The Clinton File Feed

Trump accuses Hillary Clinton campaign of TREASON

They and she ARE!

Hillary Clinton's campaign paid tech firm to 'infiltrate' Trump Tower and White House

Donald Trump has furiously accused Hillary Clinton's election campaign of treason after a special counsel said her team had tried to spy on his White House servers in a bid to find ties to Russia to smear him with. The former president unleashed a furious broadside on Saturday, claiming that Team Clinton's behavior would once have merited execution, after Special Counsel John Durham made a court filing explaining the alleged hack. Trump said: 'This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate and those who were involved in and knew about this spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution.' Trump continued: 'In a stronger period of time in our country, this crime would have been punishable by death. In addition, reparations should be paid to those in our country who have been damaged by this.' The behavior described in the filings is akin to what Democrats have repeatedly accused Team Trump of doing since 2016, without providing any evidence in support of their claims. He spoke after special counsel John Durham - a Trump appointee - made the filing alleging treason. Hillary Clinton's election campaign paid money to a tech firm to 'infiltrate' servers that were at Trump Tower, and later the White House. According to a filing from Special Counsel John Durham (inset), the aim was to try and smear Trump by linking him to Russia, which had been accused of meddling in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. Durham's motion that was filed on Friday looked a potential conflicts of interest with regards to former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussman, who has been charged with making a false statement to a federal agent. Durham explains that at Sussman's trial, the government will prove how Rodney Joffe (top right) was able to able to see what websites were being viewed on computers at Trump Tower, Trump's Central Park West apartment and at the White House.

The Clinton Body Count - It's not healthy being a friend (or a Foe) of a Clinton! -UPDATED

Since yet another Clinton-ista, Jeff Epstein committed "suicide" the other day- it's worth running this again...

Does anyone reading this list know even 10 people closely who was murdered?  Yet the Clinton's know 100! All I know if you are on a future Clinton death list, don't worry about what you eat. Eat all the fat, fast foods you can enjoy, down 40 liters of cola a day - you will never die from a health issue-but you will die young!


The names on the various Internet lists varies from one website to another, but these are among those most frequently cited as possible victims of a vast Clinton conspiracy. 

Kevin Ives and Don Henry (above), both 17, crushed by a train, August 23, 1987. Their deaths were ruled accidental, with the medical examiner saying they had fallen asleep on a railroad line after smoking marijuana, but a grand jury found they had been murdered before being placed on the tracks. They had allegedly stumbled on a plot to smuggle drugs and guns from an airport in Mena, Arkansas that Bill Clinton was said to be involved in as state governor.

Victor Raiser, 53, small plane crash, July 30, 1992. The second finance co-chair of Bill Clinton's presidential campaign was killed along with his son during a fishing vacation in Alaska. Campaign press secretary Dee Dee Myers called Raiser a major player in the organization.

Paul Tully, 48, apparent heart attack, September 25, 1992. A chain-smoking, heavy drinking political consultant who weighed in at more than 320 lb. Tully died seven weeks before Clinton's first presidential election win. He had been political director of the DNC during Clinton's rise. Tully was on the left of the Democratic Party and usually worked for those who shared his views, however he agreed to work for Clinton because he was impressed with his oratory and thought he was the only Democrat who could beat President George Bush.

Paula Gober, 36, single car accident, December 7, 1992. She was Clinton's interpreter for the deaf for several years and traveled with him while he was governor of Arkansas. Her vehicle overturned on a bend, throwing her 30 feet. There were no witnesses.

Vince Foster, 48, committed suicide on July 20, 1993. He was an Arkansas lawyer who Bill appointed as deputy White House counsel when he became president in 1993. It didn't take long for Foster, 48, to realize he had made a terrible mistake by accepting the post. He hated the work and fell into a deep depression. Just six months into the job, his body was found in his car in Fort Marcy Park, Virginia, a gun in his hand and a suicide note torn into 27 pieces in the trunk.

