Here Is Why Many Deny GOD Exists!
May 09, 2020
Evolution is ubiquitous in all education and wildlife documentaries. It is infused into our children’s minds from their earliest days in formal education. Yet, evolution is completely false; totally unproved; an empty theory! No mention of God as the Creator ever accompanies the marvels of creation displayed by the technological genius of man. As we view a flock of migratory birds winging their way across thousands of miles of trackless seas, we are not told of the great Creator who instilled instinct into all creatures. Why? WHY such anti-God bias? WHY do otherwise intelligent men deny the existence of the Creator? Are there any motives for denial of God? Here is the truth about WHY so many deny God!
Evolutionists scoff at believers in God who read “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth” in the first verse of the Bible. Instead, they say, “In the beginning was the hydrogen atom.” Read the Rest Here