"Reaching God Speed: Unlocking the Secrets Broadcast Revealing the Mystery of Everything" by author Joe Kovacs no FREE AUDIO
June 23, 2022
"Reaching God Speed" is published by Fidelis Books, a division of Post Hill Press.
(Note: Due to extraordinary demand, Amazon has temporarily sold out of hardcover editions of this book, but paperbacks are still available. The publisher is reprinting hardcovers at this time. Meanwhile, hardcover versions may still be available through other booksellers, including Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, and ConservativeReaders.)
A brand-new book awakening people's minds to the hidden, Spirit content of the Bible was released as an audiobook on Wednesday, with no charge for those who sign up for a free trial on Audible.
The best-seller now being heard is "Reaching God Speed: Unlocking the Secrets Broadcast Revealing the Mystery of Everything" by author Joe Kovacs.
"I am truly grateful and humbled that 'Reaching God Speed' now has an audible voice broadcasting the significant messages of God conveyed in the book," says Kovacs.
"Scripture says 'faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God' (Romans 10:17 NKJV), so hopefully this will increase everyone's faith substantially.
"Jesus also said: 'If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear' (Mark 4:23 NKJV). So I pray this new tool will help people open their ears so they can better understand what's being broadcast on the Spirit or parable level of Scripture, what I call 'God speed.'"
If consumers choose not to use Audible's free trial, the cost of the audiobook is $24.95 on Audible and $21.83 on Amazon, and a free audio sample of the reading can be heard at both those locations.
"Post Hill Press is honored to publish Joe Kovacs' brilliant book," said Anthony Ziccardi, the company's publisher.
"Joe brings to our everyday life a better understanding of Scripture and many of the world's great mysteries."
One of those mysteries unleashed worldwide this week by God's Holy Spirit deals with a key verse about the resurrection of Jesus, which Kovacs says packs an astounding double and triple meaning when we open our spiritual ears to hear.
The author says the sentence to focus on in John 20:1 is: "She saw that the stone had been removed from the tomb."
"Beyond the physical event that everyone already understands," Kovacs explains, "there is a Spirit-based parable message being aired here, and to grasp its meaning, we only need to connect the dots with the rest of the Bible. It's actually quite easy and fun to do."
"Let's start with the stone. We all know what a stone is. It's a rock. And who famously is called a rock as well as a stone in the Bible? Yes, it's Jesus Himself!"
Just a few of the verses calling Jesus a rock or stone include:
- "They remembered that God was their Rock, that God Most High was their Redeemer" (Psalm 78:35 NIV).
- "And who is a rock, except our God?" (Psalm 18:31 NKJV).
- "that Rock was Christ (1 Corinthians 10:4 KJV).
- "This Jesus is the stone rejected by you builders, which has become the cornerstone" (Acts 4:11 CSB).
- "As you come to him, the living Stone" (1 Peter 2:4 NIV).
Kovacs says the second word to focus on is "tomb."
"We all know what a tomb is. It's a grave. It's where dead people are," the author says. "And interestingly, Jesus even likens PEOPLE to tombs at times, especially when He's talking to hypocrites."
As He said: "You are like whitewashed tombs, which appear beautiful on the outside, but inside are full of the bones of the dead and every kind of impurity" (Matthew 23:27 CSB).
Kovacs says: "On the parable level using God's Spirit, tombs represent evil people. Even the apostle Paul calls our body of flesh the 'body of death'" (Romans 7:24 NKJV).
"Even though we think we're alive, unless and until we come to God, we're actually the walking dead, and Jesus called people that when He said, 'let the dead bury their dead'" (Matthew 8:22).
"So let's connect the dots now. When Mary saw the stone had been removed from the tomb, this is simply another way of saying that Jesus Himself had been removed from the tomb, as in resurrected from the dead! The stone or rock removed from the tomb ultimately refers to Jesus taken away not only from His gravesite but also from His body of death!
"To drive this point home, the very next verse of the Bible has Mary uttering these words confirming the thought: 'They've taken the Lord out of the tomb' (John 20:2 CSB).
"So yes, there's a secondary meaning in addition to the physical one of merely seeing a solid rock removed from the grave. It is the Ultimate Rock, Jesus, being removed from the tomb. But if that's not enough to astonish you, there's a third meaning as well."
The author, known for his "Shocked by the Bible" series, says not only do stones and rocks represent God Himself, they can also represent human people.
"Those who read the Bible know it's no secret that Jesus called Simon His apostle 'Peter,' a word meaning 'stone' or 'rock," says Kovacs. "And this stone called Peter can represent all believers who repent of their sins to follow God and feed the sheep, as he was famously told to do in John 21:17.
"Scripture also refers to all believing people as 'living stones' in 1 Peter 2:5.
