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Samaritans mark holiday of Feast of Tabernacles - Even today!

The Samaritans, members of an ancient sect closely associated to Judaism, marked the holiday of the Tabernacles, or Sukkot.

Followers of the religion held an annual pilgrimage ceremony on Mount Gerizim, the sect's holiest site, near Nablus.

Though the Samaritans numbered well over one million in late Roman times, there are now only 712 remaining members, who live mostly on Mount Gerizim and in Holon.

Traditional pilgrimage ceremony of the Samaritan sect marking the holiday of the Tabernacles, or Sukkot, on Mount Gerizim near the West Bank town of Nablus.

Why America is Special

image from

Someone once asked me, "Bob how can you say in one breath that God has little to nothing to do with this world, yet then say that the USA one of the lost nations of Israel? In addition, that if we do not obey God, our nation will be destroyed by him? Which scenario is it, God involved or Satan’s world?"

I am quite sure that many have asked themselves the same question and let me assure you that there is an easy answer! God was totally involved in our world in the days of Adam and Eve. He (One of the divine Godhead that became Jesus) personally walked with them, talked with them and instructed them how to live in a godly lifestyle and have life forever. God had every intention to be involved in our lives from the start, just as any human parent has those same plans with their children.

Then sin entered the world through Adam and Eve’s disobedience of God’s Laws. Remember there is only one biblical definition of sin. "Sin is the transgression of the law." (1 John 3:4) Without the law, one cannot sin! (Romans 3:20 and Romans 7:7) When Adam and Eve broke God’s laws, they sinned. The Bible also gives us another term: "The wages (or penalty) of sin is death." ( Rom 6:23) Therefore breaking the laws of God, brings death! Therefore, Adam’s sin brought death to mankind.


Continue reading "Why America is Special" »

Today Mark's God's Feast of Tabernacles ... Feast of what?

Carrying Branches To Make Booths (illustration...Carrying Branches To Make Booths (illustration from the 1897 Bible Pictures and What They Teach Us by Charles Foster) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

By Bob Barney
      Most of our readers probably have never heard of the Feast of Tabernacles, but it is in the Bible! In fact, this week meaning to God is so important that the Bible predicts that after Jesus returns to this earth, he will punish all who refuse to keep this feast! Read on for the proof. Again, like for the Day of Atonement, I am going to use the writing of Herbert Armstrong concerning this holiday. He does the subject much better than I can. The only difference that I have with his argument is the date he and most of the other feast keeping churches follow. Since they follow the Jewish calendar, and not the calendar of Moses (e-mail us for proof on the true calendar) and Jesus, they are often following the feast days on the wrong days.   Today IS the REAL DATE of the Feast. In Day three of the feast, MY ARTICLE will prove it conclusively!

Herbert Armstrong

NOW WE come to the festival of Tabernacles -- or Feast of Booths -- the sixth festival. Let us notice the instruction concerning this occasion:


Continue reading "Today Mark's God's Feast of Tabernacles ... Feast of what?" »

Feast of Tabernacles Starts Tomorrow!

Tomorrow Starts the Feast of Tabernacles, an 8 Day Celebration of Christ in the Millennium 

Feast of Tabernacles

In John 1:14 we read,

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt (Greek word we translated “dwelt” is “tabernacle”) among us.

It was 3,500 years ago / 1,500 before Christ / God instructed Moses to build the tabernacle.

Tabernacle was a tent. “The tent of meeting.”

The tabernacle was filled with symbolism.

image from voice-wilderness.orgSomething that stands for something else by reason of relationship, association, resemblance; a visible sign of something invisible. The lion is a symbol of courage.

Tabernacle / everything in it/ a symbol / or a type / picture / an object lesson / picture story Person / work/ Jesus /salvation.

Theologically, it is of immense importance; Genesis only 5 words are given to the creation of billions of galaxies.

Gen. 1:16, “He made the stars also.”

For the tabernacle, its construction, its significance, 50 chapters.

The tabernacle also gives us a glimpse of what the throne room in heaven is like! Heb. 9:24

For Christ did not enter a holy place made with hands, a mere copy of the true one, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us;

One of the lessons God wanted to teach was that He wanted to be in the midst of His people.

The Tabernacle was situated right in the middle of the Israelite encampment. When the Tabernacle was set up, the nation of Israel surrounded it. Three tribes set up their tents to the North, three to the South, three to the East, and three to the West.

And right in the middle of them all was God’s tent… His tabernacle.

But even when the people moved from place to place and the tabernacle had to be torn down and moved, EVEN THEN, God’s Tabernacle was the center of His people.


Trump offers to 'head up' team to negotiate Russia-Ukraine war resolution

'The entire world is at stake'

President Donald J. Trump disembarks Marine One at Valley International Airport in Harlingen, Texas, Tuesday, Jan. 12, 2021, to board Air Force One for his return flight to Joint Base Andrews, Maryland. (Official White House photo by Shealah Craighead)

President Donald J. Trump disembarks Marine One at Valley International Airport

By Bob Unruh

The world is in trouble because of the Russia-Ukraine war and President Donald Trump is suggesting that perhaps he should be the one to head up a negotiating team and get a deal done to end it.

He was commenting this week on news that the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines from Russia to Europe apparently were sabotaged.

