December 2024
The Best of Bob: Do You Really Care What God Thinks?
December 31, 2024
Why We Do What We Do: Living in Today's World
December 31, 2024
Does it not at least bother you that we don't have a problem following ancient pagan customs, names for days and weeks and months, but we just don't seem to think it's important to follow the things that God wants us to do?
2024 year in review: a look back at the most gripping headlines
December 30, 2024
Reading Only the Words of Christ - Understanding God, the Bible in a Different Way
December 30, 2024
"The very first time that a person ever heard that you cannot die...hearing the immortal soul concept, was when Satan, through the form of the serpent, was talking to Eve. He said, God said you cannot eat of any of these fruits in the Garden of Eden. Eve replied, oh no, we can't eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, for if we do so, that day we will die. Satan insisted, you shall not surely die, for God knows that once you eat of that fruit, you will become like God, knowing good and evil. Give it a try. Trust me. Don't trust God.
Since then, mankind has really not been trusting God ever since and it has gotten us into a lot of problems. But that's the very first lie in the Bible" - Bob Barney
Reading Only the Words of Christ - Understanding God the Bible in a Different Way
Trump Goes Against Some MAGAites Agrees with Musk
December 30, 2024
"These visas are not the same thing as what we have with the illegal aliens running over the American border in droves without us not knowing a thing about them...whether they're criminals or anything of the sort. Musk made a post that the H-1B visas should be continued and not be a part of the deportation program...not causing it to cease. What many people don't understand history wise is that these types of people have special skills..." - Bob Barney
Musk Labels Certain MAGA Supporters As ‘Contemptible Fools’ Amid Heated Visa Debate
December 29, 2024
"Tech billionaire Elon Musk labeled a section of President-elect Trump supporters as “contemptible fools” as the online debate around visas for highly skilled workers on the right intensifies. A Trump world civil war has been brewing this week as Musk, and his “Department of Government Efficiency” (DOGE) partner Vivek Ramaswamy have found themselves on the opposite end of the legal immigration debate with the anti-immigration contingent of the MAGA base."
A True Short Story: When a B-17 Tail Fell With a Gunner Inside
December 28, 2024
World War II tail gunner Gene Moran fell four miles through the sky without a parachute and lived. Captured by the Germans, he survived a harrowing eighteen months as a prisoner of war, including a six-hundred-mile death march in 1945 across Central Europe.
When Gene returned home, he kept those memories locked up for nearly seventy years. His nine children knew little of their dad's war story. But when John, a young history teacher, learns of Gene's amazing fall, he's desperate to learn more. Finally, Gene agrees.
So begins a series of "Thursdays with Gene" interviews. Gene, nearing his ninetieth birthday, recounts incredible tales. But John has no idea what wounds he's reopening. Gene's nightmares and grief return. But both men persevere, bonded by their close and growing friendship.
As the interviews go on, John faces an ordeal of his own. His wife is fighting brain cancer. What will happen to his wife and his two young children? John must continue uncovering Gene's story of survival as he himself confronts the greatest trial of his life.
Tailspin is more than a war story. It's a story of two men's separate journeys confronting trauma and loss. It's a story of resilience and hope.
Why you need to know where today's Nations have come from and who these people really are
December 28, 2024
The Plain Truth Will Surprise you!
Today's broadcast is so very informative and a topic that not a lot of people know about. The pages of the Bible come alive through educational broadcasts such as this one and we hope you will share this with those people in your life that want to the know The Plain Truth!
Click the Link Below to Listen to Bob Barney!
How a Chicago-born reindeer and other invented customs shaped the holiday season
December 27, 2024
Have you ever wondered where the stories of Christmas come from? Are they rooted in our cherished family traditions? Surprisingly, many of the beloved customs surrounding this holiday were invented—yes, made up! In her fascinating book, Christmas: A Biography, critically acclaimed New York Times bestselling author Judith Flanders dives deep into the history of Christmas, tracing its evolution from ancient festivals to the modern traditions we know today. Did you know Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer has Chicago roots? The iconic character was created by Robert L. May in 1939 as part of a promotional campaign for Montgomery Ward. “In the mid-20th century, Montgomery Ward—a major department store chain—distributed a children’s book as a holiday gift for customers,” Flanders explains. “It was the story of Rudolph, which we now know so well.” But that’s not the end of the story...
Best of Bob: Misconceptions ~ Why You Believe What You Do
December 27, 2024
Why We Do What We Do: Activities That Can Be Traced Back to Pagan Culture
December 27, 2024
Links between holiday traditions and pagan culture are well established - and occasionally celebrated - but there are also a lot of misconceptions about paganism that make the word itself a bit taboo. Paganism isn't something to be feared or shunned. In Latin, "pagan" was simply the word for villager or civilian. Religious connotations that developed during the Middle Ages made pagans into heathens rather than outsiders. With all that in mind, there continues to be a pervasive presence of paganism in the modern world.
