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Why is January 1st New Year's Day? Thank the Romans and the Pope!

By Bob Barney


Most nations around the world hold that the New Year begins on January 1.  This wasn’t always the case. In fact, for centuries, other dates marked the start of the calendar, including March 21 (The spring Equinox- which, according to God's Calendar, is the true New Year's Day!) and December 25. So how did January 1 become New Year’s Day? Well, you can thank the pagan Romans first, and the equally pagan Catholic Church next!

The first mention of using this date goes back to the Roman king Numa Pompilius. According to tradition, during his reign (c. 715–673 BC) Numa revised the Roman republican calendar so that January replaced March as the first month. Notice, even at this time, the entire world was still following Go's calendar, with March being the New Year!  It took the evolution of paganism (Satanism) to replace God's true calendar with that of pagan gods... It was a fitting choice, since January was named after Janus, the Roman god of all beginnings, March celebrated Mars, the god of war. (Some sources claim that Numa also created the month of January.) However, there is evidence that January 1 was not made the official start of the Roman year until 153 BC.

In 46 BC,  Julius Caesar introduced more changes, though the Julian calendar, as it became known, retained January 1 as the year’s opening date. With the expansion of the Roman Empire, the use of the Julian calendar also spread. However, following the fall of Rome in the 5th century CE, many Christian countries altered the calendar so that it was more reflective of their religion, and March 25 (the Feast of the Annunciation) and December 25 (Christmas) became common New Year’s Days. They chose March 25th, because that calendar was off by 4 days a year.  They had the equinox on March 25th, and the winter solstice (now Dec 21st) on December 25th.

In designing his new calendar, Caesar enlisted the aid of the Alexandrian astronomer, Sosigenes, who advised him to do away with the lunar calendar and follow the solar year, as did the Egyptians. The year was calculated to be 365 and 1/4 days, and Caesar added 67 days to 46 B.C., making 45 B.C. begin on January 1, rather than in March. He also decreed that every four years a day be added to February, thus theoretically keeping his calendar from falling out of step. Shortly after Caesar was assassinated in 44 B.C., Mark Anthony changed the name of the month Quintilis to Julius (July) to honor him. Later, the month of Sextilis was renamed Augustus (August) after his successor.

The true Christian Church, that was founded by Jesus and the Apostles frowned upon these pagan rituals, and that church stayed with the TRUE CALENDAR ordained by God!  A great false Christian Church, which started in Rome, was a pagan church, originally worshippers of the God Mythra!  This false church created the ecclesiastical calendar that we follow today. Scholars know that Jesus wasn't born in December, even the Biblical account of shepherds watching over their flocks in the fields – which would not have happened in winter – make a winter birth unlikely. But celebrating Jesus' birth during the time of the existing pagan celebration of the solstice was convenient and the Church usurped the holiday.

It later became clear that the Julian calendar required additional changes due to a 4-day miscalculation concerning leap years. The cumulative effect of this error over the course of several centuries caused various events to take place in the wrong season. It also created problems when determining the date of pagan Easter. Thus, Pope Gregory XIII introduced a revised calendar in 1582. In addition to solving the issue with leap years, the Gregorian calendar restored January 1 as the start of the New Year. While Italy, France, and Spain were among the countries that immediately accepted the new calendar, Protestant and Orthodox nations were slow to adopt it. Great Britain and its American colonies did not begin following the Gregorian calendar until 1752. Before then they celebrated New Year’s Day on March 25.

Over time non-Christian countries also began to use the Gregorian calendar. China (1912) is a notable example, though it continued to celebrate the Chinese New Year according to a lunar calendar. In fact, many countries that follow the Gregorian calendar also have other traditional or religious calendars. Some nations never adopted the Gregorian calendar and thus start the year on dates other than January 1. Ethiopia, for example, celebrates its New Year (known as Enkutatash) in September.

So, this is why January 1 is the New Year!   Once again, the so-called modern world continues to follow the traditions of the pagan world of antiquity...think about that...


For more on the Pope and Paganism, Read This:


The reason the world has gone bonkers -- We Live in "Opposite World"

By Joe Kovacs - The Plain Truth
(Joe Kovacs is the author of the new book Shocked by the Bible 2, as well as his previous books Shocked by the Bible and The Divine Secret, all on sale in bookstores and Learn more at
image from
In case you haven't noticed recently, the world in which we live seems to have lost its bearings, sliding toward some sort of dark abyss, both in America and across the world.

No doubt, you're familiar with old problems such as murder, war, theft, disease, homelessness, hunger, lying, economic turmoil, religious strife, lusting, adultery, fornication, unwanted pregnancy, abortion and people having a lack of care and concern for their fellow man.

But these days there are a host of new concerns that have many people shaking their heads in disbelief.

Continue reading "The reason the world has gone bonkers -- We Live in "Opposite World"" »

Israeli scholar translates inscription 'proving Scripture's reliability.' Others disagree

'Right in front of the eyes of the Bible's authors stood monuments with royal inscriptions'

(Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash)

(Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash)

A Really Cool Object Was Seen in Space This Past Week ~ "Is that a UFO? A Galactic Clump?" (Video)

image from www.ufobc.caThe Plain Truth is that UFO's are real, but they are not little green men from Mars or other planets in some solar systems.  Most UFO's (and the term means UNIDENTIFIED flying objects) have been and still are of this world. Weather phenomena, secret military aircraft and even hoaxes make up the first type of UFO sightings.  There is a second type of UFO that we will IDENTIFY!  If you believe in God, and the God who inspired the Bible, then in the pages of that Bible you will find the plain explanation of what these types of UFO's are...They are ANGELS!  The Plain Truth: The Plain Truth about UFO's

"Aliens? Is that a UFO?" ~ Ben Davidson of Suspicious 0bservers

Leftists insist that Bible's morality actually is 'hate' speech

Demand school board ban it at meetings

The Yule Log Dessert ~ An Innocent Christmas Tradition or An Enduring Replica of Something Pagan in Origin?

During Yule Festival, the best storyteller in a family or village would tell stories about family adventures or about the gods, and help others tell their stories, as well.

A chocolate yule log cake adorned with cookies in the shape of gingerbread men and reindeer. Some families, especially those of Scandinavian descent, may make yule log cakes during the Christmas holiday season.

A chocolate yule log cake adorned with cookies shaped like gingerbread men, snowflakes and reindeer. Some families, especially those of Scandinavian descent, may make yule log cakes during the Christmas holiday season.

How the Yule log tradition evolved from an ancient Viking ritual

A Viking re-enactor stands in the foreground as a fire burns behind him.

A Viking re-enactor stands in the foreground as a fire burns behind him.

Yule logs can mean different things for different people. For some, yule logs mean warm, crackling fireplaces. For others, they bring to mind sweet, chocolate cakes.  

Either way, the Christmas icon in modern times may be an echo of a tradition from as far back as ancient times, particularly in a changing medieval Scandinavia.


Even the Pagans embrace it as their own...

The Origins of the Yule Log –

When Christmas was illegal in America

Christmas in the post-War United StatesChristmas in the post-War United States (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Religion Today is contributed biweekly by the University of Wyoming's Religious Studies Program to examine and to promote discussion of religious issues.

Who Was Against Christmas?

By Paul V.M. Flesher

Picture the following scenario. Crowds of Americans rioting in the streets. Two opposing groups shout loudly, vying to have their messages heard and heeded. The groups meet. Confrontation ensues. Fistfights break out. Church windows are smashed. What are these rioters fighting about? Christmas. One group favors celebrating Christmas, the other opposes all Christmas observances. This isn't an imaginary event, it is history. It happened in Boston on Christmas day in 1706.

In America's increasing love-affair with Christmas (both the Christian and commercial versions), we have forgotten that there was a time when much of European and American Christianity thought that Christmas should not be celebrated. In the riot described previously, the anti-Christmas group consisted largely of Congregationalists (Puritan descendants), Baptists, and Presbyterians, while the pro-Christmas group comprised mostly Anglicans (Episcopalians). The notion that Christians of any stripe should not want to celebrate Christmas is so foreign to our present concept of the holiday, that we need to review some history to understand it.

Prior to the Protestant Reformation in the 1500s, Roman Catholicism celebrated the "Christ Mass." It was one of many special masses and feasts of the Catholic Church celebrating key events in Jesus' life or the birthdays of saints. The three main Protestant movements that ultimately came to America had three different reactions to this situation.

First, although the Anglican Church developed a Protestant theology, it kept much of Catholic liturgy, including festivals celebrating aspects of Christ's life and the feast days of many saints. It gave special emphasis to the celebration of Christmas.

Second, after Martin Luther nailed his "95 Theses" to the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral in 1517, special liturgical observances began to be frowned upon. The Lutherans thought that the celebrations of saints' days were too much and so cancelled them. But they still emphasized observing events in Jesus' life, and so continued with joyous Christmas festivities.

Third, the Calvinists in Switzerland banned all Christian holy days not mentioned in Scripture. That approach meant that the Sabbath was acceptable, but nothing else. Christmas, Easter, Pentecost and other celebrations were to be treated as normal days with nothing special about them.

The Calvinist position came to be quite influential in Great Britain, even though it never altered the position of the Anglican Church. John Knox brought Calvinism to Scotland as Presbyterianism where Christmas was banned in 1583, while the Puritans brought Calvinism into England, where it became influential in circles both within and outside of the Anglican Church. During the Civil War in 1647, Oliver Cromwell and his Puritan followers outlawed Christmas observance. It was brought back in 1660 at the restoration of the monarchy under Charles II.

From England, both sides brought their Christmas beliefs to America. The Puritans (later becoming the Congregationalists) were joined by Presbyterians, Quakers, Methodists (despite their founders' pro-Christmas predilections), and Baptists on the anti-Christmas side, while the Anglicans dominated the pro-Christmas side, and were later joined by the Lutherans and the Dutch Reformed.

In Boston, the Puritans outlawed Christmas in 1659. Although the ban was lifted in 1681 when the British government took control of the colony, an armed guard had to protect the governor on his way to church on Christmas of 1686. When the colony reverted to local control in 1689, Christmas again fell out of favor.

The objection to Christmas by Americans was two-fold. First, for Calvinist theology, it reflected the pagan character of Catholic worship. Christmas was not a biblical holiday and had not even become a Christian festival before the late 300s; it was a creation of the church, not of Christ. Second, the holiday was accompanied by extensive reveling. Celebrations were not primarily worshipful, but involved feasting, game playing, heavy drinking, shooting, and gambling. For the over-indulgers, it brought out the worst of their excesses. Since the holiday celebrated the Savior's birth, such immoral behavior was seen as sacrilegious.

During the 18th century, Christmas observance began to be more accepted. Church-goers turned their attention to purifying the holiday of its excesses, rather than rejecting it altogether. By the 1750s, even New England hymn books contained Christmas carols. By the early 1800s, Christmas was observed with an emphasis on family and children.

In 1836, Alabama became the first state to make Christmas a legal holiday. Other states followed suit; even Massachusetts legalized Christmas in 1856, almost 200 years after its ban. But the last state, Oklahoma, did not join in until 1907. So next Christmas, 2007, will be the centenary of Christmas being the first religious holiday whose celebration across the United States is sanctioned by law.

Flesher is director of UW's Religious Studies Program. Past columns and more information about the program can be found on the Web at To comment on this column, visit

Excerpts from Fox News John Gibson's Book "The War on Christmas...."