Stanley Heard, 47, small plane crash, September 10, 1993. An Arkansas chiropractor who, according to the book, A Profession of One's Own, treated the Clinton family, Heard was asked by Bill Clinton to represent the practice as plans for 'Hillarycare' were being finalized. His attorney Steve Dickson, was flying him home from a healthcare meeting in Washington DC just eight months into the Clinton presidency. On the way to the capital from his home in Kansas, Dickson's small plane developed problems so he landed in St. Louis and rented another plane. That rented plane was the one that crashed in rural Virginia, killing both men.


Edward Willey Jr, 60,   Willey, 60, was having serious money problems and his wife, a volunteer aide in the White House, agreed to ask Bill Clinton for a paid job. Their meeting ended when Clinton allegedly forced himself on her in the Oval Office, kissing her, fondling her breast and pushing her hand on to his genitals.

Four years later Kathleen Willey wrote a book in which she put forward a theory that the Clintons may have had her husband murdered. She said after his death, a friend had told her that Ed had confided that he took briefcases full of cash to the Clintons' base in Little Rock, Arkansas during Bill's first presidential campaign.

Herschel Friday, 70, small plane crash, March 1, 1994. Friday was an Arkansas lawyer who Richard Nixon had once considered for the Supreme Court. Friday was known as a benefactor of Bill Clinton, serving on his campaign finance committee.

Kathy Ferguson, 37, gun suicide, May 11, 1994. She was the ex-wife of Arkansas State Trooper Danny Ferguson, who was named in a sexual harassment suit brought by Paula Jones against Bill Clinton. Ferguson left a note blaming problems with her fiancé, Bill Shelton. A month later Shelton, upset about the suicide verdict, killed himself.

Ron Brown (above),  54, plane crash, April 3, 1996. Brown was chair of the Democratic National Committee during Bill Clinton's rise to the presidential nomination and was rewarded with the cabinet position. He was under a corruption investigation when his plane slammed into a mountainside in Croatia. Doctors who examined his body found a circular wound on the top of his head which led to suspicions that he had died before the plane crashed, but that theory was later discounted. The crash was attributed to pilot error.

Charles Meissner, 56, same plane crash as Brown. Meissner was assistant secretary for international trade and had been criticized for allegedly giving special security clearance to John Huang, who later pleaded guilty to federal conspiracy charges for violating campaign finance laws, in a case that enmeshed the Clinton administration.

Barbara Wise, 48, natural causes, November 29, 1996. Wise, who worked alongside Brown, Meissner and Huang in the Commerce Department was found dead at her desk on the day after Thanksgiving 1996. Her death was originally classified as a homicide but police later said Wise, 48, who had a history of severe ill health, had died from natural causes. A local TV station initially quoted an unidentified police source as saying her body was partially nude and her office was locked, but those reports were also later denied.

 Mary Mahoney (above) was just 25 when she was gunned down along with two assistants at the Washington D.C. Starbucks in 1997 where she was night manager. Mahoney, a lesbian, was also a White House intern and gay rights activist who reportedly acted as a 'mother-figure' to various women who had allegedly been sexually harassed by Bill Clinton.

John Ashe (above), 61, a politician and former president of the United Nations General Assembly, was pumping iron at his home in Dobbs Ferry, New York on June 22 when he dropped the weight. He died from 'traumatic asphyxiation.  Ashe was about to stand trial in a corruption case for allegedly receiving $500,000 from billionaire real estate developer Ng Lap Seng. Ng was involved in a fundraising scandal and named in a 1998 Senate report for illegally funneling hundreds of thousands of dollars to the DNC during Bill Clinton's presidency. 'During the trial, the prosecutors would have linked Ashe to the Clinton bagman Ng. It would have been very embarrassing. His death was conveniently timed,' The New York Post reported.