He said American leaders should be "cool" in response to the disaster, but also said a "deal" over the Russian assault on Ukraine needs to be done.

On his own Truth Social social-media platform, he said, "U.S. 'Leadership' should remain 'cool, calm, and dry' on the SABOTAGE of the Nord Stream Pipelines. This is a big event that should not entail a big solution, at least not yet. The Russia/Ukraine catastrophe should NEVER have happened and would definitely not have happened if I were President," he said.

The Washington Examiner noted, "Trump mockingly put the word 'leadership' in quotation marks to throw shade at President Joe Biden." Trump continued, "Do not make matters worse with the pipeline blowup. Be strategic, be smart (brilliant!), get a negotiated deal done NOW. Both sides need and want it. The entire World is at stake. I will head up group???"

He suggested the Russia conflict with Ukraine would not have happened under his leadership, and in fact there are multiple confrontations developing now among world leaders, such as China, Russia and North Korea, that did not during his first term in office.


Is King Tut's tomb concealing fabled beauty Nefertiti?

Hidden hieroglyphics indicate Egyptian boy monarch buried stepmom years earlier in adjacent chamber

(Image by Silvano from Pixabay)

(Image by Silvano from Pixabay)

'Terrifying': Ian swamps southwest Florida, trapping people in homes (Videos)

'Rain shooting like needles. My street is a river'

U.S. Blew Up Russian Gas Pipelines Nord Stream 1 & 2, Says Former Polish Defense Minister

Biden is just itching to start WWIII, and Americans are asleep!  Get ready to kiss your pampered ass goodbye!

image from

A former Polish Defense Minister, Radek Sikorski, has attributed to the United States the sabotage of two pipelines, Nord Stream 1 and 2, which carry natural gas from Russia to Germany. “Thank you, USA,” Sikorski wrote on Twitter. Sikorski was Minister of National Defense from 2005 - 2007 and served as Deputy Minister of National Defense and Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, previously. He is currently an elected member of the European parliament.

Tucker Carlson floated the possibility President Joe Biden is responsible for the suspected acts of sabotage on the Nord Stream pipeline.

Continue reading "U.S. Blew Up Russian Gas Pipelines Nord Stream 1 & 2, Says Former Polish Defense Minister" »

Big Brother Alert! BEWARE- Biden Plans to replace Greenbacks with Digital Currency

Foreword by Bob Barney:  The move to control every aspect of your lives continues with the coming push to do away with cash by replacing it with a digital currency. The purpose of doing so is so that Big Brother can watch every move you make.  This really is the last move to help the Beast of Revelation's coming mark that will make it so we will not be able to buy or sell without it.  Although America is prophesized to become enslaved to the revised Holy Roman Empire, traitors in America are trying very hard to pave the way to your enslavement, period.  The Devil never misses any opportunity to take advantage of evil people.  Eventually the new currency that we will be forced upon us in the End Times is an EU "bitcoin"... Here is an informative read on just that fact! The digital euro and the evolution of the financial system


By Joseph Farah

Some of America's smartest men, including Robert Kiyosaki, investment guru and author of the personal finance book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," have some choice words for Executive Order 14067.

It would behoove you to listen to them.

Kiyosaki called President Joe Biden's signed executive order "the most treasonous act in U.S. history" and the creation of Central Bank Digital Currencies, or CBDC, as "communism in its purest form," encouraging Americans to "stay awake."

He is joined by Jim Rickards, another economist, investor and former CIA official who is calling it a step toward the end of cash, the greenback, in circulation since the founding fathers. The new "digital tokens" can be "turned off" if the government doesn't like what you are doing. Rickards has four decades of experience on Wall Street.

Rickards criticized CBDC and labeled it as "Bitcoin's Evil Cousin." He also exposed the supposed singular event called C-Day, which according to him, will take place on Dec. 13, 2022, and will disrupt the traditional financial systems in the U.S.

TRENDING: Beware hospitals quick to 'pull the plug' on loved ones

He said when what he calls "C-Day" happens, paper money would be worthless and the U.S. dollar would crash. He further added that consumer spending and access to basic needs would also be restricted, and people holding too much money would be penalized.

Executive Order 14067, titled "Ensuring Responsible Development of Digital Assets," includes developing policy plans and the organization of federal regulators. "Any future dollar payment system should be designed in a way that is consistent with United States priorities … and democratic values, including privacy protections, and that ensures the global financial system has appropriate transparency connectivity, and platform and architecture interoperability or transferability, as appropriate."


Continue reading "Big Brother Alert! BEWARE- Biden Plans to replace Greenbacks with Digital Currency" »

Beef prices set to surge further as farmers sell off cattle herds

More breeding stock is being sent to sale barn amid soaring input costs, drought


Understanding Matthew 24 and the Four Horsemen Prophecy

The Bible: Europe is the Beast - and they will fight Muslims

Yes, despite all of this pro-Moslem nonsense, the Bible predicts that Europeans (especially Italians and Germans will tire of the Moslem hordes invading them and will revolt and start yet another and possible last Crusade against Islam.

image from

Italy’s soon-to-be first female prime minister Giorgia Meloni

The Rise of Nativism in Europe:


Italy is swing back to sane conservative government because of economics and illegal migration. Sound familiar? 