As a matter of American history, however, some of the strongest complaints about the public celebration of Christmas have been lodged from within the Christian tradition—by devout Christians who had little use for the holiday. For a surprising number of American believers, the chief concern wasn't putting Christ back into Christmas. It was taking Christmas out of Christianity.

Liberal plots notwithstanding, the Americans who succeeded in banning the holiday were the Puritans of 17th-century Massachusetts. Between 1659 and 1681, Christmas celebrations were outlawed in the colony, and the law declared that anyone caught "observing, by abstinence from labor, feasting or any other way any such days as Christmas day, shall pay for every such offense five shillings." Finding no biblical authority for celebrating Jesus' birth on Dec. 25, the theocrats who ran Massachusetts regarded the holiday as a mere human invention, a remnant of a heathen past. They also disapproved of the rowdy celebrations that went along with it. "How few there are comparatively that spend those holidays … after an holy manner," the Rev. Increase Mather lamented in 1687. "But they are consumed in Compotations, in Interludes, in playing at Cards, in Revellings, in excess of Wine, in Mad Mirth."

After the English Restoration government reclaimed control of Massachusetts from the Puritans in the 1680s, one of the first acts of the newly appointed royal governor of the colony was to sponsor and attend Christmas religious services. Perhaps fearing a militant Puritan backlash, for the 1686 services he was flanked by redcoats. The Puritan disdain for the holiday endured: As late as 1869, public-school kids in Boston could be expelled for skipping class on Christmas Day.

The Puritans are the most cited example of anti-Christmas spirit, but not the only one. Quakers, too, took a pass, reasoning that, in the words of 17th-century Quaker apologist Robert Barclay, "All days are alike holy in the sight of God." The Quakers never translated their dismissal of Christmas into legislation in their stronghold in Colonial Pennsylvania. But local meetings, as the Quakers call their assemblies, urged their members to disdain Christmas and to be "zealous in their testimony against the holding up of such days." As late as 1810, the Philadelphia Democratic Press reported that few Pennsylvanians celebrated the holiday.

Observance of Christmas, or the lack thereof, was one way to differentiate among the Christian sects of Colonial and 19th-century America. Anglicans, Moravians, Dutch Reformed, and Lutherans, to name just a few, did; Quakers, Puritans, Separatists, Baptists, and some Presbyterians did not. An 1855 New York Times report on Christmas services in the city noted that Baptist and Methodist churches were closed because they "do not accept the day as a holy one," while Episcopal and Catholic churches were open and "decked with evergreens." New England Congregationalist preacher Henry Ward Beecher remembered decorative greenery as an exotic touch that one could see only in Episcopal churches, "a Romish institution kept up by the Romish church."

Naturally, some celebrants of the holiday complained about the abstainers. In 1867, Reformed Church minister Henry Harbaugh protested that Presbyterians in his Pennsylvania neighborhood "spend the day working as on any other day. Their children grow up knowing nothing of brightly lit Christmas trees, nor Christmas presents. God have mercy on these Presbyterians, these pagans." You can hear the echo of that sentiment today, in the criticism of the megachurches that have announced that they will be closed on Christmas, because their leaders think congregations and church staff would rather remain home with their families. "Our culture does not need any encouragement to be more self-centered or narcissistic, or to stay at home on Sunday," Bible scholar Ben Witherington III wrote on Beliefnet last week. "Shame on you, megachurches."

Gibson briefly refers to the Puritan ban on the holiday but otherwise avoids any mention of division within the Christian tradition over how to celebrate it. His "war on Christmas" is purely a clash between secularists and believers. It's worth remembering, however, that in past American battles over Christmas, the combatants on both sides were Christian soldiers.

This Ancient Roman Holiday Is the Real ‘Gay Christmas’

Christmas is really Saturnalia, and yes, it was a QUEER holiday then, too! Satan is just reclaiming it!
This Ancient Roman Holiday Is the Real ‘Gay Christmas’

Written by Zeynep Sasmazel 

The gays have long referred to Halloween as “gay Christmas,” but did you know there’s actually a different holiday that more perfectly matches that description? So gather ‘round the rainbow Yule, join the queer chorus, and follow me in merry measure as I tell you about what is about to become your new favorite holiday, Saturnalia.

Gay Christmas, otherwise known as Saturnalia, was an ancient Roman festival held in mid-December to honor Saturn, the god of sowing, plenty, and agriculture. Though Saturnalia initially started as a one-day affair, it quickly grew into a three-day — and then a week-long — festivity. Because if you’re going to do Gay Christmas, you’re going to do it right.

saturnalia gay christmas mosaic

Many present-day Christmas traditions can be traced back to Saturnalia. Customs like decorating our homes with wreaths, singing, feasting, and gift giving all originated during this holiday. Schools were closed, business was halted, and the courts were out of session. Strict dress codes were loosened, with participants exchanging their togas for more colorful clothing, and even gambling was allowed. So basically all the most gay Christmas traditions come from Saturnalia.

Of course, this was still a particularly holy day for the Romans. Official rituals were observed, sacrifices were made, and the statue of Saturn — whose feet were normally bound with wool — was unbound to symbolize liberation.

saturnalia gay christmas hat

A hat known as a “pileus” was the traditional headwear of gay Christmas, Saturnalia.

Some ways Saturnalia participants celebrated were … less than traditional. The holiday is rumored to have featured “lads running naked about the place, cross-dressing for dinner, tops becoming bottoms, masters waiting on their servants … sausages, wine, cunnilingus and fruitcake.”


So, depending on how you live your life, maybe these are regular Christmas traditions for you, too. We don’t judge!

Poets wrote of Saturnalia that it was “the best of days” and a time “when the whole mob has let itself go in pleasures.”


Christmas history in America

Nederlands: Sinterklaas tijdens het Het Feest ...Nederlands: Sinterklaas tijdens het Het Feest van Sinterklaas (Photo credit: Wikipedia)



Christmas history in America: see also Santa Claus in America


In the early 17th century, a wave of religious reform changed the way Christmas was celebrated in Europe. When Oliver Cromwell and his Puritan forces took over England in 1645, they vowed to rid England of decadence and, as part of their effort, cancelled Christmas. By popular demand, Charles II was restored to the throne and, with him, came the return of the popular holiday. 

The pilgrims, English separatists that came to America in 1620, were even more orthodox in their Puritan beliefs than Cromwell. As a result, Christmas was not a holiday in early America. From 1659 to 1681, the celebration of Christmas was actually outlawed in Boston. Anyone exhibiting the Christmas spirit was fined five shillings. By contrast, in the Jamestown settlement, Captain John Smith reported that Christmas was enjoyed by all and passed without incident.

After the American Revolution, English customs fell out of favor, including Christmas. In fact, Congress was in session on December 25, 1789, the first Christmas under America’s new constitution. Christmas wasn’t declared a federal holiday until June 26, 1870.

Washington Irving reinvents Christmas



Continue reading "Christmas history in America " »

Biden neglects to mention Jesus in Christmas message

But cites beliefs of those who are 'Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, or no faith at all'



Church changes Christmas carol lyrics to recognize 'queer and questioning'

'Flipping love my church' says trainee priest

By WND Staff

A church in the United Kingdom has decided to take Jesus and the Nativity out of Christmas, instead promoting a message for the "queer and questioning."

Summit News explains it is All Saints with Holy Trinity Church in Loughborough and it held a service Monday.

It was in a social media statement that trainee priest Rachael Brind-Surch boasted of alterations made to the traditional "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen."

"Flipping love my church," claimed Brind-Surch, as the first verse of the hymn was revealed to be: "God rest you, queer and questioning, your anxious hearts be still, Believe that you are deeply known and part of God's good will For all to live as one in peace the global dream fulfilled. O tidings of comfort and joy…"


Czech museum to return Beethoven manuscript saved from the Nazis to its rightful owners

A unique piece by Ludwig van Beethoven is finally set to be returned to the heirs of its original owners.
A Ludwig van Beethoven's music manuscript, is seen in the Moravian Museum's collection in Brno, 30 November 2022
A Ludwig van Beethoven's music manuscript, is seen in the Moravian Museum's collection in Brno, 30 November 2022   -   Copyright  Šálek Václav/CTK via AP
By Euronews with AP
A unique piece by Ludwig van Beethoven is finally set to be returned to the heirs of its original owners.

The manuscript ended up in the archives of the Moravian Museum in the Czech city of Brno to protect it from being stolen by the Nazis, as the Petscheks, once the richest family in pre-World War II Czechoslovakia, fled the country to escape the Holocaust.

The museum kept the autograph of the 4th movement of the string quartet in B-flat Major, op. 130 — a highly valued late quartet by the German composer — in its collections for more than 80 years.

Now, a local restitution law on the property stolen by the Nazis is making the return possible.

For the first time, the Moravian Museum curators have put the score on display for five days before it is set to be handed over to the Petschek family.

"The item itself has a fascinating collecting story," says curator Simona Sindlarova. "The whole story reflects the history of Central Europe in the last 200 years."

High-stakes lie to Nazis works, saves the manuscript

Details about how the family, whose wealth came mainly from the mining industry and business in the banking sector, acquired the piece after the Great War are unknown.

Beethoven composed the six-movement quartet in 1825-26, as part of his work on a series of late quartets commissioned by Russian Prince Nicholas Galitzin.

It premiered in March 1826 in Vienna's Musikverein.


Burial cave dedicated to Jesus' 'midwife' Salome reveals treasures

'She could not believe that she was asked to deliver a virgin's baby'

By WND News Services

(TIMES OF ISRAEL) -- Ahead of opening a burial cave dedicated to Salome, the midwife of Jesus, to the public, archaeologists have recently uncovered a number of priceless artifacts from its courtyard, the Israeli Antiquities Authority announced on Tuesday. The tomb is a centuries-old Christian pilgrimage site, located in the Lachish region in central Israel.

“According to a Christian tradition, Salome was the midwife from Bethlehem, who was called to participate in the birth of Jesus,” said IAA archaeologist Zvi Firer. “She could not believe that she was asked to deliver a virgin’s baby, and her hand became dry and was only healed when she held the baby’s cradle.”

The burial cave was discovered in 1982 by antiquities looters and subsequently excavated in 1984 by Prof. Amos Kloner of the IAA. But, despite ample proof of its use as a sacred Christian site, it was never opened to the public.


Trump: I'm the Jewish people's best-ever ally, Congress 'almost anti-Israel'

Says some Democrats 'hate Israel with a passion'

President Donald Trump places his hand on the Western Wall in Jerusalem, Monday, May 22, 2017, prior to placing a prayer in-between the stone blocks of the religious site. (Official White House photo by Dan Hansen)

By WND News Services

President Donald Trump places his hand on the Western Wall in Jerusalem, Monday, May 22, 2017, prior to placing a prayer in-between the stone blocks of the religious site. (Official White House photo by Dan Hansen)

(ISRAEL365 NEWS) -- Former U.S. President Donald Trump told a gathering of Orthodox Jews on Friday that he was the “best ally they’ve ever had,” before warning that Congress had become “almost anti-Israel” because some Democrats “hate Israel with a passion.”

In his speech at the annual President’s Conference of Torah Umesorah–National Society for Hebrew Day Schools, held at his Trump National Doral Miami golf resort in Florida, he quoted part of his 2019 State of the Union address highlighting the need to combat antisemitism.