Mark Weiner, 62, died on July 26. He had been due to be part of the Rhode Island delegation to the convention but pulled out due to ill health. However, Weiner, who was suffering from leukemia, still planned to travel to Philadelphia to see Bill Clinton speak and was dressing for the trip when he suddenly said he felt ill. Weiner, who raised prodigious amounts of money for both Clintons, never woke up. Both Bill and Hillary attended his funeral in Providence last week, with the former president giving the eulogy, remembering his old pal as 'forever young, forever exuberant … always just a little too much.'

Victor Thorn, 54, a journalist and strong critic of the couple climbed a mountain near his State College, Pennsylvania home on his August 1  birthday and shot himself to death. He wrote a trilogy of books on the Clintons, devoting one of the books to the number of their contacts who had mysteriously died

Shawn Lucas (above), 38,  a lawyer who supported Bernie Sanders, was found dead on August 2 on the bathroom floor of his Washington DC apartment. Just a month earlier he had attempted to serve papers on Wasserman-Schultz in a fraud case that alleges the party had unfairly favored Hillary Clinton in the primaries over Sanders. A video of Lucas taking the papers to the DNC's Washington headquarters has been viewed almost 400,000 times as of Wednesday morning on YouTube. In it, Lucas, who was said to have been a Sanders supporter and worked for a company called One Source Process, calls serving the papers 'the most gratifying thing I have ever done.' Lucas's mother Susan told Daily Mail Online the family is currently awaiting results of an autopsy and she does not know why her son died. 'He was a young man — 38. He was in good health,' she said. 'But these things happen when people in seemingly good health suddenly die.

The list of deaths associated with people who had worked with Clinton was originally drawn up by right-wing radio personality Linda Thompson. She too died early in May 2009. She was 56 when she took an overdose of medication prescribed for a gastric bypass surgery she had had more than a decade earlier.


Obama 'takedown' prevented Flynn from exposing CIA corruption

Joe Biden, right, and Barack Obama (Pixabay)

Amid new evidence of the direct involvement of President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden in the prosecution of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, the onetime national security adviser's lawyer is putting a spotlight on one of the likely motives.

Sidney Powell disclosed in an interview that Flynn was prepared to expose massive corruption by U.S. intelligence agencies under Obama, led by then-CIA Director John Brennan.

That is, in part, why federal agents "set up" Flynn, Powell told the "Vickie McKenna Show" on WIBA in Madison, Wisconsin, reported LifeZette.

"He was going to audit the intel agencies because he knew about the billions Brennan and company were running off the books," Powell said.


Charlie Daniels: Marine confirms Hillary vetoed sending 250 fighters to Benghazi

See story by me :The Real Benghazi Story that you won't read anywhere else

A Marine who says he was in the area during the terror attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, says then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton delayed help for the ambassador and others who were killed.

The testimony comes from Jon Myers, who tweeted, "I was the officer in charge of the Marine response after the Benghazi attack of 2012, in which the American consulate was destroyed and the ambassador murdered. Our mission was to reinforce the embassy.

"I was in charge of a program that had a company of Marines aboard a U.S. Navy amphibious ship (USS McHenry) conducting amphibious landing exercises around Africa. After the attack happened, we were re-tasked to respond and protect the embassy. We came up with a plan that included inserting 250 Marines and all their weaponry using Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft, refueling in flight with Air Force tankers, inserting directly into the embassy," he wrote.

He went on: "Unbeknownst to most, the State Dept. must approve of military action to reinforce embassies and consulates. At the last minute, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said our plans and actions would 'send the wrong message' and that we didn't want to appear to be 'invading the Middle East.' Keep in mind, the American ambassador was just murdered and his body assaulted in a terrorist attack timed to coincide with the 9/11 anniversary. Ultimately, we were directed to insert the Marines via commercial type aircraft and then chartered bus, and not in uniform. In addition to exposing the Marines to incredible risk, it ensured massive delays as well."


