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Reading Only the Words of Christ - Understanding God, the Bible in a Different Way


"The very first time that a person ever heard that you cannot die...hearing the immortal soul concept, was when Satan, through the form of the serpent, was talking to Eve. He said, God said you cannot eat of any of these fruits in the Garden of Eden. Eve replied, oh no, we can't eat of the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil, for if we do so, that day we will die. Satan insisted, you shall not surely die, for God knows that once you eat of that fruit, you will become like God, knowing good and evil. Give it a try. Trust me. Don't trust God.


Since then, mankind has really not been trusting God ever since and it has gotten us into a lot of problems. But that's the very first lie in the Bible" - Bob Barney


 Reading Only the Words of Christ - Understanding God the Bible in a Different Way