“We must never ignore the vile poison of antisemitism or those who spread its venomous creed,” said Trump, adding: “With one voice we must confront this hatred; we must confront it everywhere; we must confront it very, very strongly.”


'The enemy is in our churches': Critics decry 'evil' after Vatican defrocks pro-life priest

'Blasphemous communications on social media'

(Image by luiscadore from Pixabay)

(Image by luiscadore from Pixabay)

What was the Star of Magi that They Followed and When was Jesus Really Born?

First published in December of 2020. A great study!



By Bob Barney

1 Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea when Herod was king, behold, wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, "Where is He who is born King of the Jews? For we saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him." When Herod the king heard it, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.

 Gathering together all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he asked them where the Christ would be born. They said to him, "In Bethlehem of Judea, for thus it is written through the prophet, 'You Bethlehem, land of Judah, are in no way least among the princes of Judah: For out of you shall come forth a governor, Who shall shepherd my people, Israel'". Micah 5:2

Then Herod secretly called the wise men and learned from them exactly what time the star appeared. He sent them to Bethlehem, and said, "Go and search diligently for the young child. When you have found him, bring me word, so that I also may come and worship him."

 They, having heard the king, went on their way; and all at once they saw that the star, which they followed from the east, went before them, until it came and stood over where the young child was.

When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.  They came into the house and saw the young child with Mary, his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Opening their treasures, they offered to him gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

Notice these wise men (and we do not know the number) came to a house to visit the baby Jesus, not to the manger. They were not present when he was born, but came upward to 2 years later! Notice that in verse 16, Herod orders all children two years and under to be killed!


The wise men (Magi) were probably scientists and came presumably from Babylon, but possibly from Assyria or Chaldea. Scientists of this day were also considered religious figures as the ancients rightly knew that science and God go together, unlike today. When Daniel was in captivity in Babylon, he eventually became the leader and the teacher of a group known as Magi... It can be assumed, since Daniel knew the future, he instructed his students to look for signs of the coming Messiah.

At about the sixth century Catholic tradition changed the Magi into Kings and their number was fixed at three because of the threefold nature of their gift's gold, frankincense and myrrh (but six Kings in the eastern tradition), yet the Bible nowhere mentions their number. It could have been two, three, four or forty!

The star was not very bright, and everyone knew this, but the star still must have held astrological significance. Also, it must have been a fairly long-lasting phenomenon. Possibly Daniel knew that this astrological phenomenon would occur!

It was only in medieval times that the star got to be depicted as very bright and with a tail, suggesting as a comet or a meteorite, but again, the Bible makes no such statement! In fact, there is a possibility that the “star” was actually an angel, as the Bible refers to angels as “stars!”

Still, we may wonder what has perpetuated the story and where the information originated on the alleged birth date of Christ.

After many years of research, I have come to the conclusion that the star was actually the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter! Something celestial by the way, is going to happen this December 21st2020.

We know from the Bible that Jesus was born during the reign of King Herod. Herod died sometime around a lunar eclipse seen from Jericho and around Passover time, so probably the eclipse of March 12, 4 BC. We also know it was during the time of the census, which Augustus proclaimed in 8 BC! Reasonably, Christ was born between these years....

The famed German astronomer Johannes Kepler observed the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in 1603-04, which caused him to calculate back in time and to suggest that the star in 7 BC was the star of Bethlehem. I believe he was right. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) was one of the great mathematical minds of human history. As Arthur Koestler wrote in The Sleepwalkers, “Kepler and Galileo were the two giants on whose shoulders Newton stood.”

In the ancient world planets were symbols. Jupiter was the planet of Kings, Saturn was the planet of the priestly class, and happening in the constellation of Pisces, being representative of the Jewish people. So, this meant to the Magi taught by Daniel, the King of the Jews was to be born and this King would be the priestly Messiah!

The Conjunction occurred 3 times over the course of a year. The year was probably 6 BC, but some argue 7 BC. Both years would fit...It occurred over a period of time---which would cover the period of Christ's conception and the Magi's journey to Bethlehem, as recounted in Matthew 2:9–10. The first was May 29th which is Pentecost and probably the day John the Baptists was born. The next conjuncture was at the time of the Feast of Tabernacles and Atonement. THIS IS WHEN JESUS WAS BORN! Remember the Magi did NOT visit Jesus in the manger! That is paganism! The Bible clearly shows they visited Jesus in a HOUSE! Herod himself, when meeting the Magi, ordered all male children in Bethlehem to be murdered up to 2 years old, showing you that the Magi knew the child was no longer an infant in a manger! The third conjuncture happened in December (like this year) around the 21st, when they found the baby Jesus in a home! He was either 3 months old, or possibly 15 months old, depending on possible calendar error.

It is clear the Christ was not born in December. The flocks were still in the field, and in December in Israel, flocks are in barns. Luke 2:8 provides the first indication, as flocks were still in the fields at night. The flocks were brought in for the winter season of mid-October to mid-March.

The next proof is the fact that Jesus was born six months after John the Baptist (Luke 1:24-2636). When was John the Baptist born? May 29th! Because Zacharias’ (his Father) performed his priestly functions during the 7th Month Feast of Tabernacles, which starts Sept 29th. This was when he was told he would have a child, and nine months later would be as late as May 29th, when the same “STAR” appeared. It makes sense it was more likely during Passover time as he was six months older than Jesus. Therefore, Christ’s birth had to be in early autumn or during the feast

Logical math is that Jesus Christ was probably born on either the Day of Atonement or during the Feast of Tabernacles (First or Last Great Day?). The Magi got to the house much later, during December, leading to the false Christmas manger scene we see today during the pagan XMAS celebration. Christ was not born December 25th, but tradition holds that the Lucifer (Satan) was created on that day! This is an opportunity to just stop and think about that for a moment.

 Present day, the next great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will be on the day of the solstice: December 21, 2020. Jupiter-Saturn conjunctions happen every 20 years; the last one was in the year 2000 but wasn't visible during the daytime. The 2020 great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will be the closest since 1623 and the closest observable since 1226! On December 21, 2020, Jupiter and Saturn will be only 0.1 degree apart. Some say the pair will look like an “elongated star” on that date. Will they? We will have to look and see! They’ll surely be an appealing and mind-expanding sight. This extra-close Jupiter-Saturn conjunction won’t be matched again until the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction of March 15, 2080.

What you will probably see this solstice will be similar to what the Magi's saw over 2000 years ago on the same day! A “star” leading to the baby Jesus. Not Jesus' birthday, but their visit!

The Meaning of Christmas

Forward by Bob Barney:  The following is an article that was published around 1900!  I think those who still think Christmas has something to do with the birth of Jesus (which it doesn't) will be surprised that even over a 100 years ago, when WE THINK people knew the so-called "true meaning of Christmas," THEY DIDN'T!

Frank Leslie’s Weekly, published from 1855 to 1922, was an American illustrated news publication started by publisher and illustrator Frank Leslie. While only 30 copies of the first edition were printed, by 1897 its circulation had grown to an estimated 65,000 copies.
Frank Leslie's Weekly - The Meaning of Christmas

Frank Leslie’s Weekly – The Meaning of Christmas

The Meaning of Christmas


THE FIRST man I addressed was of the brisk business type. He had the gruff air of complete absorption which most business men consider it necessary to assume.

“What does Christmas mean to you?” I asked.

He looked at me sharply and answered, “I have no time for either reporters or lunatics.”

“But this is a serious question,” I insisted. “I desire information. How can I discover the meaning of the whole thing if nobody will answer me?”

He relented a little and replied, in a more friendly tone, “To me Christmas means prosperity. It means the busiest time of the year. It means big sales and big profits. That’s all I know about it.” And he hurried off.

I next accosted a well-known lawyer. He was a big, kindly man, and he listened to my question with interest. But his face clouded as he answered, “Christmas is to me an annual reminder of all the crime and misery in the world. The peace and good-will of the rich only serve to accentuate the wretchedness of the poor. The criminal courts are filled each year with those who would be honorable men if they possessed only a very small share of the Christmas gifts which are a natural part of our own care-free lives. It is a sad thought.”

I pondered over these words, but soon hastened on to find a new victim for my questioning. It happened to be a clerk, a small, nervous man, obviously over-worked.

“What does Christmas mean to me?” he asked. “Well, for one thing it means a holiday—and that is always a relief. I get a chance to see something of my family, to spend a day with the children. But it’s embarrassing, too. It has its unpleasant side. I can’t afford to do what I would like in the way of gifts, and I’m always afraid that the fact is noticeable. My wife and I decided several years ago to omit all presents to each other and concentrate on the children. But even at that our celebration is a very modest affair. I wish the cost of living were not so high.” And he also hurried off, with a feeble imitation of the absorbed air of the business man.

My next question was addressed to a successful physician. He laughed as he answered, “It’s pretty hard for me to get away from my profession. I suppose Christmas means no more to me than so many extra cases of indigestion to be cured and so many more colds to be attended to. It merely adds one more to the many occasions on which the power of medicine can be proved.”

I turned to an actor of world-wide reputation. “Does Christmas mean anything to you?” I asked.

“It means my busy day,” he answered gruffly. “We stage people have no real Christmas. There is always an evening performance and usually a matinee as well. We are worked harder on Christmas Day than at any other time in the year.”

I was disappointed, but hastened to take up the subject with a singer, one who was chiefly noted for church work.

“Oh,” he answered enthusiastically, “Christmas means much to me! There are so many services and the Christmas music is so wonderful. I always look forward to it. There is nothing that brings out the beauties of my voice so well as the Christmas carols, and the more elaborate things give me an opportunity for a really fine display of technique.”

Again I was disappointed, but again I turned hopefully, this time to a teacher. Here at least, I thought, I shall find a deeply spiritual reply, full of a mystic meaning. So I asked my question confidently, and I listened with hopeful attention as I saw the gleam of pleasure in his eyes.

“The meaning of Christmas?” he fairly shouted. “It means joy! Joy! Joy! Two full weeks of vacation! No classes to teach! No papers to correct! No unruly boys to reprimand! Could anything be pleasanter? Sleigh rides, theaters, books, dinners! Oh, the joys of Christmas are countless!”

I left him to his ecstatic ravings and sought out a social worker of long experience. This man, at least, must have some truth to impart. “Christmas,” he said slowly, “to me means simply hard labor. It means days of unpleasant begging, sometimes on the street corners, sometimes at the homes of the rich. It means the stupendous task of feeding and clothing thousands of the poor. And it means that when our work is done we get very little gratitude, very little appreciation. It is expected of us. Some keep their cheerful faces year after year and imagine that they really enjoy their work. To me it has become mere drudgery.” Even after this rebuff I did not give up hope altogether. But I said to myself, “I must find a real interpreter of Christianity. I shall ask a minister of the Gospel.” The reply which I received proved most disappointing of all.

“Yes, I like Christmas,” said the clergyman pleasantly. “It is what I may call my easy day. The sermon requires almost no preparation. The congregation enters into the spirit of the day and helps me in every way possible. I receive many substantial evidences of the generosity of my parishioners, so that, on the whole, I am always happy, contented and possibly a little lazy on Christmas Day.”