Hillary labeling Trumps 'Ahab and Jezebel'??? The term fits her and Bill!

image from pbs.twimg.comAnyone familiar with Jonathan Cahn's New York Times bestseller "The Paradigm"would find plenty of irony in Hillary Clinton's veiled comparison of Donald and Melania Trump to the infamous biblical king Ahab and his tyrannical, co-leader wife, Jezebel.

Clinton made the reference Friday at the memorial service of Rep. Elijah Cummings in Baltimore, pointing out the congressman shared a name with the Old Testament prophet who dramatically confronted Ahab and Jezebel.

"Like the prophet, our Elijah could call down fire from heaven, but he also prayed and worked for healing," she said. "He weathered storms and earthquakes but never lost his faith. Like that Old Testament prophet, he stood against corrupt leadership of King Ahab and Queen Jezebel."

But look at the FACTS!

  • Jezebel was raised under the worship of the goddess Ashtoreth, a symbol of female power, while Hillary Clinton is a longtime advocate of radical feminism.
  • Jezebel championed Baal worship, featuring the offering of children, while Hillary Clinton has been a major advocate of abortion.
  • Jezebel married Ahab, the king of the religiously conservative nation of Israel, and Hillary Clinton married Bill Clinton, the governor of the Bible Belt state of Arkansas.
  • Jezebel and Hillary Clinton both viewed religious conservatives as their enemies
  • Jezebel, with her husband, established Israel's first co-regency, while Bill and Hillary Clinton touted America's first "co-presidency."
  • Ahab reigned in government and on the public stage for 22 years, while Bill Clinton was in government for the same period of time, from 1979 to 2001.
  • The scandals of Ahab and Jezebel involved their appropriating of real estate and the death of the man connected to that land, Naboth.  The scandals of Bill and Hillary Clinton were marked by their Whitewater real estate deal and the death of a man connected to the scandal, Vince Foster.

Read the rest here>>>>


No. 1 suspect in Epstein’s death: The Clintons

image from thenypost.files.wordpress.comThe apparent murder of Jeffrey Epstein last weekend – a felon who sexually abused and exploited underage girls – came as no surprise. Likely murdered in a federal prison, when he was supposed to be on “suicide watch,” can only be explained by realizing that this was likely a “Mafia hit.”

The No. 1 user and abuser of Epstein’s evil was of course former President Bill Clinton, who it is known traveled on Epstein’s private plane with underage girls at least 23 times.

Clinton is known for his obsessive, unhinged and perverted sexual abuse of women, and the Monica Lewinsky scandal is just one small example. I know personally because I represented the women who were sexually and otherwise abused by “Slick Willy” during the Clinton years. And who was the person who sought to harm and did harm these women? You guessed it – Hillary Clinton, who had the IRS sicced on them, sent private investigators to threaten their children and did other felonious deeds to keep their mouths shut, especially during the impeachment proceedings, which I as the founder of Judicial Watch helped start.   MORE

Epstein had a Painting of Bill Clinton--IN A BLUE DRESS in his Manhattan mansion!

Did Jeffrey Epstein 'have portrait of Bill Clinton in blue dress and red heels in his NYC

Jeffrey Epstein had a bizarre portrait which appeared to be of Bill Clinton in a dress hanging  , DailyMailTV can reveal. The picture depicting the former president apparently lounging on a chair in the Oval Office wearing red heels and a telling blue dress was in a room off the stairway of the Upper East Side townhouse. The painting was secretly snapped inside the pedophile's lavish $56 million home in October 2012, four years after Epstein completed his sweetheart deal for prostitution of a minor and seven years before he was accused of running a sex trafficking ring of underage girls. It is another twist in the complicated relationship between Clinton and Epstein, with the former president admitting knowing him but denying he was aware of his crimes.

Top FBI lawyer told Congress he wanted Hillary Clinton prosecuted

James Baker, the former general counsel for the FBI, told Congress that he thought Hillary Clinton should have been prosecuted until 'pretty late' in the Department of Justice's investigation.