Footage of Italy’s soon-to-be first female prime minister Giorgia Meloni went viral on social media Monday, and it’s clear from listening to her that she’s preaching against the far-left status quo.

“Why is the family an enemy? Why is the family so frightening?” Meloni asked in the now-viral video shared across almost all social media platforms. “There is a single answer to all these questions: because it defines us, because it is our identity, because everything that defines us is now an enemy for those who would like us to no longer have an identity and to simply be perfect consumer slaves.”

Meloni continued to note that these elites attack national, religious, gender, and family identity as a means of cultivating the human race into “the perfect slave” society “at the mercy of financial speculators.” Her stance is quite the opposite, returning the value of individual human beings as parts of families, communities and nations, and not as a conglomerate of numbers manipulated to support macro-consumerism that places wealth in the hands of a few.

In the Netherlands, the same threat to globalist has been gaining speed for many years now.

“Politicians from nearly all the established parties currently encourage Islamisation. They applaud every new Islamic school, every Islamic bank and every new Islamic court. They consider the Islam to be equal to our own culture. Islam or freedom? They don’t really find that important. But we do think it is important. The whole establishment, the elites – the universities, churches, trade unions, the media and politicians – are putting our hard fought for liberties on the line.”

This quote is from Geert Wilders, the leader of the radical-right Party for Freedom (PVV) in the Netherlands. Although many observers are surprised by the rise of radical-right parties in a progressive country such as the Netherlands, we would claim that developments in the Netherlands are actually very representative for broader trends in (Western) Europe: the rise of nativism, most explicitly articulated by, yet not restricted to, radical right-wing parties.

In public opinion and scholarship alike, the increasing success of such right-wing parties have been understood in terms of a  “resurgence of nationalism.” This interpretation makes sense as radical-right parties across Europe are indeed clearly nationalistic. Take the following quote of Wilders: “Our history compels us to fight a battle that is not an option but a necessity. After all this is a battle for the […] survival of the Netherlands as a recognisable nation; a country, that is about to say goodbye to its ancient roots in exchange for multiculturalism, cultural relativism and an European super state, all under the leadership of a self-satisfied political elite that has long lost the plot."  The territorial entity (“the Netherlands”) should be “Dutch” by nature. Or as Wilders frames it somewhat tautological in the following quote, as preserving the “Dutch character” of the Netherlands: “What this cabinet was especially good at was ramping up mass immigration, the support of Islamisation and hollowing out the Dutch character of the Netherlands.

Liberals in Italy and Europe are largely unhappy with Meloni’s right-wing political views, with many claiming she’s a fascist for opposing adoption by same-sex couples and being largely pro-life while not having any plans to cut access to abortion. She has also promised to defend Italy’s borders against a flood of illegal immigration that has overwhelmed Southern Italy.

However, her stance on globalism and macro-globalization taking “real power away from the people to supranational entities headed by supposedly enlightened elites,” is making her a fan-favorite far beyond her voter base, all the way to here in the U.S.

The Plain Truth, since the sites inception has revealed that Russia in the End Times will not be the threat that many people think it will be. The future of Germany, however, will be a Nazi-like terror to come and the truths of the rise of the final world superpower is foretold primarily in the books of Daniel and Revelation.
Most of these conservative leaders today, ARE NOT the Nazi-like characters that the mainstream media make them out to be.  They are trying to save their countries from the liberal globalist.  the The Bible informs us that ultimately, they will fail, and will be replaced by tyrants, and finally the Antichrist.
We are committed to sharing with our readers the progression of the Holy Word of God's prophesies when they present themselves in the news of today. It is wise for us all to keep our finger on the pulse of what is going on globally, especially in Germany and Europe as a whole. 
The reason why is because these global advancements will impact America greatly as we are a part of the Lost Tribes of Israel along with Russia, Western Europe and Britain. We all will not have the power that we enjoy today and as you can see here in the United States of America, our standing of power hangs in the balance as these words are being written. 

Bible prophecy clearly shows that Jesus Christ will return to establish the Kingdom of God here on earth; it will be a literal world-ruling kingdom. This hope is so fundamental that Jesus instructed Christians to regularly pray, “Your kingdom come” (Matthew 6:10; Luke 11:2). Prophecies throughout the Bible give many details about Christ’s return and conditions in the world leading up to that event.

The rise of this final world superpower is foretold primarily in the biblical books of Daniel and Revelation. We will begin with what God revealed to the prophet Daniel in Old Testament times.

After years of decline, the Roman Empire indeed received a “deadly wound” in A.D. 476 when Rome’s Emperor Romulus Augustulus was deposed by Germanic tribes led by Odoacer. But that was not the end of the Roman Empire. As we are seeing today, that “wound” was indeed healed, and the empire is rising again!

You can read more about the End Time Scriptural Truths Here

Florida orders mandatory evacuations: 15 million to be affected as Ian gathers strength

'You certainly could replace personal possessions. You can't bring anyone back to life'

Hurricane Ian.