The unexpectedness of this answer so upset my calculations that I jumped at once to the opposite extreme. I picked out a miserable tramp, the very type of neglected humanity, arguing that all my attempts so far had been directed too much toward the higher and more prosperous classes. The tramp grinned cheerfully as he answered my question.

“Christmas? That’s somethin’ like Thanksgivin’, ain’t it? Them’s my two big feed days for the year. You can work a graft so as to eat three full charity dinners in the same afternoon, if you can hold ‘em. I generally fills up fer about a week, countin’ what I stows in my clothes. But it makes the rest of the year all the worse. Rich people seem to think that us poor guys don’t have to eat no more than once or twice in twelve months. If it wasn’t for the cold weather, I’d want Christmas every day.”

I might have foreseen this. My first track was the right one, after all; yet I seemed to have exhausted all the possible sources of information. No; there was one left. “Out of the mouth of babes,” I said to myself, and hunted up a child.

“Christmas? Don’t you know what Christmas means?” the child asked, in wide-eyed wonder. “I guess you haven’t been educated very well. But I’ll tell you all about it. Christmas is the day when Santa Claus was born and all the angels sang a song for the shepherds to listen to. And they told them to go around and give presents to each other forever after, world without end, amen. That’s why I always go to two Sunday schools a whole month before Christmas. They have trees and lights and candy and oranges in pink tissue paper, and Santa Claus is there himself and gives the things out, and the superintendent tells us what good children we are, and everybody eats a lot, and we get presents at home and turkey and hang our stockings up and everything. Didn’t you know that?”

“Well, not quite in that way,” I answered, catching feebly at a straw. “Isn’t there anything else?”

“Oh, parties and ice cream and candy canes and dolls and holly berries and mince pie and— —”

“And the people are just the same as any other day?” I interrupted.

“Well, no,” the child answered reflectively. “I think everybody tries to be a little extra nice. Papa doesn’t say a cross word to mamma all day, and I let my little brother play with my toys if he wants to, and the cook doesn’t chase us out of the kitchen when we come to smell the turkey roasting. She gives us little heart-shaped ginger cakes instead. I guess everybody loves everybody else on Christmas Day.”

“At last!” I breathed, with a sigh of relief.

Frank Leslie's Weekly - The Meaning of Christmas

Frank Leslie’s Weekly – The Meaning of Christmas

Source: Frank Leslies Weekly, December 5, 1912
Top image: Frank Leslies Weekly, December 10, 1913
Middle image: Frank Leslies Weekly, December 10, 1908
Bottom image: Frank Leslies Weekly, December 13, 1906


Why does the Bible stress baby Jesus was wrapped 'in swaddling clothes'?

'Surprising and breathtaking truths can be gleaned'

Election-Fraud Corruption Is Deeper than Anyone Can Imagine

Multiple polls conclude that upwards of 70 percent of Americans think our elections are filled with fraud.  But we're learning it's deeper and more organized than just a few thousand mules dropping fake ballots into election boxes.

See the source image

jstordaily photo

By Jack Gleason

Multiple polls conclude that upwards of 70 percent of Americans think our elections are filled with fraud.  But we're learning it's deeper and more organized than just a few thousand mules dropping fake ballots into election boxes.

The corruption involves both political parties.  Big Tech manipulates search engine results and takes down "dangerous" websites.  With Elon Musk's revelations, we now see that our own FBI is working actively with Twitter to censor conservatives and silence dissenting speech.  It's next to certain that Twitter wasn't the only social media giant the FBI was giving orders to.  And the mainstream media are all in on ridiculing, dismissing, or attacking people willing to speak out.

Anyone who floats the idea that the Republican red wave disappeared because of poor GOP tactics, or inadequate candidates, is either stupid or part of this conspiracy.  In fact, it's an excellent "RINO detector"!

Any "conservative" news organization that is not focusing 100 percent on the corruption that has been unearthed in Maricopa County is complicit.

The left and their RINO allies, along with who-knows-how-many other corporate and foreign actors, have set up the most complicated electoral fraud system in history.  Every step of the voting process — from who is allowed to vote, how they vote, how the votes are tallied, to how the results are reported — is compromised.  They are so far into their corruption that being exposed is not an option.  They will do literally anything to avoid being caught.

A good place to start is with the voter rolls.


The dark side of dark chocolate: Toxic metals are found in EVERY bar tested by researchers in new report - including Hershey's, Lindt and Tony's Chocolonely

The above graphic shows the 28 chocolate bars tested by New York-based nonprofit Consumer Reports. All were found to contain lead and cadmium. Consumer Reports compared levels of the heavy metal in about an ounce of the chocolates to the recommended daily exposure levels from the Californian Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment. These are not set specifically for food products, but overall
The above graphic shows the 28 chocolate bars tested 


They are often billed as the healthy alternative.

But dark chocolate bars contain toxic metals linked to a host of health problems, a report suggests.

Tests on 28 bars made by popular brands, including Hershey's, Lindt and Tony's Chocolonely, revealed all were positive for lead and cadmium.

The heavy metals have been linked to lung issues, memory problems, cancer and even early death. But experts say you would have to eat more than an entire sharing-sized chocolate bar per day to notice any effect.

Cadmium is a natural element found in soil that is sometimes absorbed by the roots of the plant and ends up in cocoa beans. Lead contaminates the beans though the environment, possibly when it is blown by wind in the surrounding areas as the beans dry in the open.

Lead is well-known to be dangerous to humans, causing memory loss, abdominal pain and low mood in adults after long-term exposure.

For children, the heavy metal can damage their brains and central nervous systems in high concentrations leading to learning and behavior problems.

On the other hand, even low levels of exposure to cadmium have been linked to cancer in the kidneys and fragile bones.

There is no national limit on lead and cadmium in chocolate bars set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 

Testing by the Consumer Reports watchdog was carried out on one ounce of 28 different dark chocolate bars.

To determine whether the products contained dangerous levels, the nonprofit measured them against standards set by the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA).

The standards — which are set for general exposure and not food safety — say people should not be exposed to more than 0.5micrograms (mcg) of lead and 4.1mcg of cadmium per day.

But 23 of the bars tested (82 percent) contained lead levels up to two-and-a-half times above this and cadmium levels up to three times higher.

Five bars had more lead and cadmium than the recommended limits: Trader Joe's Dark Chocolate Lover's 85 percent cacao, Green and Black's Organic dark chocolate 70 percent cacao, Lily's extremely dark chocolate 85 percent cocoa and two bars made by Theo's.