James Baker, the former general counsel for the FBI, is under investigation for unauthorized leaks to the media
James Baker, the former general counsel for the FBI, is under investigation for unauthorized leaks to the media

Baker told Congress, according to Fox News, that Clinton's team should have known that as secretary of state she'd be receiving and sending 'highly classified' information over email and needed to be using a secure network. 

In closed-door testimony he told lawmakers that DOJ officials had internal arguments about whether to bring charges against Clinton. 

Baker said that her personally found her behavior to be 'alarming' and 'appalling' but other high-level officials were convinced that she did not have 'knowledge or criminal intent' when she used a secret server and personal email to conduct government business.

Leaked government memos show that former FBI director James Comey, at least, had decided months before speaking to Clinton that she was not likely to be prosecuted. 


Search engine accused of hiding negative stories during Hillary's campaign 

This is a story, first published by The Plain Truth August 24, 2016- TWO YEARS AGO, nobody else carried, now after latest hearing MSM is admitting this!Google has been accused of burying internet searches about an infamous list of mysterious deaths and murders of people allegedly connected to the Clintons.

image from i0.wp.comThe search engine altered an algorithm to prevent searches for 'Clinton body count' from auto-completing, InfoWars reports.

Yet when internet users begin to enter the phrase on the likes of Bing or Yahoo search engines, the phrase auto-completes as the top result.

On Google, stories about the Clinton body count are buried under the top results about car repair shops in Clinton.

Scroll down fro video 

Google has been accused of burying internet searches about an infamous list of mysterious deaths and murders of people allegedly connected to the Clintons

Google has been accused of burying internet searches about an infamous list of mysterious deaths and murders of people allegedly connected to the Clintons

The Plain Truth has the count HERE
also Read:


image from

Murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich The unsolved case of Democratic National Committee data


 This is a scandal so huge that it could blow all of the other Clinton scandals totally out of the water. It is being alleged that 18 to 20 CIA sources were either killed or imprisoned in China from 2010 to 2012 because the Chinese were reading all of Hillary Clinton’s emails as soon as they were sent or received.   MORE and Video


Again proof that Obama and other Top Level people knew!  LIARS ALL

Hillary Clinton’s private e-mail server was not a secondary server to her State Department one, it was her only one.

The State Department has always known this, yet it has flown almost completely under the radar.



image from

Murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich

The unsolved case of Democratic National Committee data analyst Seth Rich’s death shares some eerie similarities with many mysterious deaths of individuals linked to former President Bill Clinton and twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.    Just as in the Rich case, several of the people who died mysterious deaths were shot spontaneously and in public places, sometimes from behind, sometimes by unknown assailants and often just before they were set to release incriminating evidence concerning the Clintons’ activities. In most cases, there were no signs of theft at the crime scenes. And while some of the deaths were ruled suicides, other cases remain a mystery.

The Clinton Death List Continues to Grow

The Story below is the latest "suicide" of someone investigating the Clinton's..... Here is a list of other stories:

image from
The Clinton Body Count - It's not healthy being a friend (or a Foe) of a Clinton!

Another Clinton Death: How Bill Clinton’s Penthouse Pet lover died in a mysterious house fire


Google buries 'Clinton body count'

Scott: Third Prominent Official to Commit Suicide in Chicago

BREAKING: Prominent Anti-Hillary ClintonResearcher, FOUND DEAD at 54!


Another Clinton Enemy Killed? The Clinton Death List Grows again

image from static5.businessinsider.comA Wall Street analyst who spoke to Peter Smith the day before he reportedly committed suicide told the Daily Caller News Foundation there were no indications the Chicago businessman and anti-Clinton political investigator was about to take his life.

“He may have been a fantastic actor but I certainly didn’t leave that phone call saying, ‘oh shit, the guy’s at the end of his rope,’” Charles Ortel, a Wall Street investment banker and market analyst, told The Daily Caller News Foundation’s (TheDCNF) Investigative Group.