'Where's law enforcement?': Watch drag queens dressed as Disney princesses perform for kids

Send this to your reps and ask them to stop this'

By WND News Services

(Image by ardi5 from Pixabay)

(Image by ardi5 from Pixabay)

(FAITHWIRE) -- A brewery in northeastern Tennessee recently hosted a drag show featuring adults dressed up as Disney princesses in an event marketed toward children as “family friendly.”

On Saturday, the “Chattanooga Pride Youth Day” was held at Wanderlinger Brewing Co.

One of the clips from the event — shared by conservative activist and former congressional candidate Robby Starbuck — showed a very young girl touching the crotch area of an adult performer dressed as Ariel from “The Little Mermaid.”

The concerning event, which did not appear to be promoted on the brewery’s website, was put on by the Chattanooga Pride/Tennessee Valley Pride, describing itself as an organization “celebrating diversity in Chattanooga, Tennessee, and combining our LGBTQ Resources to raise awareness, educate, and improve our community with dignity.”

Facebook post describing the event stated: “As we celebrate leading up to the festival on October 2nd, come hang out with us at Wanderlinger Brewing Company for our annual Pride Youth Day. … Featuring speakers/discussions, princess meet [and] greets, drag queen story time, and a family friendly drag show!”

S&P 500 notches new closing low for 2022, Dow falls into bear market as dollar surges

Interest rates surge, turmoil rocks global currencies

(Image by Oleg Gamulinskiy from Pixabay)

(Image by Oleg Gamulinskiy from Pixabay)

FBI Agents Raid Home of Pro-Life Author With Guns Drawn in Front of His Screaming Kids

It’s getting to be a thing now — the questionable FBI raid with political overtones — under the Biden Administration. That’s a frightening thing to say. How quickly we have gotten there under Biden, where law enforcement is politicized.

By Nick Arama ~

The latest victim of the armed FBI agents raiding people’s homes first thing in the morning for things that don’t seem to justify it is Mark Houck, founder, and president of “The King’s Men,” a group that promotes healing for victims of pornography addiction and promotes Christian virtues among men in the United States and Europe. He’s also a pro-life activist and on Wednesdays, who sidewalk counsels people in front of a Planned Parenthood in Philadelphia.

According to Mark Houck’s wife, Ryan-Marie, 25-30 agents surrounded their house, pounded on the door, yelling with guns drawn at 7:05 a.m. on Friday.

Before opening the door, she explained, her husband tried to calm them, saying, “‘Please, I’m going to open the door, but, please, my children are in the home. I have seven babies in the house.’ But they just kept pounding and screaming,” she said.

When he opened the door, “they had big, huge rifles pointed at Mark and pointed at me and kind of pointed throughout the house,” Ryan-Marie described.

When they came in, they ordered the kids to stay upstairs. “Our staircase is open, so [the kids] were all at the top of the stairs which faces the front door, and I was on the stairs as well, coming down.”

“The kids were all just screaming. It was all just very scary and traumatic,” she explained.


Christians slam Newsom for 'disgusting' pro-abortion billboards quoting Jesus: 'Satanic'

A Catholic priest said Newsom's billboards exhibit 'one of the worst distortions of a Bible passage I've ever seen'


Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom is taking flak from Christians who are offended by his multi-state billboard campaign that promotes abortion by quoting Jesus.

Last week, Newsom took to Twitter to tout the billboards his gubernatorial campaign is erecting in Texas, Oklahoma, Mississippi and four other "anti-freedom" states where abortion is restricted or outlawed.

Some versions of the billboards, all of which urge women in such states to come to California to get abortions, advertise the state's easily obtainable abortions by quoting Mark 12:31, where Jesus says, "Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these."

"The idea that Newsom is using the words of Jesus Christ, the Holy Scriptures, to promote the killing of unborn children as somehow loving and commanded by God is quite frankly disgusting," said Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the American Center for Law & Justice, in a statement to Fox News Digital.

"This is a blatant, political fundraising ploy to boost his own political profile and presidential aspirations. The people are smarter than that. It just won’t work," Sekulow added.


Wisconsin County Takes Control Away from Dominion – Approves Hand Recount of Governor, Lieutenant Governor and U.S. Senator Race in November Election

This is a great first step. Please announce this on your website so as to encourage other counties in Wisconsin and elsewhere to do the same.

By Jim Hoft ~ Gateway Pundit

Reader David sent this in:
A few weeks ago, I recommended to our County Executives to provide funds for a hand count of our upcoming 2022 governor and US Senate races in selected municipalities. I emphasized this would provide proof to those of us that are skeptical of the voting machines.

The Washington County Executive Committee recently announced that the Washington County Board has provided funds to perform a hand count of ALL the votes in the entire county!]If we find the machines are not tallying the votes correctly, that will be prima facia evidence of the fraud. If the tally is correct, we’ll need to move on. But we definitely need more counties to do what Washington County has done; do a hand count to compare the two. Yes, we are counting the paper ballots not machine images.


Atonement is over -Tabernacles is NEXT! Starts TOMORROW--THURSDAY the 29Th

The Day of Atonement just ended, so what comes next in God's Holy day Schedule?  It's a week-long celebration of feasting and fun called Tabernacles, or tents...  It when God's people were told to live in temporary tents for 8 days.  Why? You may ask.  The reason is that this celebration is central to the message Jesus brought forth!