Tsunami: the moment when everything changed - Full documentary in English
December 26, 2024
It is one of the memories that some wish they had never experienced. It killed more than 230,000 people, including 95 French people, destroyed the coasts of 13 countries and left thousands destitute. Fifteen years have passed and yet no one has forgotten the 2004 tsunami on the coasts of the Indian Ocean. December 26, 2004, 9:30 a.m. Hundreds of tourists lounge by the swimming pools of luxury hotels in Thailand. Some are having breakfast, others are finishing getting ready before going on an excursion. They are far from imagining that in a few minutes, nothing will remain of these heavenly places. Deep in the ocean, a cataclysm is brewing.
The Plain Truth is That Peace is Coming to this World: The Real Jesus and His Message - Garner Ted Armstrong
December 26, 2024
This is a timeless show from the late Garner Ted Armstrong back in 1974! 50 years ago, and it is as timely today as it was 50 years ago. A new world is coming, and you will not be able to stop for it. You won't vote for it, and heck, you may not believe it- but it is coming, as sure as the sun will rise...
The best of the big news you can hear is that human kind will survive, that wars will be outlawed, there would be a system of controls and inspection and that war, the material for war will be abolished from the surface of this earth, vast agrarian reforms, linguistic reforms, education for the entirety of the human race, watering of the desert places, the creation of the good life for everyone, all nations giving up individual sovereignty, all nations beginning to learn to speak the same languages...
Why We Do What We Do: Common Words with Surprising Mythological Origins
December 26, 2024
Have you ever wondered why the days of the week are named the way they are? Sunday and Monday are named after the sun and moon, which makes sense, but then we've also got Saturday, which is named after the Roman god Saturn. And then, just to shake things up, the remaining four days of the week are named after the Norse gods Tyr (Tuesday), Odin/Woden (Wednesday), Thor (Thursday), and Frigg/Freya (Friday). Just as many common phrases derive from outdated traditions, words associated with mythology are indelibly bound to our vocabulary. Here are some of the most intriguing examples.
The Full History of Christmas - Documentary
December 25, 2024
In this video, we take a look at origins of the world's most popular holiday, from the first Christmas to the raucous Medieval Christmases, to the development of the modern holiday and its major traditions, and more.
The History Channel's The Real Story of Christmas
December 25, 2024
The Best of Bob: Bob Barney Discusses God's Calendar and When the Day Really Begins...and You Can Prove it in the Bible!
December 24, 2024
God’s Calendar
The Story of Noah’s ark proves God’s True Calendar!
The Bible Demands a Morning Day for the Sabbath
When does the day begin?
Why We Do What We Do: Christmas, Calendar, Days of the Week
December 24, 2024
Michael Rood : A Different Christmas - Chemosh as Satan Claus - ERRR Santa Claus
December 24, 2024
The SHOCKING History of the Sabbath: How It Was Changed from Saturday to Sunday
December 23, 2024
The Following Video is not an endorsement of the presenter, but it is a good primer on the Sabbath Day- Which starts on Saturday Morning at Sunrise thru what we call Sunday at sunrise.
The Plain Truth about CHRISTMAS
December 23, 2024
This video addresses the controversial origins of Christmas, delving into its pagan roots and questioning whether it should matter to Christians. The narrator highlights the widespread celebration of Christmas despite its non-Christian origins and emphasizes the need to consider the implications. The discussion covers the historical adoption of December 25th as the date for Christmas and the blending of pagan traditions with Christian beliefs.
Christmas and The Plain Truth Today with Bob Barney
December 23, 2024
"...if you listen and read the plain truth and listen to the Plain Truth Today broadcast for the next week or so, you're going to find out some shocking details about what Christmas really means, where it really came from, and it has nothing to do with the Christian religion, and it has nothing to do with Jesus Christ..." - Bob Barney
Exposed: Our Corrupt Bureaucracy
December 22, 2024
Host Scot Bertram talks with Mark Moyar, the William P. Harris Chair of Military History at Hillsdale College, who provides an insider’s view of the federal bureaucracy’s corruption and its failures to protect employees from retaliation, as detailed in his new book, Masters of Corruption: How the Federal Bureaucracy Sabotaged the Trump Presidency. And Jason Peters, associate professor of English at Hillsdale College, continues a series on the life and work of farmer-poet Wendell Berry. This time, Peters summarizes Berry's views on technology and gives insight on his essay titled "Why I Am Not Going to Buy a Computer."
Click on Link Below to go to the YouTube Broadcast
The Poor Traveller by Charles Dickens
December 21, 2024
Thanks to his seminal 1843 novel A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens is often credited with inventing winter festivities as we know them. His book of literary favorites, including Ebenezer Scrooge, Tiny Tim and the host of Christmas ghosts, are thought to define the 'Dickensian Christmas'.. Although The Plain Truth exposes the REAL CHRISTMAS as a pagan ungodly celebration, we still think our viewers and listeners should be familiar with the subject... Tonight's Short Story is from the Master of Modern Christmas....