stonycreek Township, Somerset County, Pennsylvania, President Donald Trumpwill deliver an address in observance of the attacks during a memorial service there in a ceremony at the Flight 93 National Memorial. The service will also see the reading of the names of the crew members and passengers on Flight 93.

In addition, many other towns and cities will host 9/11 memorial services all across the U.S., with just a few slated to take place in Hoboken, New Jersey, Boston, South Florida, Cape Cod and elsewhere. 

Flags on many buildings will fly at half-staff, and many will participate in the National Day of Service and Remembrance, which Congress started in 2009 so that those interested in commemorating the tragedy with action can sign up to volunteer on September 10 and 11.

In D.C., an annual Unity Walk takes place to encourage fellowship, solidarity and friendship among people from all faiths and cultures. The walk starts on Massachusetts Avenue and stops at several different religious houses and centers throughout the D.C. area.

