The Epstein - Clinton connection growing stronger
Virginia Beach police used forged DNA reports linking people to crimes

Rain Man Buick for sale

Dustin Hoffman puts iconic 1949 Buick from Oscar-winning film Rain Man up for auction

The 1949 Roadmaster Convertible, which was acquired by US actor Hoffman after the film wrapped, has an estimated value of between $160,000 and $250,000. Hoffman said the vehicle, described as the film's 'third character' had 'been in storage too long' and should be 'driven, enjoyed, and cherished'. Rain Man follows the cross-country life-changing road trip made by selfish wheeler-dealer Charlie Babbitt (Cruise) and his autistic brother Raymond (Hoffman). The film won several academy awards including best film, best director for Barry Levinson, and best actor for Hoffman.