“This does not seem like a settled story. It made perfect sense to me he might have died of natural causes, but little chance he would have killed himself,” Ortel said.

Ortel and Smith shared a common interest in the Clintons. Ortel has dug deeply into the financial operations of the Clinton Foundation. He first came to public attention in 2007 by exposing questionable accounting practices at General Electric. Ortel has similarly expressed doubts about the circumstances of Seth Rich’s murder — which police have concluded was a robbery gone wrong — commending those “who are trying to discover why so many people close to the last election have died along the way.”  MORE

Exposed: FBI Director James Comey’s Clinton Foundation Connection


image from media.breitbart.comWho Is Peter Comey?

When our source called the Chinatown offices of D.C. law firm DLA Piper and asked for “Peter Comey,” a receptionist immediately put him through to Comey’s direct line. But Peter Comey is not featured on the DLA Piper website.

Peter Comey serves as “Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas” for DLA Piper. James Comey was not questioned about his relationship with Peter Comey in his confirmation hearing.

DLA Piper is the firm that performed the independent audit of the Clinton Foundation in November during Clinton-World’s first big push to put the email scandal behind them. DLA Piper’s employees taken as a whole represent a major Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign donation bloc and Clinton Foundation donation base.

DLA Piper ranks #5 on Hillary Clinton’s all-time career Top Contributors list, just ahead of Goldman Sachs.

And here is another thing: Peter Comey has a mortgage on his house that is owned by his brother James Comey, the FBI director.

Who Is Peter Comey?

When our source called the Chinatown offices of D.C. law firm DLA Piper and asked for “Peter Comey,” a receptionist immediately put him through to Comey’s direct line. But Peter Comey is not featured on the DLA Piper website.

Peter Comey serves as “Senior Director of Real Estate Operations for the Americas” for DLA Piper. James Comey was not questioned about his relationship with Peter Comey in his confirmation hearing.

DLA Piper is the firm that performed the independent audit of the Clinton Foundation in November during Clinton-World’s first big push to put the email scandal behind them. DLA Piper’s employees taken as a whole represent a major Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign donation bloc and Clinton Foundation donation base.

DLA Piper ranks #5 on Hillary Clinton’s all-time career Top Contributors list, just ahead of Goldman Sachs.

And here is another thing: Peter Comey has a mortgage on his house that is owned by his brother James Comey, the FBI director.


EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Aides Threatened Prime Minister’s Son With IRS Audit

The Clinton Crime Family Still goes unpunished.

Hillary Clinton’s Department of State aides threatened a South Asian prime minister’s son with an IRS audit in an attempt to stop a Bangladesh government investigation of a close friend and donor of Clinton’s, The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group learned.

A Bangladesh government commission was investigating multiple charges of financial mismanagement at Grameen Bank, beginning in May 2012. Muhammad Yunus, a major Clinton Foundation donor, served as managing director of the bank.

Sajeeb Wazed Joy, son of Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina and permanent U.S. resident, recalled the account of the threatened IRS audit to TheDCNF. The allegations mark the first known instance in the U.S. that Clinton’s Department of State used IRS power to intimidate a close relative of a friendly nation’s head of state on behalf of a Clinton Foundation donor.
Read more:

The Death of a Political Crime Family - The Clinton's

After 40 years of sex, lies and scandals, the Clintons are to leave public life

The first whiff of scandal to surround the Clintons began with the 1993 sacking of the seven employees in the White House Travel Office, soon after Bill had become President (Travelgate, top left). 'Whitewater' was the key financial scandal of the Clinton presidency (top centre). Mr Clinton's predatory approach to young females was first described by Paula Jones, an Arkansas state employee (top right). Clinton was impeached in December 1998 on charges of perjury and obstruction of justice (below left). Mired in legal fees from their run-ins with prosecutors, the Clintons set about making money from their White House years (below centre). It emerged that while Secretary of State, Mrs Clinton had been using a vulnerable private email server to send classified information (below right). Death of a dynasty that was rotten to its core:   MORE

THE WIKILEAKS LIST: At Least 65 MSM Reporters Were Meeting with Top Hillary Advisors

A few of the “journalists” meeting offline with Hillary advisers

Thanks to Wikileaks we now know that at least 65 mainstream reporters were working closely with the Clinton campaign this election year. They were invited to top elitist dinners with Hillary Campaign Chairman John Podesta or Chief Campaign strategist Joel Benenson.