Where are the Levites today? Part 4 FUTURE OF THE LEVITES

Read Part 1 Here. ----- Part 2 Here. and Part 3 Here
There are a number of Scriptures which clearly show us that the Levitical Priesthood will be restored during the time of the Messiah – His Millennial reign on earth. Many of the Psalms double up as prophecies. For example, the following is clearly Millennial: “O house of Israel, bless the LORD! O house of Aaron, bless the LORD!  O house of Levi, bless the LORD! You who fear the LORD, bless the LORD! Blessed be the LORD from Zion, he who dwells in Jerusalem! Praise the LORD!” (Ps 135:19-21) 
Look at the chapters in Ezekiel on the Millennial temple and the role of the Priests and Levites: “And he said to me, “This chamber that faces south is for the priests who have charge of the temple,
and the chamber that faces north is for the priests who have charge of the altar. These are the sons of Zadok, who alone among the sons of Levi may come near to the LORD to minister to him.” (Ezek 40:45-46. See also 48:31) 
The Levites are mentioned in another Millennial prophecy in Zech 12:12-13. As we can see, during the Millennial reign of the Messiah, the Levites will function once again (Is 66:20-21) even though they, as a tribe, have always been around (Jer 33:18). Currently their physical role is on hold while there is no Temple in Jerusalem and Israel has not yet been fully regathered into the Holy Land (this will be fulfilled at the Second Exodus). Like all the tribes of Israel, they have gone into apostasy (Jer 33:20-22; Ezek 43:19; 44:10) but it is prophesied that they will repent (Mal 3:3; Ezek 48:11-31; 45:5; Ps 135:19-20; Rev 7:7).
You can read more about the revival of the Levites and the sacrificial system during the Millennium in the articles by this author listed at the rear of this section. In the meantime, are there Levites among today’s Christian clergy (and Jewish community)? “Since many of the Levites undoubtedly remained among the Ten Tribes -- although we know many continued among the Jews -- and since those remaining among the Ten Tribes have lost their identity along with all Ten Tribes, it is entirely possible that many if not most, of the called true ministry of Jesus Christ through the centuries have been of the tribe of Levi.” (Herbert W. Armstrong, United States and Britain in Prophecy, p. 56)30 
30 Even some Mormon (Latter-day Saints) believe that their ministry is the restored or continuation of the Levitical Priesthood. One such group is Aaronic Order which published a book The True Church of God (With His Levites). See pp. 19-23, 64, 83, 85-87, 90-91, 95, 112, 118-119.
Given the multi-racial and multi-national component of the ministry (one can easily discern their physical differences), it is more likely that the word “some” would be better that “many if not most”. One issue that can arise due to this belief by certain ones is that some place themselves above the brethren claiming to be priests or sort of priests instead of elders that guide the flock.
Sometimes this belief is probably generated by the belief that they arise from genetic Levitical stock, and this somehow justifies their cruel and oppressive behaviours toward the brethren. Shouting, setting people up, slander, wrongful excommunications and such like. However, it is possible that some elders descend from Levitical stock, but that does not make them priests today nor should they act in that fashion. “Enoch David and William Davis, two leading Sabbatarian ministers, were of Welsh descent. Welsh influence among Sabbatarian Baptists may parallel that among the first-day Baptists, in replacing Arminian philosophy with Calvinism. Davis played a powerful role in shaping the future of Sabbatarian Baptists. It has been stated that William Davis has never lacked a direct descendant as a Seventh Day Baptist minister, and the denomination today is studded with his descendants. Corliss Fitz Randolph, the late "official" historian, was a descendant of Davis and colored his view of history in favor of his ancestor.” (Richard Nickels, Sabbatarian Baptists in America, ch. 5) 
“Welsh Sabbath-keepers were prevalent until 1115, when the first Roman bishop was seated at St. David’s. Vavasor Powell (1617-1671), a Welsh preacher with quite a following, had “the sentiments of a Sabbatarian Baptist” (Neal’s History of the Puritans, pages 2, 274).”” (Richard Nickels, Sabbatarian Baptists in America, ch. 1).
Did the Levites really continue into the Churches in both true and apostate form? Jer 33:18; Mal 2:7-8; 3:3 may indicate such. Notice that some of the Levites entered the ministry in New Testament times (Acts 4:5-6). And in Acts 6:6-7 many of the priests joined the ministry, but now as elders and no longer as priests. This came about as the natural efforts of the Apostles in Acts 2:46; 3:1; 5:42. Notice also that in Acts 15:4-5; 20:17, 28 many of these priests assisted the Apostles and would have served as elders only. One British-Israel author made some interesting comments about the descendants of Levi and that many of them might be within the clergy (and one might add, also the Church of God): “It is true that the Levites were scattered among Israel--not only among the Jews but among the Western nations. Both the Jewish and the Christian clergy Jews but among the Western nations. Both the Jewish and the Christian clergy have their share of Levites. Their names vary somewhat, according to their esidence: Levi, Levy, Levine, Levis, Lewis, Levit, Lewyt, LeVeen, Le Vine,Levenson, Levinsky, Lewisohn, etc. Another family of the Levites are the Cohens (literally "priests") who are known in different lands as Kohns, Cohans, Cowans, etc. "
“However, we should make it clear that the descendants of Levi now have no monopoly of the ministerial or educational fields as they once did in Israel. For since the first advent of the Messiah, Yahshua (who was both the Lamb of Yahweh and a High Priest after the order of Melchizadek), He has opened the door of the priesthood to every true child of Yahweh …” (Angelo Traina,Treasure in the Field, p. 96). An example may be Ken Lewis who was a Church of God minister in Australia, a very nice and kind man. Rather different to wolves that tear apart and scatter God’s children. They will meet their fate. But in the Millennium, the Levitical Priesthood will be revived in connection to the Temple system and the elders will also continue operating in God’s revived and refreshed system on earth. 
Suggested Further Reading:
• Do Sacrifices Provide Forgiveness? by Craig M White.
• Understanding the Burnt Offering. by Craig M White.
• Will the Temple, Sacrifices & Tribal Allotments be restored during the Millennium? by Craig M White.
A Dr. Jacques Abaddie (1654-1727), wrote the following in his Le Triomphe de la Providence et de la Religion in 1723, wrote: "Certainly, unless the Ten Tribes have flown into the air, or been plunged to the earth's centre, they must be sought in that part of the North which, in the time of Constantine, was converted to the Christian Faith - namely among the Iberians, Armenians, and Scythians; for that was the place of their dispersion-the wilderness where God caused them to dwell in tents, as when they came out of the land of Egypt... Perhaps, were the subject carefully examined, it would be found that the nations who in the fifth age made irruption into the Roman Empire, and whom Procopius reduces to ten in number, wer in effect the Ten Tribes,who kept in a state of separation up to that time, then quitted the Euxine and Caspian, the place of their exile, because the country could no longer contain them. Everything fortifies this conjecture; the extraordinary multiplication of this people, marked so precisely by the prophets, the number of the tribes, the custom of those nations to dwell in tents, according to the oracles, and many other usages of the Scythians similar to those of the children of Israel." 
Abaddie was the Dean of Killaloe, Ireland and a Huguenot refugee (they were French, Calvinistic Protestants) who put in writing these thoughts. Indeed! For the Israelites did migrate north via the area we call Armenia and the Iberian Caucasus region and into southern Russia becoming known as Scythians and also the Cimmerians. We have seen that the Welsh name Cymry likely derives from Cimmerian, and this can be a variation or transliteration of Khumri (= House of Omri). Further, the Welsh and certain of the Scots descend from this ancient tribe of Levi and continue the bloodline, fierceness and religious fervour (even if their religion has been contaminated). The similarities are just too obvious to ignore.
[NB: I came across a protestant website that promotes the belief in the Welsh – Levi connection which I include below., 12 Feb 2014].
Who were the Cimmerians {KMR}? Where did they come from? Does anybody know?
The Cimmerians {KMR} SUDDENLY show up in history about 710 BC when they were pushed out of the Russian Steppes by the Scythians {SKD}. Some of them moved into what is now modern-day Crimea and in the 5th century BC established the Kingdom of Cimmerian Bosporus. They were there long enough to leave their name there, ‘Crimea,’ which is derived from Cimmeria {KMR}.
The rest of the Cimmerians {KMR} moved south across the Caucasus Mountains first destroying Urartu (near MT Ararat) and then the kingdom of Phrygia in Anatolia (in modern Turkey). In 705 BC Sargon II, king of Assyria, was killed fighting the Cimmerians {KMR}. Appian writes in Mithridates 114 that east of the Roman province of Pontus et Bythinia (in modern Turkey and about 59 BC) lived the Iberi (Hebrews) {BR} and the Albani (Whites, probably because of white skin, most likely ancestors of modern Albania) {LBN}. This is also one of the areas that the Israelites were deported to and also the area that the Cimmerians {KMR} overran.
Herodotus says, “It is that the wandering Scythians {SKD} once dwelt in Asia, and there warred with the Massagetae {SKD} (descendants of the deported Israelites?), but with ill success; they (the Scythians {SKD}) therefore quitted their homes, crossed the Araxes, and entered the land of Cimmeria {KMR}. For the land which is now (circa 440 BC) inhabited by the Scyths {SKD} was formerly the country of the Cimmerians {KMR}.” He also noted, “Scythia {SKD} still (circa 440 BC) retains traces of the Cimmerians {KMR}; there are Cimmerian {KMR} castles, and a Cimmerian {KMR} ferry (on the Tanais {DN} River (modern day Don River{DN}?)), also a tract called Cimmeria {KMR}, and a Cimmerian {KMR} Bosphorus. It appears likewise that the Cimmerians {KMR}, when they fled into Asia to escape the Scyths {SKD}, made a settlement in the peninsula where the Greek city of Sinope was afterwards built.” (History of Herodotus, book IV)
But WHERE were the Cimmerians {KMR} BEFORE 710 BC? History is totally silent regarding their whereabouts. And WHERE are their descendants TODAY? No one seems to know.
What is known is that the Assyrians called ancient Israel ‘mat-bit-Humria’ {MD BD KMR} (the land of the house of Omri) or ‘Bet Omri’ {BD KMR} (the house of Omri) or ‘Bit Humri’ {BD KMR} (the house of Omri) or simply ‘Khumri {KMR}’, calling Israel after its most famous king, King Omri {KMR} (c885-873 BC). We also know that King Tilgath-Pilser III (King Pul) deported most of Israel in 734-732 BC and King Sargon II of Assyria deported the rest of the people of the kingdom of Israel (NOT to be confused with the kingdom of Judah {JD} to the south) in 721-718 BC. The Israelites of the first captivity were settled on the fringes of the Assyrian Empire south of the Caspian Sea, and were eventually referred to as Cimmerians. Those Israelites of the second captivity were resettled primarily in the Assyrian controlled province of Medo-Persia which is to the south and east of the first captivity. These people were eventually referred to as Scythians {SKD}. This is exactly the territory in which the Cimmerians {KMR} and Scythians {SKD} FIRST appeared in history a few years LATER.
Could the Cimmerians {KMR} actually be part of the Israelites resettled by Tilgath-Pilser and Sargon II? Yes, for several reasons. First, the Cimmerians {KMR} do NOT appear in history until shortly AFTER the Israelite resettlement. Second, they first appear in exactly the SAME territory. And third, the name ‘Cimmeria {KMR}’actually derives from ‘Omri {KMR}’ the ancient king of Israel. Some say that the Cimmerians {KMR} were descendants of Gomer {KMR} the son of Japheth, but if so, WHY is history silent about them prior to the deportation of the Israelites? Since the Cimmerians {KMR} first appeared in history, they have shown up in various parts of Europe, quite often leaving their name behind. For example, the peninsula Denmark {DN} occupies is the Cymbric {KMR} Peninsula. Names like Umbria {KMR}, Cambria {KMR}, Cumberland {KMR}, Crimea {KRM}, etc are also waymarks of the Cimmerians {KMR}. Even today, the official Celtic name of Wales is CYMRU {KMR} and of the Welsh people is CYMRY! {KMR}
Are the Welsh the descendants of the Cimmerians {KMR}? They claim to be. Their name says they are. Samuel Lysons states, “the Cimmerians {KMR} seeming to be the same people (as) the Gauls {KL} or Celts {KLD} under a different name; and it is observable that the Welsh (a Celtic {KLD} people), who are descended from the Gauls {KL}, still call themselves Cymri {KMR} or Kymry {KMR}.” (Our British Ancestors, 1865, pp 23,27). The time-trail of Cimmerian {KMR} names STARTS in the Russian Steppes about 710 BC and ENDS in modern day Wales!
Does this mean that the Welsh are descendants of ancient Israel? Is there ANY other possibility? Not to my knowledge. Is there anything else that supports the Welsh coming from ancient Israel? Examine the Welsh language. Several studies have been done comparing modern Welsh to ancient Hebrew. What was found? There is an unmistakeable and absolute relationship between them!!! Whole SENTENCES are exactly the same in BOTH languages! Not just one sentence, but hundreds and hundreds. Even more common are exact phraseologies, and more common yet are vocabulary words.
Outside of the Celtic {KLD} languages (Welsh, Cornish, Manx, Gaelic, Breton, etc.) NO LANGUAGE ON EARTH (with the possible exception of Basque, which could be derived from Hebrew {BR} when the ancient Danites {DN} inhabited the Iberian {BR} Penninsula before migrating to Hibernia {BR}, now called Ireland) CAN CLAIM to be even REMOTELY related to Hebrew {BR}, as none of them to the best of my knowledge have more than a small smattering of words and phrases ADOPTED from Hebrew {BR}.
Now before you go out on a limb and say that Welsh and Hebrew {BR} don’t look alike, be aware of several things. First, Welsh is written from LEFT to RIGHT, while today Hebrew is written from RIGHT to LEFT, although anciently Hebrew could be written EITHER LEFT to RIGHT OR RIGHT to LEFT. Second, Welsh and Hebrew use DIFFERENT alphabets. Third, written Welsh uses vowels and ancient written Hebrew does NOT use vowels, although modern Hebrew does use ‘vowel points’. Fourth, over time the vocabularies and structures of both have diverged as new things and new ideas needed to be expressed. Fifth, Welsh sometimes uses two or more words to replace the original Hebrew word and vice versa, but when you concatenate all of these words into a single word, this concatenated word is exactly the same as the word in the other language with exactly the same meaning. To compare these languages, one must use sentences and words extant in ancient Hebrew. When one does this, an extremely large number of these sentences have the same exact meaning in modern Welsh and when spoken can be understood by the modern Welsh. Is Welsh (and by extension, other Celtic languages) really a modernized version of ancient Hebrew? In my opinion, absolutely yes! Does this mean that the Celtic {KLD} peoples are DIRECT descendants of the ancient Hebrews {BR}? I see no other alternative.
So, WHICH tribe could the Welsh (Cimmerians {KMR}) be descended from? The Welsh are world famous for their singing and their choirs. Which tribe of Israel contained the cantors of Israel? The tribe of Levi {LV}, whose sole duty was to educate Israel in the ways of God, which included all of the music of the Temple. What about the names Wales and Welsh? Are they in any way connected to the tribe of Levi {LV}? Possibly, but I know of no way of proving/disproving this conjecture. Hebrew, both ancient and modern, uses ONLY consonants when writing, so the tribe Levi {LV} would be written “VL” in Hebrew which writes from right to left. The letters and sounds of V and W are often interchangeable from language to language, like in Latin and German and others. So, since the Welsh now write from left to right, could the name Wales (VaLes, or VL) be a holdover from when the ancestors of the Welsh were of the tribe of Levi {LV} and wrote Levi as “VL”? I don’t know, but this seems reasonable given everything else that points to the Welsh being from the tribe of Levi {LV}. In conclusion, everything points to the people of Wales (Cymry {KMR}) being descendants of ancient lost tribes of Israel, probably from the tribe of Levi {LV}. Michelle - April 18, 2016 at 4:46 pm

Another interesting titbit: the House of Omri (Israelites) was referred to as ‘Bit Humri’ or Bet Omri’. There is a very popular Welsh motto which reads ‘Cymru am byth!’ (Wales forever!). It doesn’t take much imagination to see the connection ‘Bet Omri’ vs ‘Cymru (am) Byt(h). Long live the House of Omri!