Feast of Tabernacles

In John 1:14 we read,

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt (Greek word we translated “dwelt” is “tabernacle”) among us.

It was 3,500 years ago / 1,500 before Christ / God instructed Moses to build the tabernacle.

Tabernacle was a tent. “The tent of meeting.”

The tabernacle was filled with symbolism.

image from voice-wilderness.orgSomething that stands for something else by reason of relationship, association, resemblance; a visible sign of something invisible. The lion is a symbol of courage.

Tabernacle / everything in it/ a symbol / or a type / picture / an object lesson / picture story Person / work/ Jesus /salvation.

Theologically, it is of immense importance; Genesis only 5 words are given to the creation of billions of galaxies.

Gen. 1:16, “He made the stars also.”

For the tabernacle, its construction, its significance, 50 chapters.

The tabernacle also gives us a glimpse of what the throne room in heaven is like! Heb. 9:24

For Christ did not enter a holy place made with hands, a mere copy of the true one, but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us;

One of the lessons God wanted to teach was that He wanted to be in the midst of His people.

The Tabernacle was situated right in the middle of the Israelite encampment. When the Tabernacle was set up, the nation of Israel surrounded it. Three tribes set up their tents to the North, three to the South, three to the East, and three to the West.

And right in the middle of them all was God’s tent… His tabernacle.

But even when the people moved from place to place and the tabernacle had to be torn down and moved, EVEN THEN, God’s Tabernacle was the center of His people.


New study reveals No. 1 cause of pregnancy-related deaths

'The majority were preventable'


By Laurel Duggan
Daily Caller News Foundation

Mental health issues were the leading cause of pregnancy-related deaths from 2017 to 2019, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study released Tuesday.

Of all pregnancy-related deaths, 22.7% were related to suicide, overdose, substance abuse or other mental health factors, according to the CDC. Mental health issues represented nearly double the second-leading cause, hemorrhage (13.7%), which was followed by cardiac and coronary conditions (12.8%) and infections (9.2%).

The report paints a much clearer picture of pregnancy-related deaths in this country,” Wanda Barfield, M.D., director of CDC’s Division of Reproductive Health said in a press relese. “The majority of pregnancy-related deaths were preventable, highlighting the need for quality improvement initiatives in states, hospitals, and communities that ensure all people who are pregnant or postpartum get the right care at the right time.”

White women had the highest percentage of mental health-related deaths at 34.8%, followed by Hispanic (24.1%), black (7%) and Asian (3.1%) women, the study found.


'Woke' vegan restaurant flops, owners forced to sell meat to stay in business

Critic: 'From a vegan standpoint I would see this as unethical practice'

Flying the Unfriendly Skies What's the dirtiest place on an airplane? You may be surprised

Flight attendant reveals the filthiest spot, and it's not the toilet

Isaiah 53- The Suffering Christ and The Day of Atonement

The following is from The Plain Truth's Red Letter Bible, where every word of Christ is in RED, including in the Old Testament!  

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The Prophets:

Isaiah 53



            The part of Isaiah not usually read by Jews today. It is about the suffering Christ.

Who has believed our message? To whom has the LORD(Jesus)'s power been revealed?

                        The answer to this is Christians. JOHN 12:38   Romans 10:16

He grew up in his presence like a tender green shoot, sprouting from a root in dry ground. There was nothing beautiful or majestic about His appearance, nothing to attract us to Him.

                        Jesus was ordinary looking! In fact, people could not pick him out in a crowd. Even though he taught everyday in the Temple, the High Priest needed Judas to point Jesus out to the soldiers! He was that ordinary          looking!

3 He was despised and rejected. A man of sorrows, familiar with suffering. He was despised like one from whom people turn their faces, and we didn't consider Him to be worth anything.

                        Jews today, claim their Messiah would come as a king. This shows that he was to come like Jesus        did! Adam his his face from Jesus, so did the Jews, so do many today!  Matthew 27:30    Hebrews 4:15                John 1:10

He certainly has taken upon himself our suffering and carried our sorrows, but we thought that God(Elohim/Theos) had wounded Him, beat Him, and punished Him.

                        The Jews believed him to be a sinner, beat him and killed him.  Matthew 8:17     1 Peter 2:24

                        literally, "But yet He hath taken (or borne) our sicknesses," that is, they who despised Him because of His human infirmities ought rather to have esteemed Him on account of them; for thereby "Himself took           OUR infirmities" (bodily diseases). So Matthew 8:17quotes it. In the Hebrew for "borne," or took, there is probably the double notion, He took on Himself vicariously (so Isaiah 53:5Isaiah 53:6Isaiah 53:8Isaiah       53:12 ), and so He took away; His perfect humanity whereby He was bodily afflicted for us, and in all our       afflictions ( Isaiah 63:9Hebrews 4:15) was the ground on which He cured the sick; so that Matthew's          quotation is not a mere accommodation. See Note 42 of ARCHBISHOP MAGEE, Atonement. The Hebrew        there may mean to overwhelm with darkness; Messiah's time of darkness was temporary (Matthew 27:45),       answering to the bruising of His heel; Satan's is to be eternal, answering to the bruising of his head (compare          Isaiah 50:10). 
                        carried . . . sorrows--The notion of substitution strictly. "Carried," namely, as a burden. "Sorrows,"     that is, pains of the mind; as "griefs" refer to pains of the body ( 
Psalms 32:1038:17). Matthew 8:17might       seem to oppose this: "And bare our sicknesses." But he uses "sicknesses" figuratively for sins, the cause of             them. Christ took on Himself all man's "infirmities;" so as to remove them; the bodily by direct miracle,           grounded on His participation in human infirmities; those of the soul by His vicarious suffering, which did      away with the source of both. Sin and sickness are ethically connected as cause and effect ( Isaiah 33:24,     Psalms 103:3Matthew 9:2John 5:145:15). (Jamieson)

5 He was pierced for our lawlessness. He was crushed for our sins. He was punished so that we could have peace.  He was whipped, and {by His wounds} we were healed!

