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Bob Barney Podcast: The Problem with the media coverage of the Train Derailment in Ohio

Listen to Bob Barney's View on

The Big Spill

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Hi Bob Barney here

I guess if you were like everyone else you’ve heard all about the reports coming out of Ohio East Palestine with a Norfolk Southern locomotive, pulling a whole load of that heavy duty chemicals, I guess liquid chemicals came off the track and a bunch railroad cars fell off into a ravine, split open and spilled out their cargo which contain some volatile substances like n butyl acetate and vinyl chloride. 

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Why Does God Allow Tragedy

Bob Barney_ Why Does God Allow Tragedyimage from


Hi Bob Barney here for the plaintruthtoday.

Today's story is tragedy.

A little boy is killed by a deranged monster, or some small child drowns in their family swimming pool. A soldier escapes death in Iraq only to come home and get them self shot in the streets of Chicago.

Recently, while looking up an online website which records Vietnam War deaths by the city in the state; Where they came from,  I found the only guy  died from my hometown in that terrible war. He was only one.  His name is Robert Barry and he was a lance corporal.  He went by the name Bobby Barry and the article described him as a nice, but tough kid, that I join the Marines because he had a fight with his girlfriend, and he died on October 12, 1966. I was only 11 years old he was only 19. 

I don’t know what shocked me so much about reading this. I didn’t know him, I probably never even met him, but he is the only one that died from my town in a war that killed so many guys. Yes, he died in a miserable place far away from home. Where a bunch of evil and greedy politicians sent him to fight in a war they never even intended to win.

Yeah, he had a fight with his girlfriend and she probably blamed herself for the rest of her life for his death.

Why did he die?  Greed.  It’s all about the American military industrial complex making their money.  Building arms of war,  they get rich, along with their allies in politics.

Many often wonder how these things can happen in the modern world.  People say, "how can I loving God allow such tragedies?"


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SEX and GOD and the Bible

By Bob Barney 
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It is very unfortunate that so many people have had their minds obfuscated with false religious dogma concerning sex and what God really wants us to know about the subject. You will see that God is no prude when it comes to sex and actually has given us a guideline on how to enjoy it without any guilt!    In Genesis, God creates man and woman after the GOD kind. Notice that all other created beings are created after their own kind, but man was created after God’s own kind. Note also that God says “Let US make man in OUR image”. At least two beings are talking together, and they claim to be God  (see the meaning of the word God here  ). What is the very first thing that God realized about man? “It is not good for the man to be alone.”  God does not want us to be alone. He wants us in a union with another human, just as God is one, he wants us to be one, with the helpmate that God gives us. Next notice the first command God gave to Adam and Eve. Gen 1:28   God blessed them and told them, "Multiply and fill the earth and subdue it. Be masters over the fish and birds and all the animals."  Then we read a little later this: Gen. 4:1   “Now Adam slept with his wife, Eve, and she became pregnant.” (NLT translation).    So sex was made for us to enjoy and to recreate after our own kind! We are meant to become part of the God Family. However, this command to have sex does not give us the license to have it with just anyone. Here are just SOME of the Biblical restrictions:


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Ezekiel's Prophecy concerning Israel has been misunderstood - The Warning is still to happen - in America

Bob Barney

The following short video from Garner Ted Armstrong explains something about the Book of Ezekiel in the Bible.  When Ezekiel gave his warning from God against Israel, the ancient kingdom of Israel had been "lost" for over 150 years!  So, what the heck was Ezekiel talking about?  In the series called "The Four Horsemen of Revelation" that I am discuss next week will plainly explain just who the players are in today's world.  One cannot understand prophecy without understanding who the modern people of Israel are and where they live (hint- they are NOT JEWS). Who Judah is today, or Assyria, etc., we will learn about. By the way, Israel is America, and I will prove that in this series.  I wanted to provide for you a well-done short intro by Garner Ted Armstrong on this topic.