There are a number of Scriptures which clearly show us that the Levitical Priesthood will be restored during the time of the Messiah – His Millennial reign on earth. Many of the Psalms double up as prophecies. For example, the following is clearly Millennial:

“O house of Israel, bless the LORD! O house of Aaron, bless the LORD!
O house of Levi, bless the LORD! You who fear the LORD, bless the LORD! Blessed be the LORD from Zion, he who dwells in Jerusalem! Praise the LORD!” (Ps 135:19-21)

Look at the chapters in Ezekiel on the Millennial temple and the role of the Priests and Levites:

“And he said to me, “This chamber that faces south is for the priests who have charge of the temple,
and the chamber that faces north is for the priests who have charge of the altar. These are the sons of Zadok, who alone among the sons of Levi may come near to the LORD to minister to him.” (Ezek 40:45-46. See also 48:31) 

The Levites are mentioned in another Millennial prophecy in Zech 12:12-13. As we can see, during the Millennial reign of the Messiah, the Levites will function once again (Is 66:20-21) even though they, as a tribe, have always been around (Jer 33:18). Currently their physical role is on hold while there is no Temple in Jerusalem and Israel has not yet been fully regathered into the Holy Land (this will be fulfilled at the Second Exodus). Like all the tribes of Israel, they have gone into apostasy (Jer 33:20-22; Ezek 43:19; 44:10) but it is prophesied that they will repent (Mal 3:3; Ezek 48:11-31; 45:5; Ps 135:19-20; Rev 7:7). You can read more about the revival of the Levites and the sacrificial system during the Millennium in the articles by this author listed at the rear of this section. In the meantime, are there Levites among today’s Christian clergy (and Jewish community)?

“Since many of the Levites undoubtedly remained among the Ten Tribes -- although we know many continued among the Jews -- and since those remaining among the Ten Tribes have lost their identity along with all Ten Tribes, it is entirely possible that many if not most, of the called true ministry of Jesus Christ through the centuries have been of the tribe of Levi.” (Herbert W. Armstrong, United States and Britain in Prophecy, p. 56)30

30 Even some Mormon (Latter-day Saints) believe that their ministry is the restored or continuation of the Levitical Priesthood. One such group is Aaronic Order which published a book The True Church of God (With His Levites). See pp. 19-23, 64, 83, 85-87, 90-91, 95, 112, 118-119.

Given the multi-racial and multi-national component of the ministry (one can easily discern their physical differences), it is more likely that the word “some” would be better that “many if not most”. One issue that can arise due to this belief by certain ones is that some place themselves above the brethren claiming to be priests or sort of priests instead of elders that guide the flock. They were able to do this via deception: they told the Shechem and his father Hamor that all the men of the city had to be circumcised to enable the marriage with Dinah to proceed (Gen 34:13-24). Given the state that the men of the city were in after circumcision, this provided the ideal opportunity for the brothers to utilise their extreme behaviours on an entire city. While they slaughtered, the other brothers plundered (Gen 34:25-29). The excuse to undertake such a horrific act was supposedly to protect Dinah’s honour, but this did not please their father who anticipated that surrounding peoples would react to the slaughter (Gen 34:30-31). As we have seen, the blessing of Jacob in Gen 49:5-7 reflects this: they would be scattered or allocated among the tribes (this does not rule out concentrations of these people in various places) with the Simeonites allocation within Judah (Josh 19:1-9). Similarly, due to his nature, Levi’s descendants were not allocated a single tribal geographic area at that time, but instead were allocated among the tribes (Num 18:23-24; 35:1-8; Josh 21:1-45) – in this way they became the religious leaders and priesthood without a land allocation (Josh 13:14, 33; 14:3-4; 18:7). No land? No problem! God and the priesthood became their inheritance. This Levitical allocation “out of the inheritance” of the tribes were 48 cities (Josh 21:3, 41-42) including the cities of refuge (Josh 21:13, 21-27, 32-38; Num 35:6). Instead of slaughtering indiscriminately, they now became the protectors of man slaughterers under certain circumstances. But when it was necessary, their violent nature could be unleashed upon the apostate (Ex 32:25-29) in defence of the honor of God Himself. The Levites held various offices such as that of judges, teachers (see Peter Leithart, “What is a Priest?”, Biblical Horizons, Jan 1992, pp. 3-4) and many of their duties are mentioned in Num 1:50; Deut 10:8; 33:10; IIChron 17:7-9; 35:3; Neh 8:7-9; Mal 2:4-7. In this way they redeemed themselves and, in a sense, also their forefather. Their violent nature extended to the daily slaughter of animals as part of the sacrificial system and also to function as the guardians of the Tabernacle and Temple (Num 1:53) as sort of ‘warrior-priests’. They were to “work and keep” the sanctuary (Num 3:7-8; 8:26; 18:5-6). 

While the nature of him and his descendants were violent (Gen 34:25-31), this could also be transferred to righteous wrath in service of God (Ex 32:26-28; Num 25:7-13; IIChron 23:1-9). They were therefore ideal for service in the ministerial and priestly capacity at the Tabernacle (Ex 38:21) and set aside for this purpose and for other offices of public service such as in the judiciary (Deut 17:9; Num 8:6, 10-15; IIChron 19:8, 11; Ezek 44:24 etc). The Gershonites and Merarites handled the sanctuary (Num 7:1-8) but not the Kohathites (v 8; 4:15; Deut 10:8; IISam 6:6 – they were not permitted to touch the holy things). Refer also to IChron 13:9-10; Josh 3:3, 6, 8, 17; 4:9-10, 16-18. Other duties included functioning as teachers and health inspectors (Deut 24:8; 31:9; 33:10; Mal 2:6; 3:7; IIChron 35:3; 17:7-9; Neh 8:7; Jer 2:8; 18:18; Ezek 44:23); and money collectors for the national income scheme (Num 18:24; IIChron 24:4-11).

2 Where are the Levites today? Version 1.0 Authored by Craig Martin White. Copyright © Craig Martin White, GPO Box 864, Sydney, Australia 2001. All Rights Reserved. This work is promoted through History Research Foundation (USA), History Research Projects (Australia) and Friends of the Sabbath (Australia) No part of this work may be edited. It may be freely shared as part of research, projects or for educational purposes as long as quotes are properly cited. All graphics are taken from the internet where they were made freely available. “Your majesty says very true; if your majesties is remembered of it, the Welshmen did good service in a garden where leeks did grow, wearing leeks in their Monmouth caps; which, your majesty know, to this hour is an honourable badge of the service; and I do believe your majesty takes no scorn to wear the leek upon Saint Tavy’s day.” (Shakespeare, Henry V: Act 4, Scene 7) DRAFT Where are the Levites today?

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The Barney's-Thru the Years!

First Published Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Updated Dec. 17th, 2022

Today is Tammy and My 41st Wedding Anniversary!

2022-- After 41 years, I am forever grateful to God for my answered prayer of 43 years ago!


I first met Tammy Hollar in the summer of 1977. She was only 16 (I was 22) and instantly was mesmerized by her. She was smart, pretty and pretty much consumed my mind.  It was an obvious attraction to everyone we knew, except of course to Tammy.  Although we became very good friends, that's all we were.  Maybe that's what I didn't want, but that was the case.  At the time I had a girlfriend that was very jealous of Tammy.  I guess she knew too.

The last Christmas that I ever celebrated was in 1978.  I had broken up, lonely and searching. It was in 1978 that I also came to the God I speak of today.  Tammy, out of kindness of a friend, helped me wrap my presents for others, but nothing was any different between us.  I was by this time in love with her. She had a boyfriend, and I kept my thoughts to myself.  

By 1979 we were very good friends, still the same situation, but it was the first time I prayed to God that He would open her eyes and see how I felt... She didn't.

I moved to Florida in 1980 and began my career in the paint business. 1980 was the longest year of my life. I was alone, in a strange state, learning a job I had no knowledge of, and feeling that God didn't answer my prayers.  In 1981 she came to visit me (there is a much longer story than this) and we had our first Passover together, we traveled to Jamaica, then the Bahamas (still friends only-she still had a boyfriend.  I was hoping that something would change. It didn't.  Her boyfriend flew to Florida and off they went.  

I was broken hearted, drank an entire bottle of scotch and asked God why couldn't see me as more than a friend...I was lonely and thought forgotten.

She came back in November of 1981, again as a friend. Then one night out of the blue, after I told her I felt like Jeremiah that I wasn't going to find love, she told me she loved me. It was December- we were married within days.  We married ourselves on Hollywood Beach, and a customer of mine who was a notary (in Florida notaries could marry people) legalize the marriage.  December 17, 1981, came the answer to a long-awaited prayer.  My life is for her and our children, although circumstances are not always the way you desire.  TAMCO PAINT is our business - It is my tribute to the woman I loved and loves me.

Screen Shot 2022-12-11 at 6.31.05 PMOur House in Hollywood (used in the movie "Flight of the Navigator")

Our story has been one of plenty and poverty, struggle and hard work together.  When our oldest daughter was born in May 1983, we were so poor, we had no furniture in our apartment, and because it was an "adults-only" place, we were required to leave within two weeks of the birth.  We lived in hellholes for some time. But we survived and continued to build our dream.

By God's grace, we don't want for much in this world except for the desire to get our entire family united.

Screen Shot 2022-12-11 at 6.40.29 PMTammy and I Last Year's 40th Anniversary

Our life together started for me 43 years ago-but took Tammy a few years to to catch up!  41 Years Ago She did on Dec 17th 1981!



In Clearwater December 2021

View recent photos

MAY 2021.......


Tammy and I

From 2015 (I think)



This is me at a young age, one of Tammy we have just found...
Tammy when I first met her!