                        He was killed because of sin. Sin is the breaking of the Law! Christ did not come to take away the       Law, but to take away the punishment for breaking the Law. The Law is still in force and always be – we are   freed from the PENALTY of sin.   Romans 4:25  1 Peter 2:24

                        -a bodily wound; not mere mental sorrow; literally, "pierced" as I used here; minutely appropriate to   Messiah, whose hands, feet, and side were pierced ( Psalms 22:16). The Margin, wrongly, from a Hebrew        root, translates, "tormented."

We have all strayed like sheep. Each one of us has turned to go his own way, and the LORD(Jesus) has laid all our sins on Him.

                        We are all sinners (1 John).  In fact, if we say we have no sin, we are liars and the truth is not in us!    Why is there suffering today? This is the answer. We have all gone our own way, a way opposite of God's Way           (HIS LAW). And death and sorrow is our reward! Christ came to pay off this debt-with His blood. In         2 Corinthians 5:21; He was not merely a sin offering (which would destroy the antithesis to   "righteousness"), but "sin for us"; sin itself vicariously; the representative of the aggregate sin of all    mankind; not sins in the plural, for the "sin" of the world is one ( Romans 5:16Romans 5:17); thus we are      made not merely righteous, but righteousness, even "the righteousness of God." The innocent was punished        as if guilty, that the guilty might be rewarded as if innocent. This verse could be said of no mere martyr.

He was abused and punished, yet He never said a word! He was led like a lamb to the slaughter. He was like a sheep that is silent when its wool is cut off.

                                    He is our Passover lamb!            John 19:9

He was arrested, taken away, and judged. Who would have thought that He would be removed from the world? He was killed because of my people's sins.

                        Matthew 27:11-25    removed from the world-- He is in Heaven

                        Acts 8:33; translate as the Septuagint: "In His humiliation His judgment (legal trial) was taken          away"; the virtual sense of the Hebrew as rendered by LOWTH and sanctioned by the inspired writer of Acts; He was treated as one so mean that a fair trial was denied Him ( Matthew 26:5914:55-59). HORSLEY     translates, "After condemnation and judgment He was accepted."

He was laid in a tomb like a criminal. He was put there with the rich when He died, although He had done nothing violent and had never spoken a lie.

                        Christ fulfilled this by dying (by crucifying Him with two thieves, Matthew 27:38 and being buried in a rich man's unused tomb; his uncle two rich men honored Him at His death, Joseph of Arimathæa. Christ  never lied, only truth was in Him. The Devil is a liar and no truth is in him.

10Yet it pleased theLORD(Jesus) to punish Him with suffering. 

When YOU{God the father} make His life a sacrifice for our wrongdoings, He will have a multitude of children, many heirs. The will of the LORD(Jesus) will succeed through Him.

                        They were voluntarily borne by Messiah, in order that thereby He might "do Jehovah's will" ( John      6:38 , Hebrews 10:7Hebrews 10:9), as to man's redemption; so at the end of the verse, "the pleasure of the     LORD shall prosper in His hand."

                        The Margin rightly makes the prophet in the name of Yahweh Himself to speak in this verse.

11When He sees all that is accomplished by His anguish, He will be satisfied. And because of what He has experienced, my righteous servant will make it possible for many to be counted righteous, for He will bear all their sins.

                        Yahwehis still speaking according to Jamieson. my . . . servant--Messiah ( Isaiah 42:152:13).


12 So I will give Him a share among the mighty, and He will divide the prize with the strong, because He poured out His life(soul-nephesh) in death and He was counted with  the sinners. He carried the sins of many. He intercedes for those who are lawless {sinners}.

                        IN DEATH-- Jesus died, just as we do. His soul DIED! The word here in Hebrew is nephesh, translated “soul” by the KJV. The same word used in Genesis chapter 1 “and man became a living soul-nephesh.  The best translation for nephesh is a living being- and when speaking of death, the best translation is dead being, or as I translated this here “his life in death.” If not for the power of the FATHER and the resurrection, Christ would still be in the grave awaiting the resuurection of the dead. We see later that ONLY Christ, thus far, has been “born again,” or resurrected from the dead. All of the rest of mankind are still in their graves sleeping! See 1 Corinthians 15.

                        Isaiah 53 plainly speaks of the suffering Messiah – and only Jesus Christ fulfilled this prophecy- HE IS OUR LORD and SAVIOR.

3 Things Christians Should Know about the Day of Atonement

By Bob Barney

Tonite starts the Day of Atonement (Sept 24th) at sunset and ends the following day (25th) at sunset.