These 65 mainstream reporters CAN NEVER BE TRUSTED:

As previously reported— At least 38 top national reporters attended a different dinner at John Podesta’s house in April 2015.

The Clinton campaign sent out invites to New York reporters in April 2015 on their off-the-record meeting on how to sell Hillary Clinton to the public.


Clinton Press Secretary Caught on Camera Planting Softball Question With Reporter

Underscoring Donald Trump’s charge that the media is rigged, video footage shows Hillary Clinton’s traveling press secretary Nick Merrill appearing to type a softball question for NBC reporter Andrea Mitchell, which she subsequently asks Clinton.

The incident occurred on HIllary’s campaign plane shortly after Wednesday night’s debate.

Merrill is clearly seen typing something into his phone before he presents it to Mitchell. Merrill then waits for Mitchell to acknowledge that she understood the message.

Moments later, Mitchell delivers a softball question, asking Hillary, “How did you feel when he [Trump] said, you know, ‘Nasty woman, nasty woman,’ and ‘You’re a puppet,’ and … the issue of Vladimir Putin?”

The question is clearly not well constructed and appears to have been clumsily put together on the spot by Mitchell based off the message Merrill showed her.

At 1:44 in the video below, Merrill is also seen signaling to another reporter in the crowd by air tapping his finger on his phone, suggesting that he just text messaged another planted question.


Another Clinton Death: How Bill Clinton’s Penthouse Pet lover died in a mysterious house fire

But nobody in the media cares how many people the Clinton's Killed

As more and more women line up to tell their stories about sex with Bill Clinton - both consensual and forced - there is one who is unable to relive the details of her alleged affair.

Penthouse Pet Judi Gibbs died in a mysterious house fire in 1986 amid rumors that she had pictures that proved she and the then-Governor of Arkansas had been regular sex partners.

And even now, 30 years after she died alongside her much-older other lover, doubts remain about how and why Gibbs and her long-time beau Bill Puterbaugh met their grizzly deaths.

But now has pieced together the life and death of Judi Gibbs, telling for the first time how the auburn-haired woman from a pin-prick of an Arkansas town managed to bed the man who went on to be one of the most powerful men in the world.

Penthouse Pet Judi Gibbs died in a mysterious house fire in 1986 amid rumors she was having an affair with Bill Clinton
But questions still remain as to whether or not she was killed because Clinton and his advisers feared the affair would become public
Gibbs died of smoke inhalation when she was 32, alongside her her long-time beau, 57-year-old Bill Puterbaugh outside Fordyce, Arkansas

Read more: 

Google buries 'Clinton body count'

Search engine accused of hiding negative stories during Hillary's campaign 

Google has been accused of burying internet searches about an infamous list of mysterious deaths and murders of people allegedly connected to the Clintons.

The search engine altered an algorithm to prevent searches for 'Clinton body count' from auto-completing, InfoWars reports.

Yet when internet users begin to enter the phrase on the likes of Bing or Yahoo search engines, the phrase auto-completes as the top result.

On Google, stories about the Clinton body count are buried under the top results about car repair shops in Clinton.

Scroll down fro video 

Google has been accused of burying internet searches about an infamous list of mysterious deaths and murders of people allegedly connected to the Clintons

Google has been accused of burying internet searches about an infamous list of mysterious deaths and murders of people allegedly connected to the Clintons

The Plain Truth has the count HERE