December 24, 2018
Although not on Christmas Day- Dec 25th, Jesus was born, in a manger, and Shepards were there! So here is Joe Kovacs take of the scene.
One of the most famous stories from the Bible is the account of the birth of baby Jesus.
Every year, it’s read aloud in churches and even re-enacted in plays and Nativity scenes, as shepherds are shown visiting the Son of God lying in a manger in the town of Bethlehem.
But is there something extremely important almost everyone is missing?
The answer is a resounding yes. One could even call it a yes on a biblical scale, because as we’re about to see, there is so much more that can be seen and heard when we keep our spiritual eyes and ears open to some profound truths that God has been broadcasting in Scripture for thousands of years.
No matter how many times we read the words on the pages of our Bible, there always seems to be more to learn, a deeper meaning that helps us make the transition from spiritual milk to spiritual meat. So let’s dive into Scripture to allow the Good News to become even more glorious, with all the credit going to God Almighty.
It’s already well-known that Jesus was born in the small town of Bethlehem, as His parents were law-abiding citizens who traveled there to pay their taxes as part of a census.
But why did God make it happen in Bethlehem?
And why was the Savior placed in a manger?
And what’s the real deal with the shepherds?