Here is Tammy just before we got married! This is a bad photo, we were in the Bahamas at the time... She had a bad sunburn!!
Tammy in 1980

Below is Tammy and Joe Kovacs' sister in Hollywood Fl. 1981 

"Tamster" (my oldest daughter Tammy Miller) and me in 1984


Continue reading "The Barney's-Thru the Years!" »

Where are the Levites Today Part 3

Read Part 1 Here. and Part 2 Here
The country of Wales (Cymru) constitutes a nation within the larger United Kingdom. The population is around 3.4 million and the land area covers 20,735 km sq. While most of the population descends from the native Brythons, people of Anglo-Saxon and Norman stock also reside there. Christianity is still the largest religion, but the percentage of atheists and non-Christian religions is increasing. Chief among its economic activities is coal mining, lead, slate, refining of imported petroleum, tourism and electronics manufacturing. The Welsh, despite their small numbers, have long been recognized as excellent contributors to society. Thomas Rees wrote a book about some of these in 1908 under the title of Notable Welshmen 1700-1900 (the book is available free online). Ethnically, the first inhabitants of the British Isles (and indeed much of Europe) after the Flood of Noah were descendants of Japheth. Then came some Israelites, apparently having escaped from the clutches of the Egyptian captivity, while others arrived in waves. Welsh history contains a lot of traditions including one that states that Brutus of Troy actually landed in the British Isles and then he became the first King of the Britons around 1170BC. Apparently, this commenced the dynasty of the Royal Brythonic line. You can read all about this in works such as The Chronicle of the Early Britons (annotated translation by William Cooper) so I shall not summarise this information here. The early Brythons spread all over what we call Britain today (England, Scotland, Wales). In northern Scotland we find the Picts who spoke a language that we cannot find evidence of which language group it is related to. However, what we do have are Pictish place names and personal names showing that without doubt, it was a Brythonic tongue (the Irish, Scottish Gaels and people of Manx spoke the Goidelic tongue.17) The earliest Picts were of Mongoloid extraction, but the Brythonic people that later settled in that area took on the name of the Picts (this transfer of names from one people to another is not unique and does cause confusion in the minds of researchers, let alone the casual reader). The Irish called them Cruithne which is cognate (i.e., related or connected) with the Brythonic Priteni. In the 6th century AD, the Gaels from Northern Ireland entered northwestern Britain (Scotland) and over time they absorbed the Picts into their Alba and Dál Riata kingdoms. The areas of Orkney, Hebrides, Shetland and Isle of Man all became Gaelic. I should state here that the Gaels and Brythons are the same race but different tribes or the same tribe sub-divided over time. In the larger sense of Israel identity, it makes little difference. 
17 While the Irish and Scottish spoke the Q-Celtic language (Gaelic), the Brythons and Welsh spoke the P-Celtic tongue which developed over time (Vaughan Thomas, Wales. A History, p. 32).
It is apt that the name Britain remains, given that it denotes the ancient occupants of all of the island. Today only the Welsh, Cornish and most Scottish Lowlanders (with a small mixture with Anglo-Saxons) represent that group.18
All of these Brythons, Picts and Gaels were considered to be fierce and warlike. History records these people as always willing to make a stand and attackers knew that it was better to leave these tribes alone or be very wary in fighting them. The area north of the Hadrian Wall and also the Welsh Cambrian Mountains were regions known to be best avoided and the Romans found out that these peoples were best not tangled with. If they did invade those territories, they found the going very difficult. Surely there are too many similarities of these peoples with the fierce tribes of Levi, Simeon and Judah. Centuries later, around 50AD, the Romans invaded the land, and it took 9 years to finally reach the Strait of Menai (northwest corner). Tacitus wrote about the battle that ensued across the Strait on the banks of the Anglesey Island. The Brythons (including their women and the Druids) fought valiantly but the Romans were terrible and slaughtered all. In the south the Silures (mix of Brythons and some Phoenicians) continued on the fight but could not stop the all-conquering Romans and by 78AD the entire land was under Roman rule. In the 5th and 6th centuries, the Angles, Saxons (and some Frisians and possibly Jutes) entered the land we call England gradually and pushed the Brythons into their strongholds of Wales and southern Scotland. Many found refuge in the Highlands and Cambrian Mountains. As the Brythons were pushed further west, they grouped into the territory we call Wales today which was intended to prevent further takeovers. When the Normans (the same race as the Anglo-Saxons) came to England in 1066AD with a small force, the managed to conquer the land and unite the petty kingdoms. Years later they invaded Wales followed by all sorts of political maneuvering's one can read about from a number of sources. There was a partial conquest of Wales in the late 13th century, and it became a principality in 1284AD when England annexed the country. 
18 Below is the sort of information this has not found its way into the works of historians and minds of people to the extent it should. The author provides a good summary of the facts:
“At the turn of the 18th century, the Welsh linguist Edward Lhuyd discovered that Irish, Scottish Gaelic, Manx, Welsh, Cornish, and Breton comprised a single family of related languages. He theorized that the languages had originated in Iberia or in what is now France. Because the Romans had referred to some inhabitants of those areas as Celts, Lhuyd named the language family “Celtic.” Lhuyd’s interest was primarily linguistic, and he never suggested that the ancient inhabitants of the islands themselves were Celts.
In the 19th century, cultural nationalists in Great Britain and Ireland, influenced by the theories of Johann Herder, argued that if the ancient Irish, Welsh and Scots were Celtic speakers, then they must actually have been Celts, and therefore their descendants were the remnants of a Celtic “race” or Volk. That faulty logic led to the invention of the myth of the island Celts, a race of mystical warrior-poets.
In the mid-20th century, scholars came to agree that the Iron Age Celtic culture in continental Europe originated in the foothills of the Alps, and associated it with the great archaeological sites at Hallstat and La Tène. Because the ophisticated Hallstat/La Tène technology had spread across much of Europe, scholars assumed that the technology had accompanied migrations outward by the Celts themselves along with, of course, their language. Thus, if the peoples of the British Isles had been Celtic speakers, then of course they must have been Hallstat/La Tène Celts.” (Éamon O'Kelly,
A few years later, in 1301AD, the title of Prince of Wales was given to the heir to the English throne and during the reign of Henry VIII (1509 – 1547AD) it was incorporated into England under the Act of Union in 1536AD, but further details were laid out in a subsequent act in 1543AD. Since then, there has been some intermarriage between the ethnic Welsh and English, but the racial type is still dominantly Welsh. Almost 400 years later the Welsh nationalist party, Plaid Cymru, was founded in 1925 and pushed its agenda until a referendum in 1997 they gained home rule and their own elected parliament which was convened in 1999.19 Of additional interest is that Wales has a plethora of biblical place names which extend back over 1,000 years. In exploring this phenomenon, researcher John Davies remarks: “… in their adoption of Old Testament names, the speakers of the Brittonic languages (the early forms of Welsh, Cornish, and Breton) before about AD 1100, especially those persons existing in an ecclesiastical or other primarily religious setting, had something to tell us about their own religious and cultural roots and identity.” (“Old Testament Personal Names Among the Britons: Their Occurrence and Significance Before the Twelfth Century”, Viator: Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Vol. 43, No. 1, p. 176) 20 
9 A good outline of Welsh history can be found here
20 A British-Israel publication contained a list of place names in Cornwall that appear to be related to Hebrew which needs to be further investigated, but seems likely (“Our Israel Britain Homeland”, The National Message, July 1978, p. 210). The article also records that there is an olive-skinned, people amongst the Cornish, especially in west Cornwall and Scilly Islands – these would by a mix of Brythons with some Phoenicians.
Davies provides his reasons, but one wonders if there is not something deeper lurking in the Brythonic psyche (i.e., their ‘racial memory’).
Welch Children
Amy Mulligan quotes Mary Garrison’s “Divine Election for Nations,” (in The Making of Christian Myths in the Periphery of Latin Christendom (c. 1000-1300) edited by Lars Boje Mortensen, 2006): “if the Old testament was ‘the historical record of the church before Christ,’ it now became, with a new immediacy, the history of the protestant groups who saw themselves as the New Israels such as the Dutch, the English “Protestants of the Civil War, [and] the Puritans who fled to America.” (Amy Mulligan, “Moses, Taliesin, and the Welsh Chosen People: Elis Gruffydd’s Construction of a Biblical, British Past for Reformation Wales”, Studies in Philology, Vol. 113, No. 4, pp. 774-75). 
Mulligan explains: Elis Gruffydd [a Welsh chronicler who lived in the 16th century], like other marginalized Protestants, appears to be thinking of his own Welsh people as another New Israel.” (ibid, Mulligan) 
Perhaps there was something deep in the national psyche or memory that resurrected the belief in Israelitish identity? “In writing his chronicle Elis Gruffydd, like earlier authors, created a richly textured picture of the Welsh, or native Britons, as typological counterparts to the Israelites. At the same time, by focusing on Moses specifically, and distancing his narrative and Taliesin from the trying aspects of the Israelites’ experience, Elis shifts the focus to more thoroughly celebratory associations between the Welsh and the Israelites,” (ibid, Mulligan, p. 789) And: “The links between Wales and the Israelites do not end with Elis Gruffydd, of course. Charles Edwards (1628–91), writing in 1667, links the Welsh and the Jews through (faulty) linguistic equations of Hebrew and Welsh.” (ibid, Mulligan, p. 794). 
If the reader would like to read further into Welsh history, the following are excellent works: A History of Wales by John Davies; When was Wales? A History of the Welsh by Gwyn Williams and Wales. A History by Wynford Vaughan-Thomas.
The Phoenician element in Wales
The article “The Tribes of Wales”, Welsh History Review, Vol. 4, pp. 161-74 examines the tribes and their territory in both the pre-Roman and Roman periods that Wales experienced. They maintain the whatever few textual sources that are available (chiefly Tacitus and Ptolemy), they are not necessarily reliable. In addition, the archaeological proofs are limited. However, drawing upon the siting of the forts of the Romans in relation to those tribes they were attempting to subdue provides clues as to the friendliness or otherwise of those particular tribes. They discuss the Deceangli, Demetae, Ordovices and Silures: the Demetae were a friendly tribe located in south-west Wales; the Ordovices were roughly in the middle of Wales; the Deceangli were in the area we call Flintshire; the lightly olive-skinned Silures21 were in the south, partial descendants of Phoenicians (Canaanites)22, but mixed with the Brythons.23 Publius Tacitus in his famous book Agricola (c.98AD), mentioned the darker and shorter Silurians (Agricola, xi.): “The red hair and large limbs of the inhabitants of Caledonia point clearly to a German origin [i.e., northern European racial stock]. The dark complexion of the Silures, their usually curly hair, and the fact that Spain is the opposite shore to them, are an evidence that Iberians of a former date crossed over and occupied these parts.” 
The Phoenicians were from the Mediterranean rim including Carthage (a colony in North Africa) who sometimes used mercenaries from the northern parts of Africa. They are known to have mined or traded with miners of copper and lead. As if to corroborate this, Michael Weale et al in “Y Chromosome Evidence for Anglo-Saxon Mass Migration”, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Vol 19, Issue 7, July, pp. 1008–1021, have shown via DNA analysis that the population of the town of Abergele in north Wales contains small traces of people from north Africa. To this one should also note the very little genetic Roman (Italian) presence that was left behind after they abandoned the island.
“Sir Walter said ‘At that time [time of Roman occupation], the population of Britain could have been as much as one million, so an awful lot of people would need to arrive in order for there to be an impact. You can have a huge impact culturally from relatively few people. There is no evidence of a Roman genetic signature but there is evidence of what the Roman’s achieved.” (Fiona Macrae, “Are the Welsh the Truest Brits?”, Daily Mail, 19 March 2015).
In any event, most of the Roman troops on British soil were brought in from West Europe (such as the Belgae) and were not from Italy. The article contains a map stating that “People in North and South Wales are less similar to each other that the English to the Scots.”
21 These and others are regarded as darker and found also in pockets in northern Wales, parts of Ireland, western Scotland and Exmoor in Devon (directly across the sea from Wales) and seem similar to some peoples along the coast of northwestern Spain (Emrys Bowen, Wales. A Physical, Historical and Regional Geography, p. 135).
22 “It is true that the Cassiterides, the “Isles of Tin,” whence the Phoenicians obtained great quantities of this metal, so much in request for the making of bronze, are no longer identified with the Scilly Isles, but it is suggested with much probability that they were the British Isles themselves” (John Lloyd, History of Wales, p. 27). Refer also to “Who were the Phoenician?” Watch Jerusalem, Nov-Dec 2021, pp. 4-10.
23 See also Edwin Guest, Origines Celticae (Vol. 2), pp. 46-55 for more about these tribes.
Links between Welsh and Hebrew Languages?
Could the Welsh language provide any clues as to true Welsh origins? “In 1899 the Welsh scholar Morris Jones published a paper entitled Pre-Aryan Syntax in Insular Celtic…  “[he] concluded that the pre-Celtic language or languages of the British Isles were of a Hamito-Semitic type of origin” (Heinrich Wagner, “Near Eastern and African Connections with the Celtic World”, in The Celtic Consciousness pp. 51-52). 
This includes the Hebrew language (p. 61). 24 They are not to be confused with the Celts of Europe (sometimes called ‘Celto-Slavs’). The labelling of the Gaels (or most of them) and Brythons as ‘Celts’ is a misnomer, much like American ‘Indian’. Some professional linguists such as Theo Vennemann has argued for a Semitic substratum in the Celtic languages, although this has not been accepted at this time by most linguists. In a short article Vennemann notes that “The non-Indo-European structural features of Insular Celtic have all been shown by Morris Jones and Pokorny to occur in Hamito-Semitic, and by Gensler to form a characteristic bundle of islglosses just of Hamito-Semitic and Insular Celtic.” (Theo Vennemann, Semitic → Celtic → English: The Transitvity of Language Contact, p. 1)25 John Wilson in his Languages of Europe states that: "The basis of the English language may, to a remarkable extent, be found in Hebrew. Many of our most common words, and names of familiar objects, are almost pure Hebrew." (J. Wilson, The Languages of Europe. Similar comments are made in John Cohane, The Key, p. 266) 
The ancient Welsh language also has some similarities to the Hebrew and has the same characteristic of almost being vowel-less as is the Hebrew. The Scythian language indicates that many of the Scyths were descendants of the Hebrew-speaking "Lost Ten Tribes". The Scythiac language they spoke is classified this way in the authoritative linguistic work, A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles (which later became known as the Oxford English Dictionary): "Scythiac ... Scythian (language) ... There is a strong similarity between Hebrew and the Scythian languages". (James Murray, A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles, 1971 ed., Vol. VII, art., "Scythiac")
24 “It is tempting to think that it was the Iron Age hills-fort dwellers who introduced into Wales those dialects of Celtic speech [Brythonic], that became ancestral to the Welsh” (Emryn Bowen, Wales. A Physical, Historical and Regional Geography, p. 136)
25 For instance, “Today the museums of England and Ireland can boast of remarkable Celtic [i.e., British] works of art which reveal the art of the islands as an individual branch of Celtic art … The insular style combined relief ornament with linear engraving, using palmettes, spiral patterns [etc] … The earlier style was in use mainly in south-east England, from whence it later penetrated to Ireland.” (Jan Filip, “Early History and Evolution of the Celts: The Archaeological Evidence”, in The Celtic Consciousness, p. 43) [emphasis mine]
A famous Jewish convert to Christianity, Moses Margoliouth, wrote in his The History of the Jews in Great Britain (vol. 1): “Now, if the aboriginal Britons knew not the Jews [i.e., Israelites], where could they have got hold of whole Hebrew—of purely Hebrew sentences? We say then, again, is it not highly probable, if not demonstrated, that the Jews visited this island at a very early period, and tried to teach the natives the lessons which they have themselves learned?” (p. 23)26 
Other works bringing tremendous scholarship to the above are Similarities in Germanic and Hebrew by Dr Terry Blodgett and The Word by Isaac Mozeson (both of these works are a “must” to read). Another is “Lat. Sacena, Heb. Sakkin and the Mediterranean Substrate”, The Journal of Indo-European Studies, Vol. 22, pp. 165-175 by Hannan Rosen; The Affinity between the Hebrew Language and The Celtic by Thomas Stratton; and A Comparative Vocabulary of Forty Eight Languages, comprising One Hundred and Forty Six Common English Words, with the Cognates in other Languages showing their Affinities with the English and Hebrew by Jacob Tomlin.27 The latter, for example, strives to prove that early Cymric literature was a derivation of Hebrew in its ancient form. And to cap it all off, perhaps it should not be a great surprise to understand what the name Britain (derived from Briton or Brython, an ancient Celtic tribe) really means. The Hebrew word for covenant is berith or beriyth. While the Hebrew word for man is ish or iysh. In Judges 8:33 the word for covenant is coupled with Baal to mean “idol of the covenant”. Thus, the English pronouncement of the Hebrew berith-ish is British. In other words, the British are the people of the covenant or covenant man – seemingly a concept carried by them down through the generations.
Suggested Further Reading on Welsh History
• “Who Were the Phoenicians”? Watch Jerusalem, Nov-Dec 2021, pp. 4-10 by Mihailo Zekic.
• Celt, Druid and Culdee by Isabel Hill Elder.
26 “Be it recollected that the Jewish nation has been trained to be a wandering nation—to be prepared, no doubt, for their mighty dispersion. Their progenitor, Abraham, seems to have been a type of the same, who was thus commanded (Genesis xii. 1), “Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee;” and 'his descendants have ever and anon manifested a peculiar migratory disposition, as is to be seen in holy writ.” (p. 7)
“Now if Tharshis be Spain, the conclusion that the Israelites must have visited the western countries in the days of Solomon, is inevitable.” (p. 14)
“Now, Strabo calls Britain Bpeamm—Bochart, a profound Oriental scholar, shows that Bperavucn is a corruption of the Hebrew words Barat-Anach, which are in signification the same as Casseritides. Is it not highly probable that Jews came over to this island with the Phoenicians, and named it according to its peculiar quality; which designation was ultimately adopted by the aborigines, when they began to have intercourse with the Jews.” (p. 22)
“Clemens Romanus, who was an intimate friend and fellow-labourer of St. Paul, declares in his Epistle to the Corinthians, that St. Paul having been a herald of the gospel both in the east and in the west, he received the noble crown of faith, after teaching righteousness to the whole world, and gone even, “ to the utmost bounds of the west :” an expression well ' known to every scholar, that always designated, or at least included, the British Islands.” (p. 39). For more details refer to St. Paul in Britain by the Rev. Morgan.27 In If Calmy You Listen by L. Buxton Gresty, wrote: "The Rev. E. E. Williams, a prolific writer and author of The Ancient Celtic Tribes, Historical Anecdotes of the Welsh Language, The Druids and Celtic Bards, etc., has said that “The roots of most of the ancient British, or real Welsh words, may be regularly traced in the Hebrew."" (p. 147)
27 In If Calmy You Listen by L. Buxton Gresty, wrote: "The Rev. E. E. Williams, a prolific writer and author of The Ancient Celtic Tribes, Historical Anecdotes of the Welsh Language, The Druids and Celtic Bards, etc., has said that “The roots of most of the ancient British, or real Welsh words, may be regularly traced in the Hebrew."" (p. 147)
• The Chronicles of the Early Briton. An annotated translation by William Cooper.
• The Light of Britannia. The Mysteries of Ancient British Druidism Unveiled by Owen Morgan.
Let us now explore the national characteristics of the Welsh and how this stacks up with that of the tribe of Levi. Welsh Attributes – Similarities to Levi The Levites (as well as the Simeonites and to a lesser extent the Judahites) were quick-tempered, fierce and sometimes cruel people as we have seen (Gen 49:5-7). Wynford Vaughan-Thomas in Wales. A History noted that the Welsh “are proud to call themselves Celts. They speak a variety of the old Celtic tongues and have a speial affinity with their Celtic neighbours in Ireland and Brittany … Without the Celts there would have been no Wales… they were a race of warrior aristocrats” (p. 28) But that is not all, from what can be ascertained from the Scriptures this tribe are excellent singers, individualistic, musically gifted. How similar to the Welsh who are also known for their individualism, excellent oratory and natural singing as well as an unusual sense of duty for the caring of others. Were not the Levites the main musicians within ancient Israel? See IChron 9:33; IIChron 5:12-14; 34:12; Neh 11:22 for evidence. Recall the famous Tom Jones musically gifted to a very high degree with an incredibly powerful singing voice.
In fact, since my childhood I heard that the Welsh were the best singers in the world, producing top class singers out of all proportion to their small numbers. No wonder Wales is known around the world as the “land of song” and their distinctive link to music as part of national identity stands out among the nations.28 Their National Eisteddfod festival which has been in operation in one way or another since the 12 century (see, honours those Welsh who have made a large contribution to Welsh language and culture; it also promotes poetry, music, arts and literature. The most important ceremony during the week-long celebration is the ‘crowning of the bard’ – i.e., the winning entrant. Notice Moses’ prophecy referred to previously: “And of Levi he said, “Give to Levi your Thummim, and your Urim to your godly one, whom you tested at Massah, with whom you quarreled at the waters of Meribah;
who said of his father and mother, ‘I regard them not’; he disowned his brothers and ignored his children. For they observed your word and kept your covenant.