"Even in the story of David and Goliath, the shepherd took 'smooth stones' (1 Samuel 17:40) as the weapon to defeat the evil giant, because we the believers are, on the metaphoric level, the fearless smooth stones prepared and polished by God to take on and defeat the evil giant, who is none other than Satan the devil."
"So let's again connect the dots from the Gospel of John, keeping in mind that God often is 'declaring the end from the beginning' (Isaiah 46:10 KJV). When the verse says 'the stone had been removed from the tomb,' this is also a prophecy for the future for all people who come to follow God. Because we ourselves are the stones that will be removed from our own personal tomb, our body of death, our grave of perishing flesh. Like Jesus, we will be removed from our grave when we are resurrected from the dead and granted everlasting life!"
"Yes, folks. One single verse from the Bible that we've been reading all these years is broadcasting so much more than has ever been trumpeted. It's so much more than just a physical stone being removed from the tomb. It is about the spiritual Rock Jesus being removed the grave 2,000 years ago, as well as all of His other stones, the faithful believers, eventually being removed from our temporary tombs in which we walk around every day.
"With ears to hear, the glorious conclusion for your life is no longer hidden. So when we hear someone say, 'He is risen' (Matthew 28:6), it's not just directly referring to Jesus rising from the dead, it's also alluding to the wondrous immortality for every single person who truly follows Him in order to get out of his or her own tomb."
Endorsed by Chuck Norris and other Christian champions, "Reaching God Speed" is nothing short of a breakthrough work, as it probes God's hidden messages embedded in popular movies, hit songs from (Adele and the Beatles to Frank Sinatra and Led Zeppelin), the stories we tell our children, everyday phrases we all say, historic news events, famous commercial campaigns, nature itself, and typical life activities such as such as inhaling every breath you take, sleeping, waking up and many more.
It features a myriad of stunning biblical revelations, as the book:
- Solves with clarity three of the greatest mysteries in Scripture, unveiling the surprisingly simple meaning of "the beast," "the number of the beast" and "the mark of the beast"
- Easily explains how God embeds hidden messages forecasting the future in the physical, historical events recorded in Scripture
- Examines the miracle of turning water into wine at a wedding, revealing why this famous event took place "on the third day," why water was poured into six large containers, and why its instant transformation into the most perfect wine has a sublime meaning that goes far beyond what anyone has ever discussed
- Unwraps the secret messages concerning the human birth of God, including the spirit significance of Jesus in a manger, the real reason the shepherds "returned," and the never-trumpeted, majestic picture the entire story depicts for your own glorious future
- Unmasks the miracle of the blind man healed by washing mud off his eyes. Clue: There's something intriguing about the mud that becomes obvious when we connect the dots in Scripture
- Reveals the incredible reason the Bible constantly mentions "three days" in both the Old and New Testaments. It goes far beyond the time Jesus spent in the heart of the earth.
- Unveils the sublime, additional meanings emanating from "Let there be light" and "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." There's much more to the beginning than you've ever imagined.
- Illuminates the reason the darkness of night will ultimately be eliminated, and only never-ending light will exist
- Broadcasts the never-before-trumpeted meaning of the Exodus out of Egypt. The ancient event in the days of Moses is actually a picture of something tremendous and glorious that's still to come in your future
- Explains the incredible meaning behind serpents crawling on their bellies
- Dishes the astounding secret behind the Second Passover, and the fantastic future it holds for billions of people
- Investigates the double meaning concerning "Doubting Thomas," and the stunning good news it contains for everyone who's ever doubted God or any Bible story
- Announces the unheard, spirit meaning regarding raising children
- Shines the light on why ancient Egyptians were paralyzed with three straight days of darkness, while God's people in Goshen had light in their dwellings
- Illuminates the surprising and inspiring meaning of a "darkness that can be felt" (Hint: it's something you can do right this second)
- Explains what Jesus specifically meant by "outer darkness"
- Clearly reveals why the Bible repeatedly mentions pagan peoples such as Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Girgashites, Jebusites and Hivites. It goes far beyond these ancient tribes with tough-to-pronounce names, as it actually refers to certain people alive today with whom you deal every day
- Tells why Scripture so often talks about thorns and thistles. They're far more than just sharp prickers growing in your garden
- Explores the untold meaning of the conflict between David and Goliath: it has gigantic significance that Sunday-school teachers seem to have missed
- Fishes out astonishing secret messages God has embedded in the famous story of Jonah being swallowed by a great fish. The scales will finally fall off your eyes when you finally see what you've been missing. Plus hundreds more ...
The book rocketed to the #1 position in several Amazon categories even before its official release.
"Reaching God Speed" is available now on Amazon and other booksellers, and you can learn much more information at ReachingGodSpeed.com.
Those wishing to contact or interview Joe Kovacs can email him here.