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#1 The Day of Atonement proves when the Day begins

(The following excerpt is from Joe Kovacs' book The Divine Secret -click on link to buy it!)
In the fall, in the seventh month, the Day of Atonement (called Yom Kippur in Hebrew) takes place, and the Bible specifically instructs:
"It shall be to you a sabbath of solemn rest, and you shall afflict your souls; on the ninth day of the month at evening, from evening to evening, you shall celebrate your sabbath." (Leviticus 23:32 NKJV)
Now, I can understand why many people rush to these two verses and assert something like, "See?! The words on the page show us that every single day starts in the evening!"
But do they actually say that? As a matter of fact, they don't. Let's be clear. These two verses do not say anything specifying when days in general begin or end. They are ambiguous at best. They are merely telling when to observe the festivals. The very fact that they mention evening here while other annual sabbaths such as Pentecost or the Feast of Tabernacles (or even typical calendar days) do not mention evening suggest they're an exception to the pattern of the morning day which had long been established since creation week!
Day of Atonement
Let's look at the Day of Atonement to help you understand what I mean. Here's what the Bible says about it in the Torah:
"Also the TENTH DAY of this seventh month shall be the Day of Atonement. It shall be a holy convocation for you; you shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire to the LORD.
"And you shall do no work on that same day, for it is the Day of Atonement, to make atonement for you before the LORD your God.
"For any person who is not afflicted in soul on that same day shall be cut off from his people.
"And any person who does any work on that same day, that person I will destroy from among his people.
"You shall do no manner of work; it shall be a statute forever throughout your generations in all your dwellings.
"It shall be to you a sabbath of solemn rest, and you shall afflict your souls; on the NINTH DAY of the month AT EVENING, FROM EVENING TO EVENING, you shall celebrate your sabbath." (Leviticus 23:27-32 NKJV, emphasis added)
God places the Day of Atonement on the tenth day of the month, but interestingly, it's commanded to be observed from the ninth day of the month at sunset, to the following evening, the evening of the tenth. Many people think this is saying the ninth day of the month ends at sundown and that's when the tenth day of the month begins. But those words are simply not on the page. Again, the very fact that two different calendar days – the ninth and the tenth – are mentioned instead of one calendar day is more proof that there's a calendar-day change between the start and end of this Atonement festival.
To put this in modern perspective, if you're renting a car for a 24-hour period, you actually rent it over two calendar days. Let's say you need a rental car from 6 p.m. on the ninth day of the month until the following evening, 6 p.m. on the tenth day of the month. That's a 24-hour period, but there is a change in the calendar day from the ninth to the tenth of the month in the midst of the rental. In our modern age, the day change takes place at midnight. But in ancient Israel, the calendar-day change for the Day of Atonement would have been at sunrise! Again, there are TWO calendar days mentioned for this holy day. The ninth and the tenth! If every single day truly started at sunset in the evening, there would be absolutely no need to tell us to observe the day from evening to evening, since everyone would already be aware that ALL days began at sundown. If such were the case, Scripture would just say to observe it on the tenth of the month, without having to give any extra language about observing it from evening to evening. The reason the evening is mentioned for Atonement and not for the Feast of Tabernacles, for instance, is because Tabernacles is following the general rule of days beginning at sunrise, and Atonement is something out of the norm.
Now, why might God be instructing the Day of Atonement to be observed from evening to evening instead of morning to morning? Let's remember that God commands His people to afflict their souls, and this is understood to mean going without eating and drinking for 24 hours. It's a full day's worth of fasting. The New Testament even refers to this holy day as "the fast" in Acts 27:9. So, by having this holy day begin on the previous calendar day of the ninth day of the month at sundown, it means by the next morning, when people are awake, they would already be hungry. For this annual Sabbath, God actually wants people to have some sense of hunger, afflicting their souls, during the time they're awake! By commanding them to stop eating at sunset from the previous day is a guarantee they'd be afflicted with hunger pangs all through their waking hours on the tenth day. Otherwise, if the festival started at sunrise, people could have eaten all through the night and then not be quite as famished throughout that tenth day.
#2 Christ is in Atonement!  All of God's Holy Days represent Christ. Many Christians think atonement is only some Old Testament, Mosaic law thing, but in reality the Bible shows us that the ancients saw the need for atonement long before the time of Moses. When Adam and Eve committed the first sin, they hid from God because they were ashamed (Gn 3:8). God, by killing an animal, and using the skin to cover the naked bodies of the two, began the redemption of sin thru blood, that was finished with Christ Himself dying for our sins. CHRIST IS OUR ATONEMENT! While animals served as temporary sacrifices for our sins during the OT era, they could not ultimately atone for humans (Heb 4:10). We needed God Himself, who created everything to die for His creation to take away all sin!

Jesus Christ is both the subject and fulfillment of Isaiah's prophecy. Read Isaiah 53 for yourself.   It is NEVER READ by most Jews today!

#3.   The Day of Atonement will be observed in the millennium! Reading of Ezekiel 42-46 shows that during the millennium there will be all the principal Holy Days first seen in the Old Testament. The early church also followed this day. Acts 27:9 "Now when much time had been spent, and sailing was now dangerous because the Fast was already over, Paul advised them..." 

Although NOT REQUIRED, God is pleased when people follow this Holy Days that He will command you to follow when He returns!  How do you follow?  Simply eat no food, drink no water from 6PM tomorrow night (Sept 24th) until 6 PM the following Day.  Ask God's Blood to atone for your sins, love God and obey His every word, found in ALL Bible translations.


TONIGHT starts the Day of Atonement starts and IT IS FOR CHRISTIANS!

By Bob Barney

image from wp.production.patheos.comI know many Christians in the world understand that Jesus Christ, a Jew, followed the Old Testament (Mosaic) holidays.  Probably fewer comprehend that for nearly 100 years after the death and resurrection of Jesus, His followers still observed the same holy days.

One of these annual Holy Days is called in English "The Day of Atonement."  It is a very solemn 24-hour period of time over 2 calendar days, when we are to "deny ourselves."  This means to fast- or abstain from food and water for the 24-hour period.  The Day of Atonement does not occur on one day, as the Jews, and most of the observant Christians think it does!  Just a simple reading of scripture proves this. Many have read Leviticus 23:27 "The tenth day of this seventh month is the Day of Atonement. Hold a sacred assembly and deny yourselves and present a food offering to the LORD." and assume that it is. However, when one understands that God's day begins at dawn, the next few verses become very clear. "It is a day of sabbath rest for you, and you must deny yourselves. From the evening of the ninth day of the month until the following evening you are to observe your sabbath.

Clearly, if the day began in the evening, the writer would not say that the fast starts on the evening of the 9th!  It would have been, the evening of the 10th!  NOWHERE ARE EVENING DAYS JUSTIFIED IN YOUR BIBLE!  Any honest biblical scholar knows that the Bible shows the day beginning with LIGHT. "Let there be light"- and the first day began!

Clearing up the misconception of the true calendar, why do Christians observe this Holy Day? The answer is simple. They are following the example of Jesus Christ, His apostles, and the true Church of God of the first century! The church of the Apostles continued to observe the annual holy days established by God in the Old Testament, including the Day of Atonement for over a hundred years, until a great FALSE CHURCH in Rome changed it! They claimed the right to do so! "The Pope has the power to change times, to abrogate laws, and to dispense with all things, even the precepts of Christ." "The Pope has the authority and often exercised it, to dispense with the command of Christ." -Decretal, de Tranlatic Episcop. Cap. (The Pope can modify divine law.) Ferraris' Ecclesiastical Dictionary.  

image from www.cofac.orgOn the Day of Atonement, Christians humble themselves before God by fasting, remembering the awesome sacrifice of the Lamb of God, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, whose blood atoned for our sins. The Hebrew word for Atonement literally means “to cover over.” Our death penalty has been paid for us, and our sins have been buried, or “covered over.” In ancient times, the high priest enacted a fascinating, meaning-laden ritual of purification and atonement for his sins and the sins of the people. Study Leviticus the 16th chapter to understand all the types. Two goats were to be presented by the priest before God. One was "for the Eternal," and the other an Azazel, called a "scapegoat." The Azazel goat was to have all the sins of Israel symbolically placed upon its head, and then was to be led in the hands of a "fit man" who would not allow the goat to turn back into the distant wilderness, where it would be released. Contrary to popular belief, this goat represent Satan and NOT CHRIST!  God's gracious act of love toward us, is taking our sins (forgiving them through the blood of Christ-the first goat) and placing them on our scapegoat--- SATAN!  Yes, we blame Statn for our sins, but in reality, most of our sins are OUR SINS, not Satan's!  Satan just gets the punishment fore them, hence Satan is our scapegoat!

In the New Testament we read, "Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood He entered once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us..." (Hebrews 9:7-12).

Paul wrote, "Moreover He sprinkled with blood both the tabernacle, and all the vessels of the ministry.

"And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission.

"It was therefore necessary that the patterns of things in the heavens should be purified with these; but the heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these.

"For Christ is not entered into the holy place made with hands, which are the figures of the true; but into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God for us:

"Nor yet that He should offer Himself often, as the high priest entereth into the holy place every year [on the Day of Atonement!] with blood of others...but now once in the end of the world [age] hath He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself" (Hebrews 9:21-28).

image from www.ingodsimage.comAs you can see from Paul's example, to understand Christ's mission for us, we have to understand the Holy Days that Christ Himself created!  Christ is the LORD of the Old Testament, not God the Father!  These Holidays were made to show the way to HIS EARTHLY MISSION! Without these days, we cannot understand the gift of God!

We are to follow this day, like all of the Holy Days, not in remembrance of ancient Israel, but as a tribute to the God who freed our souls from death!

This is way we do the Fast CHEERFULLY and with a solemnity as well. 


Atonement 2022 starts Saturday Night on the 9th and ends Friday night on the 10th of the 7th Month in God's Holy Calendar



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September 18-24
News Stories from Around the World:

"Keep the Sabbath Day Holy.

Don’t Pursue Your Own Interests on That Day but Enjoy the Sabbath and Speak of it with Delight as the LORD’s Holy Day.

Honor the Sabbath in Everything You do on that Day... "

Isaiah 58:13

See the source image


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