"They shall teach Jacob your rules and Israel your law; they shall put incense before you and whole burnt offerings on your altar.

"Bless, O LORD, his substance, and accept the work of his hands; crush the loins of his adversaries, of those who hate him, that they rise not again.” (Deut 33:8-11) 
28 A blog listing some famous Welsh singers is
This blessing of the congregation at the end of some church services (cp Num 6:23-26) may be found in ancient Israel. Is there a Levitical element within many Protestant churches?
National and Tribal Emblems
One of the most prominent national emblems is the leek. A tradition has it that when the Welsh were at war with the Saxons, a Welsh leader (king of Gwynedd) ordered his troops to wear a leek to identify themselves in contrast to the Saxons during the confusion wrought during the fighting. While this distinguished the Welsh from the Saxons, it also supposedly possessed a secret potion that helped them win the battle. While the leek is mentioned in the Bible (Num 11:5), it doesn’t appear to bear any relationship to the Levites. However, the pretty daffodil was chosen during the 19th century as the national flower while the oak is the national tree. As we have seen, the latter has Levitical significance. 
The national flag depicts a red dragon as a heraldic symbol, but it has nothing to do the devil, despite the nonsense spread by conspiracy theorists.29 It may have something to do with the Welsh for warrior or chieftain, ddraich or draig, denoting bravery. Following is a simple explanation of its origin: “The Flag of Wales incorporates the red dragon, now a popular Welsh symbol, along with the Tudor colours of green and white. It was used by Henry VII at the battle of Bosworth in 1485 after which it was carried in state to St. Paul's Cathedral. The red dragon was then included in the Tudor royal arms to signify their Welsh descent. It was officially recognised as the Welsh national flag in 1959. The British Union Flag incorporates the flags of Scotland, Ireland and England but does not have any Welsh representation. 
29 See “Dragon is a symbol of evil and paganism?”
It is thought to extend clear back to the 5th century to symbolise the withdrawal of the Romans and Welsh power restored. It could be that the dragon evolved from a bull symbol mixed with a dragon symbol found on a few Roman standards. This Roman symbol was even adopted by the kingdom of Wessex.
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Stunning number of Americans clueless about religious freedom

'Education doesn't really seem to be helping it very much'

No More Kings ~ December 16, 1773

Here at The Plain Truth, we are committed to sharing how God's Hand is Behind Todays News. 

Who we are to God, our true identity, is so important to understand as we are a nation specifically and greatly blessed through a promise He made to Abraham.

Today marks the 249th year from the happenings in Boston on December 16, 1773.  We have some great postings, two written by Bob Barney to revisit ~ "7 Moments of Divine Intervention in US History", America in Biblical History", and "The incredible relationship between the 13th Tribe and the 13 Colonies that became America!". 

See the source image

And of course, today's mention of the Boston Tea Party would be remiss without the iconic School House Rock video on the subject: